Chapter 41

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(Picture of Lucas)

Before I could even think about walking towards Nick, Brooke touched my arm gently and gave it a tiny tug towards the other side of backstage where the rest of the girls were. It was only when we got to the girls did I realise why Brooke had led me. Abby appeared behind us and gestured for us to start stretching.

Abby was peering over at Nick's team with scrutinising eyes, watching their every move. I don't know why Abby was here but I was assuming it was because she didn't want Cathy to do anything or she was trying to intimidate them. Nick had told me once how Abby scared him a little but whenever they were competing against her, he was never too scared or nervous. He said that he didn't know why he did that but I think that it's because he knows that he's far more talented than any of Abby's dancers.

That includes me.

Only when the Candy Apples were about to go on after the group that was already performing did Miss Abby leave the room but not before giving us a long speech about how we need to win. When I was sure that Abby was gone I made my way over to Nick. It wouldn't be long before the competition would be over and I would have to leave Nick. With our busy dance schedules it was hard to find a time when we could meet up between dancing, competitions and school.

I went up behind Nick's shoulder and tapped it. He stopped talking to Lucas and turned towards me. "Sorry for interrupting but I just wanted to wish you luck." Nick wrapped his arm around me and pulled me beside him. "That's fine, Taylor. Lucas, you remember Taylor?"

Lucas was pretty short as he was on the younger side but I didn't know his age, had dark brown or some would say black hair and brown eyes. If you were 8 then you would say that he was cute.

"Yeah I remember talking to you on the phone and we met you at that competition didn't we?" Lucas said with a questioning look on his face obviously trying to see if he was wrong.

"Yeah we did." I confirmed. "Well, it's nice to see you again."

Nick pulled me a bit closer to him and quietly said, "I was going to see you before but Abby was there and she was staring creepily at us."

"I know, it creeped me out just seeing her do that so I can't imagine what you must have felt having it directed towards you. Poor you will be having nightmares of her stare from now on."

"I won't ever be able to go to sleep now." Nick smiled but then looked out towards the stage where the other group was starting to finish up. "We'll be going on soon."

"I'm sure you'll do great, Nick."

He smiled at me, gave me a kiss on the cheek and got ready in his position behind the curtains so that he could come on as he was called. I moved over to the girls and watched from the sidelines as Nick's team was called out onto the stage. They walked out fiercely and I could already tell that their dance was going to be hard to beat.

The music played and I could hear powerful strings before it became a dark and powerful orchestra. This wasn't my kind of music, I was into more of the heavy and punk stuff, but I had always had a deep appreciation for this kind of music. Something about it made my insides go funny and it filled me with a drive. A drive to do what, I don't know but I just felt the drive in me.

They started to dance powerfully, just like I expected. From what I gathered from the dance and the name, it was a battle. I guess that this was Cathy's way of saying that she was going to beat Abby. As they danced I couldn't keep my eyes off of Nick. He was such a talented dancer.

Not too soon later, they were finished with the dance and came off of the stage. Nick walked behind the curtain and when he did I ran right up to him and gave him a hug. "You were amazing! I can't believe that you can dance that well." I released him from the hug and teasingly said, "You need to teach me to dance like that sometime."

"I'll see how you go first before I offer to give you any lessons. Maybe you could give me some hip hop lessons though." Nick smiled at me and pulled me in close to him. "Good luck with your dance, I can't wait to see you."

Pulling away from him I gave him one more smile, kissed him lightly on the cheek so that I didn't smudge my lipstick, Abby would kill me if she noticed, and went over to the girls. We did our ritual which consisted of wishing each other luck then kissing our hands and putting them on our hearts, knees and feet. It was something that the girls had started last year so I had joined in on it.

We were finally called and we gracefully ran out with our toes pointed and big smiles on our faces while trying not to look like an idiot. We got into our positions where mine consisted of kneeling on one foot on the ground, resting my hands on my knees and face with a huge smile on my face.

The music started and Maddie did the opening scene where she did a few steps and turns before we all joined in. On our cue, I brought my knee down to the ground and rolled over before standing up. We formed a line and did a few complicated steps. We pretended that we were all excited and were dancing around really quickly. As much as I loved dancing, the dance couldn't finish quick enough because by the time it finished I was exhausted. I really need to work on my stamina.

We walked off the same way that we walked on and breathed heavily as I walked into Nick's open arms. "You did great!" He exclaimed with his breath back to normal after having had a break. "Thanks," I barely made out with my breathing. "I'm so unfit."

"No the dance was just fast." He insisted lifting my head up with his hand. "And you were amazing no matter what." With that our lips connected with a soft and gentle kiss, it didn't last too long as we were still in public but it lasted long enough for Abby to see.

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