Chapter 9: The Pact

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Ivy couldn't sleep that night. One particular thought was keeping her up.


"There are seven of us brothers in all, and I am the eldest." Lucifer hummed.

"... Anyway, the long and short of it is that us seven brothers all live here together." Mammon explained.

The oldest brother... Lucifer
The second oldest... Mammon
The third oldest... Levi
The fourth oldest... Satan
The fifth oldest... Asmo
The sixth oldest... Beel
The seventh and youngest...?

-End of Flashback-

Ivy couldn't sleep. Those thoughts were keeping her awake. Levi then texted her about the situation and told her to go to the kitchen. Ivy complied.


Ivy stepped inside. Someone was eating. Ivy tried to walk away, but the person stopped her. "Not so fast."

Ivy turned around and faced the person she associated the voice with, Beelzebub. "Are you going to pretend like you didn't see me here, or is it that you're planning to go tell on me? Meh, I guess it doesn't matter either way. Anyway, what're you doing in the kitchen so late?"

Ivy made up an excuse. "I was hungry."

Beel smiled at her. "Ah, you're hungry? That makes two of us, then. In that case, I understand. When you start feeling hungry in the middle of the night, it's not like you can just wait until morning to eat. Oh, and the refrigerator's empty. I already ate everything in there. What? Is there something you wanted to talk with me about?"

"Who is the seventh brother?"

Beel went quiet before his features contorted into a sort of anger. Ivy flinched as he began to speak again. "... Now listen, don't you ever mention him in front of Lucifer. Just so we're clear, I'm not going to tell you anything, either. Lucifer would yell at me if I did. And don't bother asking any of my brothers, either. No one talks about him. Even though he's our brother... we have to treat him like he doesn't exist... It's not right. But since no one can defy Lucifer... You know what? This isn't any of your business, human. I'm leaving. I've already eaten everything there was in the refrigerator now anyway. I'm pretty sure Lucifer is hiding a poisoned apple in the desk of his study..."

Ivy watched as Beel left. A voice then reached her ears. "... psst... hey!"

Ivy decided to crack a joke. "Is that you, God...?"

"Seriously? No! Over here! Look!"

Ivy snickered a bit. "What are you doing hiding there?"

"What do you think? Beel was just in here! I can't have him finding me with you, now can I?! So, it's really true, right? Lucifer definitely used the word 'frozen'?"


"In that case, it could only be hidden in here."

"In the freezer?"

"Hmm... all I see is a bunch of ice inside. ... Oh wait, look! It's the ice cream Satan hid from Beel about a century ago. I totally forgot about that. Heh, I'm not about to tell him, though. It'd spoil the joke. He'll probably figure it out in another 2000 years or so, I'd say... Wait a second. There's something else there behind the ice."

Levi reached into the freezer and pulled the frozen credit card. Ivy was amused. Levi felt victorious. "Found it! Lucifer wasn't lying. It really IS frozen! Ugh, it's super heavy! And big, too! I'm gonna put it in the microwave and thaw it. Let's see, I guess about two minutes on auto should do the trick. Now, I'll hit the start button and let the defrosting begin!"

Ivy then turned to the entryway of the kitchen. Oh no. There stood her old friend. "What's with all the racket, you two? ... HEY, wait a minute! There in the microwave... That looks like Goldie, my credit card! My baby! The one thing more important to me than life itself...!"

Ivy was disgusted. "You are disgusting."

"Get it outta there before the microwave demagnetizes it and makes it useless!"

Ivy pinched the bridge of her nose. Levi turned to the microwave. "Ooh, didn't think of that. Better stop the defrost cycle, I guess!"

Mammon seemed furious. "Levi, you idiot! How could you do somethin' so stupid?! You're dumb as a stump, ya know that?!"

"Hmm, are you SURE you should be talking to me like that, Mammon? After all, I'm the one who found the credit card Lucifer took from you."


Ivy laid down on the kitchen island. Her head hurt. "I need a vacation."

Levi still wanted to tease Mammon. "So, do you want me to give you your card back?"

Mammon was desperate. "You'd BETTER! ... Um, I mean, yes, please. Please give it back, Leviathan, sir...!"

"Oh wow, this is so embarrassing! I can't believe that's all it took for you to abandon your pride! You're even down on your knees! You're one of the seven rules of the Devildom, Mammon. Shouldn't you be ashamed of yourself? Well, whatever... Okay then, if you want your card back, you've got to give me the Seraphina figurine you won at the convenience store."

"The Sera... what now? What're ya talkin' about? I don't remember winning anything."

'I sometimes wonder how we became friends.'
'You aren't the only one.'
'I like friends.'
'We know, Pisces.'

"I don't believe this! You forgot that you even have her! How could you?!"

Ivy stared at the ceiling. "Better question is why we're still awake at ungodly hours of the night."

Both ignored the Cosmos. Mammon stared at his brother. "Ugh, c'mon, enough! Whatever you want, I'll give it to ya! Just give me back my credit card!"

"Dangerous choice of words there."

Levi rolled his eyes. "All right, but there's one more condition: I want you to make a pact with this human."

Mammon was ecstatic about his card being within reach. "Right, a pact, fine. I'm more than happy to do whatever you..."

It was gone with Mammon realizing the words he was about to speak. "... wait, WHAT?! Why d'ya want ME to make a PACT?!"

Ivy threw up an arm. "Am I that bad?"

Levi smiled. "Think about it: If you make a pact with Ivy, you'll have to do whatever you're told, right? Then Ivy'll order you to give my money back immediately. And since you can't refuse a direct order from your master, you'll do exactly that. Game over, I win!"

Mammon shook his head. "Pff, I don't believe this. It's just money, Levi. I can't believe you'd go through all this trouble!"

"Excuse me? Remind me again which one of us tossed aside what little pride he had left, all to get his hands on a credit card?"

"Hey, you shut up! And you, human! What're ya thinking, lettin' Levi use you like this? Are you stupid? Go on, say somethin'!"

Ivy stared Mammon dead cold in the eyes. "Make a pact with me, Mammon."

Ivy was now off the kitchen island and circled towards him. "UH-UH, NO WAY! NOT INTERESTED! I am the Great Mammon, Avatar of Greed, one of the seven rulers of the Devildom! Fool... do you actually think I'd let some human be the boss of me?"

Levi smirked. "Oh Luuucifeeer! Mammon's here unfreezing his credit caaaard!"

"I mean, of course I'll make a pact with you, human! I'd be thrilled to!"

Mammon and Ivy then solidified their pact and Ivy received a pact mark on her right shoulder.

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