Inter-Chapter: We Meet Again...

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The chase. Just who is the blond?

Ivy felt adrenaline rushing through her as she chased after the blond demon. Her eye was locked onto her target. The blond was clearly trying to lose her. As if she'd let him get away!

Ivy followed him outside and saw that he was headed for the maze. He was going to try to blend in with it like camouflage!

Ivy rolled up one of her sleeves and tossed her exposed wrist towards him. Ivy vines shot from her wrist and she yanked the male towards her. Her plan was a success as he was pulled towards her.

Ivy leaped onto his back and bowled him over. She placed his arms behind him before leaning up close to him. "You never did seem the type to run from your problems."

His gleaming orbs stared up at her. Her only seeing contacted green orb stared down at him. "Then again, you aren't the person you were back then, are you?"

He only blinked. Ivy glared down at him. "Well? Say something."

Another blink. "Your name."

Ivy blinked. He glanced away. "It suits you. You chose it well."

Ivy sneered. "I don't need your approval."

"I know mi hija."

Ivy blinked. Then a second time. The male looked up at her. "What?"

Ivy got off him and put her hands over her mouth. He got up and looked to her. "¿Cariño?"

Ivy felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. "Why? Why did you call me that?"

"Because you made me realize my biggest mistake mi hija."

Ivy then ran towards him and started to sob. "¡Padre!"

Zach Autumns wrapped his arms around Ivy as she continued to sob. He never imagined that forgiveness would be easy. After all, what he'd done was irreversible. All he could do was hope that during Ivy's stay, he could give her what she never had: his love and approval.

The hug lasted a while before Ivy finally pulled away to wipe her eye. "I still don't forgive you even though you said that."

His smile was bittersweet. "I know. I didn't expect you too."

"But... I guess I'll tolerate having you in my life for now."

"Better than just plain hatred."

The two chuckled a bit after that. Zach then pressed his lips together. "It'll just be temporary. I will understand if you don't want to make the most of our time together, but I would love it if we could reconcile and get to know each other again."

Ivy hummed. "It'll take a while for me to trust you again, but I'd love that. It would be better than holding back the words we wanna say to each other."

"I have a feeling yours won't be as pleasant as mine."

"Aww, you know me so well Dad!"

Zach snorted. Ivy then handed him something. A piece of paper. "My number. Call me if you need anything or text me. Where should we start our healing process?"

Zach took the slip of paper and added her number to his contacts on his D.D.D. "Majolish would be a good place to start. Then I can see if your tastes have approved."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because last time I heard about your fashion taste was when you were 18 and your mother visited me. She said you wore the most hideous things she has ever seen in history."

"I was younger back then!"

"Yeah, 5-6 years younger."


Zach chuckled as he walked away with Ivy trailing after him. He then gave her a pointed look. "Also, no boyfriends until you've checked them with me."

Ivy only groaned. Zach rolled his eyes before continuing his trek. He didn't expect Ivy to rush up to his side and walk alongside him. He watched as she snatched his D.D.D. and took her own out. He watched as she put his number in her contacts. A small smile graced his features.

At least they were back on the right track now.

Reconciliation time! Ivy hasn't forgiven her father yet, but she'll just have to get used to having him in her life again. Also, Ivy bringing up the incident in every argument they have during reconciliation.
*inhales* I NEEEEEEDDD IT!! Anyways, that's the inter-chapter! Bye!

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