Ivy in the Paws and Claws 2 Event

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Believe me when I say I screeched in pure fan joy upon seeing the new outfits for the once undateables. Luke is so cute! He's a chihuahua though😂. My bois be looking fine though. I will do a separate secret part 2 for this so look forward to that! Adios!

Ivy entered the student council room with everyone. Diavolo smiled upon seeing everyone. "Thank you for coming, everyone."

Mammon noticed the people from Purgatory Hall. "Hey! What're THEY doin' here?!"

Luke glared at him. "Shut up! It's not like I wanted to come!"

Simeon focused his attention onto Diavolo. "It must be something quite important, though, for you to summon all of the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall members, right?"

Ivy kept her spirits up. "This is exciting!"

Solomon turned to her. "I'm not sure how you can remain enthusiastic in this situation..."

Diavolo got everyone's attention. "As it happens, there's going to be a film festival in the Devildom soon. And hear this: I got a request from the organizers that RAD submit a film as well."

Lucifer narrowed his eyes. "Wait a minute. Don't tell me..."

"I see you're as sharp as always, Lucifer. I would like to create a movie with everyone here!"

Ivy hummed. "That sounds fun!"

Diavolo smiled at Ivy's enthusiasm. "It does, doesn't it? I was sure you'd be up to it. I've sent in our application already, to tell the truth."

Lucifer sighed. "I expected as much."

"We have the advantage of having exchange students, so let's aim for the grand prize."

"Have you decided on the theme as well?"

"The theme of our movie shall be... animals!"

"Not only have you already submitted our application, you expect us to win as well...?"

Ivy chuckled. "Might as well aim for the top!"

Diavolo smiled at her. "That's the spirit. It's important to dream big. The screenplay is finished, by the way. *he uses his magic to hand them out* I just handed them out to you. I had Simeon write it."

Simeon's eyes widened. "So that script that you asked me to write all of a sudden was for the movie?"

Satan shook his head. "You wrote this without knowing what it would be used for? What happens to the copyright in this case?"

Levi was shocked. "Wait! Simeon wrote this?! That changes things! What's the story about?!"

Simeon was happy to indulge him. "It's a moving tale of animals fighting over territory and eventually achieving reconciliation."

"Wooow! That sounds great! What sort of animals are we talking about? Wait, won't it be really tough to get animals to perform according to the script?"

Diavolo chuckled. "Oh no, we won't be using actual Devildom animals. They're much too dangerous for that. Those roles will go to you."

Lucifer blinked. "What...?"

"Of course, all of you here shall be starring in the movie."

Ivy smiled. "Yay! This sounds fun."

Diavolo was glad. "I trust that you'll all do a good job."

Lucifer then did a double take. "Wait. You said everyone here is going to be in the movie, correct? In that case, that would obviously include you as well, wouldn't it, Diavolo?"

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