Chapter 50: And Then There Were Four

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Lucifer was stating the obvious. "Everyone's gone except for you, me, and your two sisters. What do you think is going on, Ivy?"

Ivy was absolutely terrified at this point. She just wasn't letting it show because her younger siblings were here and they needed a solid anchor in the place of their parents. Ivy swallowed. "If I'm going to be honest, I think it's the curse of the House of Lamentation."

"That's one possibility, yes. Though that's not what I think is happening. In spite of all the terrible things that are said to have happened in this house, I've never once seen a ghost in all my time living here. I've never experienced anything like this up to now. Which means that it's unlikely that whatever is happening is being caused by the house itself."

Well, she tried. Lucifer continued. "Levi was the first one to disappear, wasn't he...? Let's head back to his room. ... What's wrong? If you're feeling scared, I'd be happy to hold your hand. One of your sisters could take my other hand."

Ivy swallowed. "Thanks... I'd appreciate that. Avalon?"

Avalon didn't need to be told twice before she zipped over and grabbed his left hand. "You need reassuring too, Ivy."

Lucifer smiled as Ivy walked over and took his right hand. "I like that you're not afraid to say how you really feel. It's a good quality to have. All right, let's get going."


The four were back in Levi's room. Lucifer looked around. "It doesn't look like Levi's back... Is there anything in his room that you find interesting, Ivy?"

Ivy hummed and took a moment before answering. "Yes, his D.D.D."

"Levi used that D.D.D. to call me earlier. I tried calling him back over and over, but he never picked up. So I'm sure it lists several missed calls from me. But other than that, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary here, does it? Ugh, I don't believe it... he left his PC running. What am I going to do with him? ... Or wait. Maybe it wasn't intentional. Perhaps he didn't have time to turn it off because whatever happened to him was very sudden?"

A game was still up and running. Lucifer hummed in thought. "Come to think of it, he mentioned something about a new game arriving for him from Akuzon, didn't he...? Let's see, where did he leave the packaging... ah, I'm guessing this is it. The Demon House... definitely sounds like a horror game. 'A cursed house with an ominous past. It is said that an entire family was once murdered inside these walls. Now suddenly, one by one, the people you live with are starting to disappear...'. 'Can you HANDLE the FEAR?' ... How foolish. That describes the exact situation we're in right now. Levi's been making a strange habit of going out and buying himself these strange games... It seems that somehow this game is creating the scenario we find ourselves in now, doesn't it?"

Ivy nodded. Maria was slowly calming herself along with Avalon. Lucifer seemed exasperated. "We've managed to get out of one game world, and yet here we are in yet another one... So, what do you think we should do?"

Ivy hummed. "Maybe we should go inside the game world."

"I'd say we are inside the game world already, though in a different way this time. For now, I suppose we should go ahead and try to complete the game and see what happens. Will your sisters be alright?"

"You two?"

Avalon perked up. "I'll be alright."

Maria nodded. Lucifer hummed. "All right, let's see if we can find a guide online. ... Hey, I found something here: The Demon House Super Simple Wiki: Winning Strategies for Even the Most Inept. 'In order to complete the game, you must defeat the demon who serves as the final boss'. It says the boss' name is Lucifer... How ridiculous. They must think they're very funny naming him that. So, that means I'm the boss, and you're the player character. The rest of my brothers have vanished, leaving only you. Which means you must be the main character. So essentially, if you can defeat me along with your sisters, you'll win the game. All right then, how exactly do you do that...? ... Hold on. There's a page here on how to get the true ending to the game."

Ivy was perplexed. There was a true ending? "'A Super Simple Guide to Achieving the True Ending. There are a number of conditions that must be satisfied. But if you can manage to do it, you'll be treated to a romantic ending where you and Lucifer actually fall in love💖!' ... Oh come on!"

Lucifer sighed. Avalon and Maria eyed them. Avalon looked at the door. "Should we head out or...?"

Maria blinked. "Yeah, should we?"

Ivy was in shock.

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