Chapter 40: Dogi Maji Memoriam

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Ivy blinked at her old friend as he held something up. "Ta-daaa! It's Dogi🌟Magi🌟Memorium! Or just Dogi Maji for short! So, here's the deal: In this game, anyone who registers to play is actually pulled into the game world for real. So you're really in there! Which means if you die in the game, you die for real!"

Ivy backed up. What the actual heck?! Knowing that raised Ivy's paranoia levels.

Lesson: Don't trust a seemingly harmless looking game.

Ivy blinked as Mammon continued. "And you  have to win, because if you don't, you'll never be able to leave the game world!"

Levi glowered at his older brother. "Hey, Mammon! Would you please get your dirty hands OFF of my game? That JUST arrived from Akuzon today! It's still new and pristine! Also, I have to say, I think the whole idea of trying to get Satan and Lucifer to make up is pretty crazy to begin with. Still though, I don't understand. What does that have to do with Dogi Maji?"

Ivy turned to him. "Patience. We're getting there."

Mammon eyed Levi. "Pff, you really don't get it, do ya? Well, think about it for a sec... If I register them in the game client, they'll be pulled inside the game world, right? Since this is Satan and Lucifer we're talkin' about, at first they'll be moanin' and groanin' about it... but here's the thing: like I said before, you've gotta win the game before you can leave the game world. So, they'll have to work together toward a common goal. They may hate each other, but that'll force 'em to bond some, ya see... Man... is it just me, or am I a for-real genius?! I'm pretty sure I am!"

"I'm pretty sure you're somewhat of an idiot, but you can be smart when you put your mind to it."

Mammon hummed at the praise. Well, somewhat praise. Levi looked worried. "Huh, you really think it'll go that well? I dunno..."

Mammon eyed him. "Well, we'll never know if we don't try, right? So... all right! Now that that's settled, it's time to register the two of them here into the game client! ... Wait. Uh, how does this work?"

"Ugh, FINE, let me take over. You'll never figure it out on your own."

Meanwhile, Ivy was letting a certain lion take control of her body. She had bit her arm hard enough for blood to well up. Leo then used that blood to draw his sign on her neck. The two were then fused into the same person. Levi and Mammon didn't notice as Levi entered them in. "Let's see... "Lucifer" and "Satan"... There, I've entered their names. They're registered. *sigh*... Understand just how badly I've wanted to play this game, you cannot! Finally time, it is...! I'll enter my name here... "Leviachan". Okay, done. ... Now, I'll just add Ivy as well... There, registered and all set."

Ivy/Leo blinked in surprise. Mammon was also surprised. "WHAT? Whoa... HOLD ON! Ivy, are you really gonna play, too? Oh, and Leo as well."

Levi turned to see Levy (get it? Levy? Leo and Ivy. I'm not funny, I know) and proceeded to screech at how cool the fused pair was. The pair was confused, but nodded. "Of course!"

"Seriously?! Like, is it your thing never to turn down a challenge?! Is that it?!"

"I am a lion, Mammon. My pride would be destroyed if I showed myself as a coward."

Levi's eyes shone. "Recognize the greatness that is Dogi Maji, you clearly do. Impressed, I am!"

Mammon quickly got involved. "... Hey. If Ivy is playin', then so am I!"

"Whaaaat? Ugh, so you want to play too?"

"Hey! You don't gotta sound so upset about it! C'mon, let's go! Hurry up and register me!"

"Ugh... fine. If I really have to... "Stupidmammon"... and done."

"Hey! Why'd ya tack on stupid?! Leave that out!"

"Now I'll adjust a few settings really quickly and..."

"HEY! Change my name! I wanna be... um, "Mammon the Great, Avatar of Greed"!"

"Okay, ready! It's time to enter the world of Dogi Maji!"

"Hey, did ya hear what I said?! ... Hey!"


The last line was said by Levy (yes I'm keeping the name) who had the chancla in hand. Levi only ignored him. "And... start!"

They were then transported to a classroom. A classroom? That was interesting. Mammon was confused, but it soon turned into amazement. Mammon was confused. "What's goin' on? Are we inside the game now? ... Wait a minute! Look at my name! You just HAD to tack on an insult, huh Levi?! Now I'm stuck with "Stupidmammon"!(I'm changing the dialogue pattern)"


Stupidmammon: Seriously though, why am I "Stupidmammon", but you're "Leviachan"?! Why do YOU get the cute name, huh?!

Leviachan: lolololol

Stupidmammon: Anyway, what's goin' on? Is this s'posed to be... a school? It looks totally different from RAD. I thought this was an RPG. Aren't games like this supposed to start in some village, or in a castle, or out on a giant grassy plain or somethin'?

Leviachan: Not necessarily. I mean, Dogi Maji is a school dating sim, after all! So, what did you expect?

Stupidmammon: WHA?!

Leviachan: One character is designated as the heroine, and you've got to work hard to increase your favorability score with her higher and higher. Then in the end, you go up on the Roof of Legend and profess your love to her. And if she accepts you, you win. Oh yeah, about the Roof of Legend... Supposedly if you admit you love someone up there on graduation day and become an official couple, then you'll live happily ever after together.

Stupidmammon: The roof?! THAT'S the big romantic spot in this game?! I thought you were s'posed to tell her you love her under a big tree in the schoolyard! That's how I heard it was supposed to go!

Leviachan: Oh... no, um... you're thinking of another game. We're playing Dogi Maji. It's, like... totally different. Oh, I forgot to mention that I designated Ivy, or in this case Levy, as the heroine.

Stupidmammon: YOU DID WHAT?!

Lucifer: You two... So, you're the ones behind this...

Stupidmammon: Yikes! He's here...! ... Hold on a minute. Right now Satan's inside Lucifer, which means Lucifer is Satan, and Satan is Lucifer... Pff... hey, what's the big idea startlin' me like that? Step off, Satan! Get Lucifer's stupid face outta my personal space. Go on, shoo!

Satan: Uh, wrong... I'm Satan.

Stupidmammon: Wha?

Satan: It seems that while we're in this world, the curse that switched our bodies is nullified.

Lucifer: Mammon? What was that again about my stupid face?

Stupidmammon: Yikes!

Leviachan: I knew Mammon would live up to the name I made for him. lololol

Lucifer: Now then... How about you explain to me exactly what is going on here.

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