Chapter 45: Demons in the Human World

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Mammon was freaking out. "NO NO NO NO NO! I don't wanna go to the human woooooorld!"

After a while, he appeared confused. "... Huh?"

Lucifer spoke from Satan's body. "Wait..."

"Hey, what's the big idea scarin' me like that, huh?! This ain't the human world... we're still in the Devildom!"

"... Strange. Why didn't it work? I'm certain I did everything right..."

"Uh, Lucifer. Have you forgotten that you're in Satan's body right now?"

"...! I see... so even though it's really me, as long as I'm in Satan's body, I can't use the magic circle. Without a mirror around to remind me, it's easy to forget that I'm someone else right now..."

"Welp, if you can't use the magic circle, then I guess that's that! No trip to the human world! That curse is gonna wear off eventually anyway, right? And then you'll change back. As for that speech thing you've got tomorrow, I'll go have a talk with Satan for ya. 'Course, my services aren't free of charge. But don't worry, I'll give ya a family discount-"

Zach was so close to knocking him out when a voice cut through the air. "That won't be necessary."

The four turned to see Satan in Lucifer's body headed towards them. He continued speaking. "I hate speeches. They're a giant hassle, and I've got no intention of giving one."

The four were surprised. Ivy blinked. "This is unexpected. I never thought you would show up."

Mammon was in shock. "Wh...?! Satan! What're you doin' here?!"

Satan turned to him. "What, is there something wrong with me being here? Either way, I heard everything you guys said. So, don't just stand there doing nothing. Come on, let's get going!"

"Get going? Wait, don't tell me you actually wanna go to the--"

"To the human world, yes. That was your plan, right? To find the witch who created the curse that caused us to switch bodies and have her lift it."

Lucifer glared at him. "Don't think this means I'll owe you anything."

Ivy just wanted to go back home. Was that too much to ask with these idiots? Zach could understand her fidgeting. It had been a long time since he had seen London. Satan looked at Lucifer. "Unlike a certain Stupidmammon, I won't be deceived so easily."

Mammon glared at him. "Hey, come on! You didn't even leave out any letters! Now everyone knows ya mean me!"

"That's not what this is about. I'm just tired of being in this body, that's all. I've gotten all the fun I can out of it."

Lucifer hmphed. Ivy was restless. When could they go?! The two then started cooperating, much to Ivy's delight. Mammon was surprised. "Hey... whoa! What the... so now you two are cooperatin'?! I thought you hated each other?! Listen, if you wanna go see this witch or whatever, fine! Just don't make me go... with youuuuAAAAAAAAH!"

Ivy then reached over and grasped her old friend's hand. Finally, she was going home.


At the moment, they were in a bar. Mammon was kind of enjoying himself. "Mmmm! Oh yeah! That's GOOD... REAL GOOD! Man, the human world totally has the best dark beers! ... Eh? What is it, Ivy? You look like you wanna say somethin'..."

Ivy smiled at him. "I thought you didn't want to come to the human world... I'm glad you did though."

Lucifer eyed his brother. "Exactly... you're unbelievable. You screamed bloody murder about having to come here, but now look at you."

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