Inter-Chapter: Late Night Talk (Mammon x Ivy Shipping Fuel)

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AN: This takes place after making the pact with Mammon. Ivy is having a hard time falling asleep so Mammon pops in to cuddle and chat.

Ivy was having trouble falling asleep still. Her green eye stared at the wall in hopes that sleep would invade her mind. Ivy sighed. Why was this harder than it seemed? Her eye then traveled to her phone. Maybe she could...?

Ivy sat up and grabbed her phone. The phone was suddenly out of her hands and when she whirled around to shout at whoever had taken her phone, she was suddenly pressed down onto her side. "Wh-"

"Shh. Ivy, I don't think everyone wants to be woken up."

Ivy was surprised to see Mammon without a top on in front of her. Her eyes went to below his waist to reveal that he had the decency to wear sleep pants and his boxers. Thank the stars for that. Ivy did NOT want to find out... unnecessary information, so to speak.

Mammon wrapped his arms around the insomniac woman. Ivy placed her hands on his chest to keep some distance. Mammon brushed the bang out of Ivy's face without resistance on her end. Mammon had seen it only once and that was before he left.

It was still the same as ever. The cuts had blended together to create a single scar that ran from the hairline to the chin. Mammon felt his heart sink upon seeing the scar once again. To think, the cuts were 11-12 years old and Ivy still suffered because of it. Mammon could tell Ivy still had PTSD and, knowing Ivy, hadn't gone to someone about it. Ivy also feared sharp objects after the incident. While Mammon was sticking near her, he would see her tremble upon holding a knife and he took it away to keep her from accidentally cutting herself and create another permanent scar.

Ivy blinked up at Mammon. His eyes were staring down at her eyes, even if she was blind in one eye. Ivy saw the upset look in Mammon's eyes. It was clear that he was upset at how much she suffered. Mammon was surprised to find out that it was because Ivy wanted to become a female and her father was against it.

"He should've loved ya for who you were!" Mammon had declared angrily, effectively surprising the Cosmos.
"You mean it?" Ivy had asked.
"'Course I mean it! It's just a different gender." Mammon had replied. Ivy had hugged him tightly and sobbed into his shoulder out of pure happiness.

Ivy smiled fondly at him upon remembering that. Mammon gave her a confused look. "What's up, Dryad?"

Ivy just nuzzled closer to him. "Just remembering our talk when you accepted the fact that I was trans."

Mammon smiled at her. "I meant everything I said too. It's just a gender. Who cares if you identify as male, female, or something else? You're you no matter what."

Ivy started to close her eyes, but Mammon heard two words escape from her.

"Thank you."

Mammon smiled and leaned down to nuzzle the scarred skin.

"You're welcome, Ivy."

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