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Kihyun, Shownu and Jane fluff

"Good morning!" Jane said cheerily as she walked into the kitchen. Shownu and Kihyun were half awake, both boys staring at the coffee machine and willing it to brew faster. Jane chuckled as she put some bread in the toaster. "Rough night?" She chirped and the two only grunted in response.

She smiled to herself, taking her seat at the counter and eating her food. A few minutes later a cup of coffee was placed in front of her. "Thanks, leader." She grinned at Shownu who gave her a small smile as he started in on his cereal. The three sat there in a comfortable silence for a while before Jane spoke.

"Glad to see that the babies still sleep in all day." Kihyun snorted and shook his head. "I don't think that will ever change. Hyungwon-ie would probably sleep all day if I didn't wake him up eventually." Shownu hummed in agreement and Jane chuckled. While she liked living with Jimin, she did miss being here with her boys. It was something she was used too and change has always been a little rough for her.

"So, Changkyun-ie told me you're going to feature on a few songs for his solo album." Shownu said, seemingly much more awake and energetic than twenty minutes ago. Jane felt her cheeks heat up a little and she looked down at her plate of toast. "Uhm, yeah. Just two of them. I-is that okay?" She peeked up at the two who looked utterly confused why she was asking if it was okay.

"What do you mean is it okay?" Kihyun asked, flabbergasted that she would think it wasn't okay in the first place. "It was Shownu hyung's idea in the first place. And it's great for you! You get to dabble in something other than pop." Shownu hummed, watching the girl in front of him carefully. "We're really happy for you and excited. Why would you think it isn't okay?"

She shrugged and her shoulders slumped a little. "I guess I'm just a little nervous. I've never done anything without all of you before. I didn't want you to think that I didn't care or was trying to take the limelight away or something." She bit the inside of her cheek and Shownu let out a laugh.

"Jane-ah, we know you care, don't worry. Minhyuk does mc-ing all the time without us. We all go on different shows and stuff too without the rest of us. It just brings our group more exposure and a time for us to play on our own charms." She smiled at Shownu and felt the anxiousness she had been feeling bubble away. She really didn't understand why she was so nervous.

"You'll do great and everyone's going to love it," Kihyun smiled at her. She nodded and finished eating. "And let me know if Changkyun-ie starts giving your issues. I'll come there and set him straight." Jane chuckled at Kihyun but she knew he was serious too. He would never let any of them pick on her or tease her without some kind of scolding afterwards. Including himself.

"Call your dad. I'm sure he'd tell you all the same things we're telling you." Shownu winked at her and she nodded. "You're right. I'll do that now." She pulled her phone out and dialed her dad, listening to the ringing as she waited for him to answer. She heard him pick up and cough a little before answering with a weak "YunJae-ah."

Jane frowned. He didn't sound that great. "Appa! How are you?" She asked, trying to get any information she could out of him. She also knew he wasn't going to come out and tell her something was wrong so, she did her best to listen for anything in the background too. "I'm fine, baby. How are you?" Jane bit her tongue. She hated being lied too.

They talked for a few minutes, catching up. He would stop to cough every few minutes or take in a heavy breath. Jane's frown deepened. She told him about working with Changkyun and just like Shownu had predicted, he told her all the same things everyone else had been telling her. And that he would make sure to buy all the copies in their little town.

She heard a door open in the background and some muffled talking. That's when she heard the foreign voice say 'doctor' and the beeping from a few machines. She gulped, trying not to panic before she could ask him what was going on. He came back and apologized for the interruption but Jane didn't respond to that.

"Why are you in the hospital?" Out of the corner of her eyes she could see Shownu and Kihyun momentarily freeze at her question. Now it seemed like everyone was on high alert. She head her father sigh and try playing it off like it was his annual check-up but she didn't buy it for one minute. "Don't lie to me. I'm not stupid." Kihyun shot her a warning look for her tone but she didn't respond to it.

"I've been having some health things, love. Nothing to worry about. I'll be alright in a few days." She gritted her teeth, free hand clenching into a fist. "Appa." Her voice was stern but laced with worry. She heard him sigh again before he finally told her what was really going on. "My kidneys aren't doing well. And my heart has been acting up a bit."

She heard him cough again and felt a twinge of guilt in her chest. She hadn't been around to make sure he was taking care of himself. She hadn't been around to make sure he was really going to routine check-ups and appointments. "That's all I know right now, Jane-ah. I'll tell the doctor to call you, okay? I'm going to sleep, I'm tired now."

They said their goodbyes and Jane slid her phone back in her pocket with a shaky hand. Kihyun and Shownu shared a look before Shownu moved towards her and wrapped an arm around her. "C'mon. I'll take you home to pack some things. I'll go with you." She nodded. "Ah, but I'm supposed to record some stuff with Changkyun today." She ran her fingers through her hair, squeezing her eyes shut. She was trying not to panic or worry more than she already was.

"It's alright, I'll tell him." Kihyun assured her and she took in a deep breath and let it out. "Okay. Okay. Let's go." She gripped Shownu's arm and he sent her a pained smile, patting her hands as they walked out. Jane wasn't quite sure what to think and didn't really remember much of packing anything or getting to the airport. All that was truly keeping her grounded was the grip on Shownu's arm.

She could only hope that when they arrived, it was only good news to come.

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