Jane vs. The Internet Pt. 2

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Jane silently deals with the hate comments but the boys aren't dumb

Jane barely slept an hour the night before and it was noticeable. There were dark bags under her eyes and her skin was pale. She dragged herself out of bed, glad that everyone had already woken up and was moving around. She slipped into the bathroom, changing into an oversized t-shirt and some booty shorts. She knotted the shirt, making sure you could tell she had pants on. She slipped some sweats over her bare legs and slipped her gym shoes on, tying her hair up and doing her best to cover the bags under her eyes.

She groaned in frustration when she couldn't get it. Makeup was not something she did regularly and she was grateful that her stylist was so patient at teaching her little by little. She was so focused she didn't notice Hyungwon open the door quietly, watching her in amusement. "Need help?" He chuckled and she jumped, dropping the foundation and it spilled on to the counter. "Shit! Dammit! You scared me." She breathed, hastily grabbing toilet paper and wiping up the mess. Hyungwon laughed lightly, grabbing more toilet paper and helping her clean it up. "Please help?" She asked and he nodded, grabbing the makeup and dabbing gently around her face.

"Did you sleep at all last night, Jane?" He asked with a frown and she shook her head. "Not really, just had some trouble falling asleep." Hyungwon hummed, putting the makeup sponge down and turning her towards the mirror. She looked in awe at how expertly he had applied it. "Just take it easy, okay?" He said and she nodded, smiling softly. Another day in the practice room and Hyungwon frowned as Jane was definitely not taking it easy. She had barely sat down since the minute they all set foot in the practice room.

The wrap around her ankle was coming a little loose and Kihyun had tried to get her to stop dancing for 2 seconds just so he could fix it but she had shook him off, saying she was fine. They were taking a water break, well, all of them except for Jane. The music was still playing and she was still dancing her heart out. Her cheeks were flushed from the heat, she had stray hairs sticking to her sweaty face and her shirt had come untied while dancing and covered her up to her knees. Shownu walked over, unplugging the phone. Jane glared at him. "What are you doing?" She breathed, hands on her knees.

"You need to take a break. Seriously." She shook her head and Shownu noticed how she was keeping as much weight off her injured ankle as she could, leaning more to one side. He narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms. "It's not negotiable, YunJae. Go get water. Now." She rolled her eyes but limped over to her bag, sitting down. Her eyes were trained on the floor in front of her as she chugged two water bottles. "What's going on with you?" Minhyuk asked, raising his eyebrows. Jane narrowed her eyes at him. "Nothing." Minhyuk let out a sigh, shaking his head. "Do you think we're stupid? Why are you pushing yourself so hard?"

Jane stood up, hands on her hips. "When did you get so nosy? I'm giving it my all because this is our job and I want it to be perfect. What's your excuse for slacking?" Minhyuk opened his mouth to retort but Wonho spoke up, irritation laced in his voice. "Yah, Jane-ah. He's older than you. Don't speak to him that way." She scoffed, rolling her eyes and marching back to the middle of the floor. "Are you all gonna just sit around on your asses or are we going to practice?" Shownu and Kihyun narrowed their eyes but they didn't say anything, moving to their spots.

They returned home, Jane going straight to her room and slamming the door shut. She collapsed on the ground, her back leaning against the door and let her tears fall. She had overworked herself, her ankle was throbbing and she still didn't feel like she was good enough. Of all things for someone to criticize, it was her dancing. Outside the door, 7 boys looked worriedly at their door. "Kyun-ah, what's going on with her?" Minhyuk asked and Changkyun shook his head. "I have no idea, hyung. She hasn't said anything to me."

Shownu hummed, eyes almost burning a hole into the wooden door. "It's something. She doesn't just snap on us like that." Wonho had been silently scouring the internet, having a hunch that her sudden change of attitude had something to do with that. He was right, yelling for everyone to gather around as he showed them the comments on their recent dance practice video; specifically the ones about Jane's dancing. "That's what it is." Changkyun murmured, turning around and walking to the bedroom, opening the door without knocking and not realizing Jane was leaned against it.

"What the hell?" She shouted and Changkyun had to keep himself from laughing. It wasn't too hard when he saw her red eyes and the bags underneath them. "Jane. . ." he said quietly kneeling down next to her and she looked at him for a split second before throwing herself into his chest. He fell back on his butt with an oof, but wrapped his arms around her, squeezing tightly and whispering sweet nothings into her ear. In her sob fest, the others had walked in the room, shocked to see her trembling body.

"Jane-ah," Wonho said with tears in his eyes, kneeling down and rubbing his hand comfortingly on her back. "Why didn't you say anything?" Kihyun asked, sitting down next to Wonho. Jane shrugged, not taking her face out of Changkyun's chest. "Because she wanted to handle it on her own." Jooheon muttered with a sigh, leaning against the wall. Shownu frowned, leaving the room for a moment and coming back, picking Jane up out of Changkyun's arms and sitting on the closest bed, rocking her like a baby. "I called manager. Him and the company will take care of it. Promise."

Jane sniffed, nodding her head. "Thank you." The others all ran over, tackling the two on the bed. "My ugly little racoon. Stop crying and wash up. It's movie night and it's your turn to pick." Jane narrowed her watery eyes at Minhyuk but didn't say anything as he smiled happily at her. Jooheon was about to protest because it was supposed to be his turn to pick the movie but Kihyun elbowed him, a silent look telling him to shut up. He pouted but stayed quiet. Jane got up, walking towards the bathroom to wash up. "Thank you all. I'm sorry," she said quietly and walked into the bathroom.

"I hope she'll come to us next time." Kihyun muttered, mostly to himself but the other hummed in agreement. "She will. It's still new; give her time." Shownu said. They all started filing out of the room, Minhyuk stopping by the bathroom door and smirking. "We have to go turn out the lights or the witch can't leave her cave." He said loudly, causing Shownu and Kihyun to groan while Jooheon and Changkyun laughed. Wonho put his hands up in surrender, too tired to deal with it today.

"Lee Minhyuk, I swear to the gods I will dye your hair baby blue in your sleep!"

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