Next Step

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Jimin gives Jane an offer she can't refuse

A/N: Does get suggestive towards the end, but nothing detailed

Jane pulled the black silk robe tighter around herself. She loved the feeling of it against her skin. It helped cool her off when she was feeling heated. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her and a cup of steaming tea was in front of her face. She smiled, leaning her head back on the naked chest. Jimin chuckled, kissing her temple.

"Your tea, m'lady." She took it and sipped it, hissing when it burned her tongue. "I think you do that every time. When are you going to learn?" He teased and she shrugged, sitting down on the loveseat he had pushed over to the picture window last time she was here just because she loved the view of the city at night.

"This is perfect," she mumbled as she sipped the too hot tea again. She winced and Jimin chuckled, shaking his head and sitting next to her, his own cup of tea in his hand. He was smart and waited for it to cool down first before sipping it. "Only one of us needs to burn their taste buds," he always teased her.

"Yeah, it really is." He said, gazing lovingly at her. She scrunched her nose up, pushing him away—playfully. "Don't get all sappy on me now, Park." She said and he chuckled, pulling her closer to him. She sighed in content as she stared out the window. This is what she loved. Jimin lived in the middle of the city, in one of the most expensive high-rise complexes in Seoul.

Yet, he never boasted about it. He had told Jane early on in their relationship that this could be her getaway. If she needed to be alone or just needed time for her, she could come here. He told he mostly stayed at the dorm anyways and she could always call him and tell him to get out. She never had too, though because she found sanity in Jimin.

He kept her calm and grounded. He listened when she needed to vent, let her scream and yell and cry. He's definitely seen her at her worst and he stuck around. But it wasn't just him either; she was the same. She'd come over in the middle of the night when all he would do is text her he needed her. She cooked for him—well, tried. Usually she'd end up burning it and would have to order takeout, but it's the thought that counts.

She cheered him on when they toured and promoted their new album and always asked before she just came to his place. She knew that he needed space just as much as any other person and she didn't want to intrude when he needed his alone time. But her favorite times were this; cuddled up on the loveseat together, drinking tea and gazing out the large picture window at all the lights of the city below.

"Bath?" He asked quietly and she smiled, nodding and kissing his cheek. "Can we turn the jets on?" She asked and he laughed, nodding. "Of course, I'll get it ready." He winked and skipped towards the bathroom. Jane stood up, enjoying the view just a few moment more before she slipped her robe off and joined him in the bathroom.

"You could have stayed and enjoyed it more, I would've come and got you." He said with a smirk and Jane shrugged. "It's better when you're there with me. Besides, my muscles could use some jacuzzi massage." Jimin chuckled, helping her into the large tub and climbing in behind her. "It smells like pine," she said quietly and Jimin smiled. "It's what you bought me for Christmas. I'm actually quite fond of it."

She smiled, leaning her head back and closing her eyes. Everything in this moment was just perfect at this moment. "Mm, I have a question for you." He hummed into her hair and she grunted in response. "You like me, right?" He asked, suddenly feeling shy and Jane looked up at him with a teasing smile.

"Obviously not. Because I just sleep and sit naked in tubs with everyone I don't like." Jimin rolled his eyes and she laughed. "I love you, Jimin." She said quietly, cheeks heating up. It made Jimin's heart swell; Jane wasn't one to express emotions and rarely used those three little words. It was always a happy surprise when she used them and it made it all the more special because he knew she actually meant it. That she truly felt it.

"Ask your question, Jimin." She said, nudging his leg with her knee. "Well, we've been dating for quite some time now," he said and she grinned, nodding her head. "Longer than we both planned out," she teased and he splashed some water on her and she narrowed her eyes, wiping her face. "Be serious for a minute, please." She sighed dramatically but sat up and turned to face him.

"Fine, fine. I'll be serious. What's going on?" She was honestly a little nervous. Her and Jimin's relationship was built on the teasing. Yes, they had their serious moments and private ones, but she loved the teasing. So, the sudden change of playful and teasing to the seriousness radiating off of him made her anxiety spike a little. She couldn't help but let her mind travel to dark places for a spilt second before she remembered this was Jimin. Park Jimin. Her Jimin.

He grabbed her hands under the water, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles as if he could tell that her anxiety had just spiked. "It's nothing bad, I promise. I was just wondering if maybe, you'd want to move in? With me?" Her jaw dropped and she stared at him with wide eyes. That was not what she was expecting to come out of his mouth.

"Hello? Earth to YunJae? It'd be nice if you could like—say something." He said, reaching one of his hands to scratch the back of his neck. That snapped her out of it and she apologized quickly. "Sorry—I just wasn't—you said that—you really want me to move in?" She asked, still in disbelief.

He laughed, throwing his head back. "I do. Only if you want too." She nodded furiously; she didn't need to think twice. "I would love too. If you'll have me." She smiled shyly and he chuckled, pressing his forehead against hers. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want you," he breathed and she grinned. "True." She pressed her lips against his, wrapping her arms around his neck as his hands found her hips and pulled her closer.

"What do you say we see what else these jets can do?" She teased with a wink. Jimin's eyes went dark and he pulled her back into a passionate kiss.  

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