Get Off Her

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Jane has a scary experience

Everyone was rushing around to get ready. Jane had arrived later to the show than the rest of her members because her schedule had finished late. Now she was being tossed every which way to make sure her hair and makeup and outfit were ready to go within the next 10 minutes. Wonho's jacket had ripped and he was hurriedly running out of the room to get it fixed. Jane sighed, being dragged behind the changing curtain by her stylist. "Here! Start putting this on, I'll b right back to help you lace it up."

The stylist ran out and Jane slipped the black corset on. "YunJae! We'll be right back!" She heard Hyunwoo yell and she hummed in response, trying her best to reach around and blindly tie the laces on the back. She huffed, trying once more but tripped over her discarded clothes on the floor and fell outside of the curtain. "Goddammit," she muttered to herself, standing up and steadying herself on her platform heels. She liked the corset; it was very her, but trying to put it on without help was not easy.

She heard the door open, thinking it was one of her members or her stylist. "Could you help me—oh, hello." She said awkwardly, turning her head to see someone she hasn't before. She didn't worry too much; he was wearing a lanyard that the rest of staff backstage had. She looked around briefly, giving up hope that her stylist was coming back and took a breath. "Could you help me tie this?" She asked the staff. He stared at her for a few moments, without saying anything.

Jane felt something was off, but she pushed it away. The staff had to have background checks before working, of course. "S-sure," he stuttered, walking towards her slowly. She turned around, explaining that it just needed to be laced into a bow. He nodded, his cold hand accidentally brushing the bare skin of her neck as he grabbed the ribbon. Jane shivered, unintentionally. "S-sorry." He muttered and Jane stepped away. This was wrong, in every sense of the word. "A-actually, I'll just go find my stylist."

She turned to walk out when she felt a hand grab her braid and pull her back. "Yah!" She yelped, falling to the floor and rubbing her head. She looked up in wide eyes at the staff member that was now towering above her. "What do you think—" she was quieted by a slap to the face. She was angry now, standing up on shaky legs and glaring daggers. "OPPA!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, taking her shoe off and swinging it wildly at the man in front of her. Unfortunately, her short stature was no match for his tall one and he easily knocked it out of her hand and wrapped his arms tightly around her, covering her mouth with his hand.

She struggled, twisting and kicking which caused them to trip and he landed on top of her. She groaned at the pain in her chin that just hit the ground, but she wasn't about to give up. She continued kicking as best she could. "GET OFF HER!" She heard someone yell and then the weight on top of her was gone. "YunJae!" She breathed in relief as she hear Changkyun's voice. He quickly covered her with his jacket, lifting her up and glaring behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see that Hyunwoo and Wonho had the guy pinned to the ground; Hyunwoo looking ready to pummel his face in.

Hyungwon had went to get security and their manager while Kihyun quickly came over, lacing up her corset and wrapping his arms back around her. "YunJae! Your face!" Jooheon said, walking up to her quickly and examining the red handprint making it's way on her cheek and the scratch on the underside of her chin. "I'm okay," she said but Kihyun could feel her shaking in his grasp. He kissed the back of her head. "We can cancel, YunJae. Let's just go home."

"No!" She stood up, looking at everyone. "We're not canceling this. Monbebe's are waiting for us." They all looked proud of her but also concerned. Security came in, dragging the guy outside and Jane breathed in relief. She was fine, she was okay and she had fought him off. "Are you sure?" Hyunwoo asked, walking up to her and gently tracing his thumb over her cheek. She stepped back, swatting his hand away. "I'll go get it touched up and we're performing. I'm fine, really. And, uh, thank you, oppa. Both of you." She said, bowing to Hyunwoo and Wonho.

"Wait! I'm coming with you." Changkyun said, running up to her side and walking out wit her. She unconsciously grabbed his hand and squeezed it as they passed the man in the hallway; his beady eyes still trailing up and down her body. She held her head high, marching right past him and flicking him off. If looks could kill, Changkyun's glare would have made him drop dead in 2 seconds flat. But he squeezed her hand back, pulling her closer to him. "You were so brave." He murmured to her and she shrugged.

She had her stylist fix up her makeup, covering the red handprint on her cheek. They all walked on stage, performing their hearts out, especially Jane. The boys looked in awe as she owned the stage, seeming to not have a care in the world. Hyunwoo thanked everyone for coming and they all made their way off stage, Changkyun wrapping his jacket around her again. "You did great, baby." Hyunwoo said, wrapping his arm around her and kissing the top of her head. She scrunched her nose. "Gross."

Hyunwoo smirked, letting her go but didn't miss the faint smile on her lips. "I just want to interject that you, Baek YunJae are badass." Minhyuk said and she grinned from ear to ear, standing taller and holding her head high. She winked at Minhyuk, before strutting off to change.

"Remember that next time you want to steal my food."

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