The Argument Pt. 4

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Minhyuk gives Changkyun a piece of his mind

"You." Minhyuk said, eyes narrowed in on Changkyun. He looked at him, confused as well as the other boys. "Me?" He asked and Minhyuk scoffed, tapping his foot impatiently. "Yes. You. Im Changkyun. Let's go." He stalked out of the door and Changkyun looked around at the others who just shrugged in response. "He seems mad. You should follow him." Kihyun said and Changkyun sighed, slipping his shoes back on and scurrying behind Minhyuk.

They were on the roof of their building and Minhyuk was glaring daggers at him. "Why are you so mad at me?" Changkyun asked, feeling annoyance build up. Minhyuk rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. "You made Jane cry." He said and Changkyun scoffed.

"And she also punched me in the face." Changkyun retorted. Minhyuk sighed, letting his arms hang down his sides. "She did. And that was wrong too. But Changkyun, she has so much going on. Why didn't you just talk to her? Why did you call her so many horrible things?" Changkyun sighed, leaning against the brick wall and looking up at the sky.

"I was mad that she hadn't told any of us. And I was worried. What if manager-nim walked by and saw what I did? It could have totally been taken out of context." Minhyuk hummed, not saying anything more. "I know she's going through a lot, hyung. But we all are too. I'm sorry some of us are just better at handling it more than she is." Minhyuk narrowed his eyes.

"That right there is what is keeping this petty fight going. You're her best friend, Kyun-ie. If anyone was to talk rationally with her or have her back, she expects it to be you." Changkyun groaned, sliding down and sitting on the ground. "Friends also don't keep secrets from each other." Minhyuk snorted, shaking his head. "Because we all tell each other absolutely everything?"

Changkyun narrowed his eyes, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "That's not what I meant and you know it." He snapped. Minhyuk was ready to punch him too. "Changkyun-ah. She's our sister. Our family. Did you even bother to ask why she hadn't told any of us?" Changkyun shook his head. "No. I was just mad."

Minhyuk sighed, sitting down in front of him and placing his chin on Changkyun's knees. "You should've. It's a valid reason. And there was no reason for you to call her a slut. I would've punch you too." Changkyun rolled his eyes, looking back up at the sky. "I'm just as hurt and angry as everyone else, hyung. I can't always control my emotions. It all just blew up."

"So why don't you talk to her?"

"She hasn't been home."

"She's sleeping right now."

Changkyun quirked an eyebrow but shrugged his shoulders. "She should apologize first. She punched me."

"You called her a slut."

"She was acting like one."

Minhyuk flicked his forehead. "What is your problem?!" Changkyun threw his hand up in defeat. "I'm not talking to her until she can realize that we are family. That she can tell us things, explain things to us without keeping a secret. It's not fair to the rest of us. She can come to me first. I'm not talking about this anymore."

He stood up, slamming the door behind him and Minhyuk groaned in frustration, laying back on the ground. "Children." He muttered. He had tried but the two were so stubborn that not even he could make them talk. The wind blew across his face and he sighed again. The past few months have been hard enough and now, this was happening and spiraling out of control.

He laid there for a few more moments, thoughts racing. Is this really the end for them? Would they have to disband? Even if they did, he'd never just leave his members behind and he'd hate for Changkyun and Jane to never speak again. He sighed again, throwing his arm over his eyes. He heard the door open and someone sat down next to him.

"I'm sorry." Changkyun's soft voice came out and Minhyuk peeked at him from under his arm. "I'm not the one you should be sorry too." He said and Changkyun sighed. "I know. But she was in the wrong too." Minhyuk sat up, brushing off his back. "I know, Changkyun-ah. I'm not saying she was an angel. But you weren't either. The only reason she punched you was because you wouldn't listen. You really hurt her."

Changkyun sighed, slumping forward and placing his chin on his knees, wrapping his arms around his legs. "I know. And I'm embarrassed, hyung. But at the same time, I just feel so angry." Minhyuk frowned at his younger member, throwing his arm around his shoulder and bumping their heads together. "Me too, Kyun. Me too."

They sat in silence for a few moments before the door opened again. Changkyun stiffened as Jane stood in front of them, still rubbing sleep from her eyes. "Minhyuk, why didn't you wake—oh." She closed her mouth as she saw Changkyun. Minhyuk smiled softly, standing up and patting Changkyun's shoulder. "Talk to her." He whispered.

He walked back in, giving Jane a little push. "I'm locking this door and it's not opening until you two are at least on speaking terms." Jane opened her mouth to say something but Minhyuk had already shut the door. There was no way for him to lock it, but they didn't need to know that. He knew they would believe him.

Jane sighed, sitting down and leaning against the brick wall. Her and Changkyun just stared at each other for a few moments, averting their gazes somewhere else every time they met each other's gazes. Changkyun was biting his bottom lip, deep in thought while Jane just stared at the ground. He heart broke a little more. They'd never been this awkward with each other.

"Hey," Changkyun finally breathed out, a small smile on his face. Jane smiled softly too, tucking her hair behind her ear before meeting his brown orbs with hers.


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