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Jane's disease gets the best of her

Jane groaned in pain as she walked up the stairs to the practice room. She was running late; she had been extremely tired this morning and a little short of breath. She didn't want to worry the others, telling them that she'd meet them at work in no time. However, that was three hours ago and Jane had barely managed to pull herself out of bed.

She walked in the room, the 6 boys in front of her already a sweaty mess. "You okay?" Shownu asked, noticing how low-energy she seemed to be. She nodded her head, placing her bag down. "I'll be alright." She started stretching and she felt the joints in her knees ache for a break. She did her best to ignore it.

Finally, she started, dancing through the pain and eventually became numb to it. Until they took a break. She was breathing, much heavier than normal and her back was now killing her from how hard her lungs were working. Changkyun shot her a nervous glance, silently handing her a towel to wipe the sweat dripping off her face.

She offered a small, tired smile. They still weren't on total speaking terms, but it was getting better day by day. "Yah! You're acting like a sloth." Minhyuk teased and Jane rolled her eyes. "I'm just having a flare up you baboon." She muttered and Minhyuk chuckled. "Take it easy then, stupid." She shrugged her shoulders, massaging her knee caps.

She wiped the towel over her face and paused, collapsing back into the wall. She was much more winded than usual and she couldn't open her eyes right now. Her damn eyelashes were hurting. "Jane-ah!" Kihyun yelled, dropping down next to her. "What's wrong?" His worried eyes were matched by the rest of them.

"My fucking eyelashes hurt." She said through gritted teeth. Kihyun narrowed his eyes slightly, opting to let her choice of words pass just this once. "Did you take your medicine?" Shownu asked and Jane nodded. "Maybe you should sit today out." Jane shook her head furiously, groaning at the pain in her back.

"Oppa, please don't make me sit out. This is my job." Shownu opened his mouth to say something but Hyungwon cut him off. "Stress can make it worse." He said and Jane's shoulders sagged. She had been pretty stressed the past few weeks. "You need to do something to relax." Jane rolled her sore eyes. "Our whole job entails being stressed." Hyungwon snorted, chuckling lightly.

"We can go to a yoga class. Or a spa." Changkyun said, holding his phone screen out. He had pulled up a class website for yoga and all he had to do was click the button to reserve their spot. Jane raised an eyebrow. "We?" Changkyun shrugged, clearing his throat. "Yeah. As in me and you. Or if everyone wants to go."

She inwardly smiled, too exhausted to actually smile. Changkyun wanted to do something with her. For her. It had been almost 2 weeks since he would even be in the same room alone with her. "Yoga isn't my thing, I'll just fall asleep." Hyungwon said, yawning. "I'm going to practice more and Kihyun-ie has vocal lessons soon. Jooheon, why don't you go?" Shownu said.

Jooheon happily nodded. "Of course! I'm all for the healing and stretching." He said and Jane rolled her eyes. Changkyun got their spot, standing up and helping Jane stand up. "I'll get us a cab!" Jooheon said, dashing out of the room. Changkyun let her lean most of her weight on to him and he wrapped his arm tightly around her waist.

"Maybe we should just take you home for today." He said, worriedly. "NO!" Jane yelped and Changkyun raised an eyebrow. "I—I mean, no. I want to go. See if the voodoo exercise will work." She joked and Changkyun shook his head. "You're so easy to read." He whispered. Jane smiled, leaning her head on his arm. "Only to you."

Minhyuk was in front of her moments later with her medicine. "How did you even?" Jane said and Minhyuk rolled his eyes, holding his hand out. "I always keep them on me." He said and Jane looked at him, confused. He sighed, shaking his head. "You're forgetful. So, I keep them on me in case you forget. Or if it gets bad. At least if I have them it can take some of the symptoms away. Or dim them down." Jane smiled warmly, taking the pills.

"Plus, you're no fun to tease when you're trudging around like a turtle." He said and Jane glared at him. "Listen here fat boy,"

"YunJae." Kihyun's voice gave a warning and she sighed. "Thank you. Really. Thank you." She said the last few words quietly and Minhyuk smiled warmly, patting her head. "After your voodoo exercise class, I'll have a masseuse come for your back." He said and Jane smiled, grateful.

In these past few weeks she had been so lost she almost forgot how much her members really do care; even if they're still making up from a fight. "And I'll buy your favorite snacks and we can sleep in my bed cause it's the comfiest." Hyungwon beamed and Jane giggled. "I'd like that."

"Cabs here! Lets go, go, go!" Jooheon said, rushing back out of the room. "I don't understand why he's so excited. He didn't even grab his stuff." Jane muttered and Shownu smiled. "He's nervous because he can't stretch that far." The others laughed and Changkyun grabbed everyone's stuff and the pair bid them all goodbye.

Changkyun didn't loosen his grip once as they made their way to the elevator. "Thank you, Kyun." Jane said quietly and Changkyun smiled. "You're still my best friend." Her heart warmed at the words and if she wasn't so tired, she would have kissed his cheek right there. Instead, she opted for a headbutt to his rib cage.

She smiled as Jooheon furiously waved them to the cab. Normalcy was coming back and she couldn't feel happier.

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