Airplane Sickness

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Jane isn't feeling well as they return home

Jane groaned as Kihyun shook her awake. "Jane, we're about to land." She sighed, opening her eyes, but barely. She felt extremely tired even though she had slept the whole plane ride home. She stretched, groaning as she felt her muscles aching. Sitting on a plane for 16 hours definitely would do that to you. They landed and she stood up, the joints in her knees having a dull ache and she absentmindedly rubbed them.

"You look like shit." Changkyun comments as he reached above his seat to grab his bag. Jane snorted, rolling her eyes. "This is definitely why you're my best friend." She muttered and he smirked. He frowned a little though as he noticed her eyes were a little swollen. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked and Kihyun's eyes snapped to her, taking her in. She looked utterly exhausted; they all were, but she looked more exhausted than usual.

"I'm fine," she said, reaching up and grabbing her bag. "Just jetlag." Changkyun hummed, walking down the aisle and out of the plane. Kihyun had her walk in front of him, something in his gut telling him that he should stand behind her. She walked out and as soon as the sunlight reached her eyes, she squinted and paused, Kihyun almost running into her. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, placing his hand on the small of her back. She nodded her head. "I'm fine. C-can I use your sunglasses?"

He raised his eyebrow but handed them to her and she put them on. He noticed her hand was a little shaky. They walked in, through the airport, Kihyun's hand never leaving the small of her back. They entered the cars waiting for them, Jane sliding in next to Shownu and leaning her head back on the leather seat. "Are you sick?" Shownu asked and Jane shook her head.

"Nah. Just jetlag. And you all like to sit in the plane with the shades down so my eyes are a little sensitive." He nodded, leaning his head back as well, closing his eyes. Jane felt a headache coming on and her muscles were still aching. And she was tired as all hell, feeling like she could sleep for another 16 hours. She was out like a light in a few seconds and Kihyun frowned. Something wasn't right, he could feel that, but he didn't know what.

They arrived home, Shownu gently shaking her awake. "We're home baby," she groaned, rolling her neck and massaging her knees. "Maybe I am coming down with something." She muttered and Kihyun looked at Shownu who just shrugged. "If you still feel this way tomorrow, we can go to the doctor. But let's just go rest for now." Jane nodded, stepping out of the car. She still had Kihyun's sunglasses on, but the sunlight was still burning her eyes. She raised her hand up, trying to block it more.

They all walked into their building, Jane happy to finally be home and to sleep in her own bed. She yawned, handing Kihyun her sunglasses back. She plopped down on Minhyuk's bed, muscles to sore to climb up to her bunk and to be quite honest, she was too tired and didn't have the energy. "Yah! Get off my bed you heathen." Minhyuk said as he walked in and Jane scoffed, scooting over. "Please shut up. My head hurts and your damn mosquito voice doesn't make it better."

"Jane-ah!" Minhyuk said, slapping her shoulder. She groaned, mindlessly flailing one her hands behind her back in attempt to smack him. "Please, Minnie, I'm tired." He paused at the nickname. She never used the nickname unless something was wrong. He frowned, sitting down on the bed. "What's wrong? You never call me Minnie." She sighed, keeping her eyes closed. "It's just jetlag. I'm really tired. And I must've sat weird cause my muscles are aching."

He hummed in response. "Well, I'll run you a hot bath. Maybe that'll help with your muscles at least. I'll tell Kihyun-ie to bring you some medicine." She didn't respond, just wanting to sleep and feeling the dull ache in her head starting to pick up. Minhyuk walked into the kitchen where Kihyun was exhaustedly preparing a fast meal for them. "Do we have advil?" Minhyuk asked, browsing through their cabinet dedicated to medicine. Kihyun looked at him. "I think we're out. We'll have to get more. Why?"

Minhyuk sighed, closing the door and sinking into the chair. "Jane's head is hurting." Kihyun perked up a little, but he didn't take his eyes off the boiling noodles in front of him. "Well, hopefully it'll be gone after she gets some decent sleep." Minhyuk hummed, placing his head on the table. "I don't know. She called me Minnie." Kihyun spun around, eyes narrowing at Minhyuk. "She what?" Minhyuk repeated himself. "I thought the same thing you are now, but she said it's just jetlag." Kihyun didn't respond, furrowing his eyebrows and turning back to the noodles.

"I'm gonna run her a bath. Hopefully it'll help relax her." Minhyuk said and got up, walking towards the bathroom. By the time he had come back in to tell Jane to go soak in the tub, she was already snoring lightly and sound asleep. Minhyuk frowned. Sure, Jane loved her sleep but he was only gone for 10 minutes and she's never fallen asleep that quickly before. He shook her shoulder, gently. "Jane-ah, the bath is ready." Jane groaned and turned over, not a hint of waking up.

Minhyuk sighed. He should just let her sleep. He crawled into the bed beside her, not having the heart to tease her about moving to her own bed. She turned again, snuggling into his side and he smiled softly, wrapping his arm around her. However, sleep may have come easy to the rest of the members that night, but not for Kihyun and Minhyuk.

They knew something was wrong, terribly wrong, but they just couldn't place what.

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