Stages of Grief: Acceptance

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Jane seems to be getting better

A/N: the next few posts for Jane will be her working through the stages of grief; this is centered around the loss of a loved one/parent; if this is triggering for you, please do not read; these posts might be shorter than normal

Kihyun sleepily made his way towards the kitchen. There were noises coming from it and he figured someone had woken up and wanted to eat. He was surprised to find the black-haired girl grumbling to herself over the stove. He glanced at the clock on the microwave. It was almost nine in the morning.

"What are you doing?" He asked and Jane jumped, turning around and staring at him with wide eyes. "I—uh—good morning!" She chirped with an awkward smile, trying to hide whatever pan was on the stove behind her. "Are you cooking?" She nodded. "Well, attempting to. I thought I could make a nice porridge thing. But it's not turning out so well."

Kihyun chuckled a little. He wasn't quite sure what to say. Jane had barely been out of bed before noon the past month and yet, here she was in the kitchen, cooking food. Well, attempting. It looked like she had showered and the aura around her seemed much brighter than it had the past month.

There seemed to be a little more pep in her step. "I'll help you," he said with a smile, walking up beside her. "The point was for me to surprise you all," she muttered and Kihyun chuckled again. "This is quite the surprise either way. How are you feeling?" She shrugged after thinking about it for a minute.

"I'm sad," she pouted, "but you all are right. My dad wouldn't want me wasting away in bed or on the couch. So, I'm cooking! It can be a new hobby or something maybe." Kihyun smiled warmly at the girl next to him. This was definitely not the Jane that had been with the past month.

She was smiling and cracking a few jokes here and there. She was trying to cook. She was up and moving around. She had showered without one of them having to drag her in the bathroom and make her. "Are you going to help or stand there with your creepy joker smile all day?" She quipped and Kihyun shook his head, getting to work to try and save their breakfast.

It wasn't the best breakfast, but at least he had been able to make it edible. Everyone was eating it around the small table in the living room, talking with one another. Jane frowned as she took another bite and put her bowl on the table. "This is terrible. Why are you eating it?" She looked around at the boys who were just staring at her.

Changkyun breathed a sigh of relief and put his bowl on the table too. "Thank god you said it. I thought I was going to have pretend that it was great." Jane laughed and the others joined in, putting their food to the side. "Maybe you should take up another hobby," Kihyun teased and she nodded. "Maybe I'll start painting or something."

Minhyuk shook his head. "No way. You suck at art too. I think you should just stick to singing and dancing. That's all you're good at without killing someone." She glared at him and he smiled at her. "Whatever. I'll read or something."

"You don't like reading," Jooheon commented.

"Maybe I just haven't found the right book!" She exclaimed and Shownu laughed. "Why are you still eating that?" She asked him, bewildered that the oldest was still shoveling down the food like it was nothing. He only shrugged, "I like food. I thought it was pretty good." She laughed at him, shaking her head and sinking into Hyungwon's side.

She might not be totally better, but she had accepted what happened and knew she couldn't change it. She knew if her dad had been here the past month he would have been on her ass for how she'd been acting.

Things weren't perfect and she missed him; but she knew he'd always be with her in some way, shape or form. He might be physically gone, but he would never be completely gone. She looked around at the six boys surrounding her and smiled to herself.

This was her family; her brothers. As long as they were there, she could be better. She would get better. Just with a little help along the way.

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