Relationship with Members

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Hyunwoo (Shownu): Jane looks at Shownu as a father-figure. He gives her advice, he guides her when she's struggling, he takes care of her and becomes overprotective when necessary. She is always there to offer him a shoulder when she notices he is becoming overwhelmed or stressed out. She is probably one of the only people that can tell the subtle changes in his facial expressions and posture when he's angry, sad, stressed, etc. Shownu treats Jane like his daughter. He is not afraid to use his muscles to scare someone off and is constantly doing what he can to bring her out of her shell. He does struggle with being able to know how she is feeling though because she tends to keep a straight face all the time.

Hoseok (Wonho): Jane isn't very much into skin ship and it's a very rare occurrence when she does show some form of skin ship. She adores Wonho's warm heart and how expressive he can be, but she finds it hard to relate to him. She gets annoyed easily because he loves to wrap his arms around her and back hug her. However, she never pushes him away because it's way of finding comfort. Wonho thinks Jane is the most adorable thing he's ever seen. He wishes that she would wear more colorful things, but he also loves when she rocks her skinny jeans and platform boots. He always hypes her up no matter what and does his best to get her out of any uncomfortable situation he can.

Minhyuk: If there were anyone in the world who fights like their life depended on it, it would be Jane and Minhyuk. Jane is easily irritated by his bubbly personality, especially when he's always trying to get her to be the same way. His loudness and obnoxiousness at time irk her to no end and they've both gotten physical in some fights before (nothing major). However, Jane has Minhyuk's back like no other. If there is a day when he is not his loud, bubbly, obnoxious self, she is taking on that role until he is back to himself. While she may never admit it, she loves his personality and it really does brighten her mood if she's feeling down. Minhyuk was at first intrigued by the dark aura that followed Jane around but he quickly got tired of it. He does whatever he can to make her come out of her shell and talk more. Sometimes he'll even pretend to be sad or upset just because he knows that is the only time she will come out of her shell to cheer him up. While they fight almost constantly, if you mess with either of them you're going to have the other one at your heels, breathing down your neck.

Kihyun: If Jane ever wanted to have a mother-figure in her life, Kihyun would be her go to. She is so grateful that he is always taking care of all of them. He feeds them all, he does their laundry, he cleans after them, he wakes up earlier just to make sure that he can wake everyone else up. She is not one to show many emotions, but when she is in a cuddly mood, Kihyun is the one she goes to first. It is her way of showing him how much she appreciates everything he does. Kihyun, like Shownu, also treats Jane like a daughter. He is the first to scold anyone who tries to insult her or any of the boys when they annoy her, mostly Minhyuk. He takes her sides when she is having a fight with someone else almost all of the time. However, he is also very blunt with her and isn't afraid to turn the scolding and lectures back on her. Cuddling her is one of his favorite things to do so he always tries to make himself available in case she ever does get in that mood.

Hyungwon: Jane and Hyungwon are the most shipped pair in Monsta X by fans. They both are also known for having resting bitch faces but hearts of gold. Jane and Hyungwon became fast friends when she first started training under Starship. She was in awe at his dance skills and had shyly asked him to coach her. They are likely to get the most unit stages together because their performance is so powerful when they're together. When Hyungwon first met Jane, he really didn't think she was going to make it very far. She was quiet and dressed completely different from other trainees. However, when she had shyly asked for coaching for dancing he had agreed and the two became fast friends. Hyungwon tends to stay pretty neutral in the group, but he secretly takes her side more than the others. Their favorite thing to do together is nap and eat, which is almost always where you can find them if they're missing.

Jooheon (Joohoney): Jooheon was the reason Jane got interested in producing music. She had walked past the studio one day and heard a song playing. She thought it was really good and despite her usual quietness, she had knocked on the door to tell the person that it was great. When Jooheon had opened the door he was shocked to see Jane standing there but when she told him how much she really liked the beat, he smiled happily and basically dragged her into the studio. He showed her the whole thing and she gave him some notes that helped enhance it. He showed her different programs and how to work them. Jane adores Jooheon and supports everything and anything he does. Besides Changkyun, he is probably the only person who she would show mild skin ship with. His aegyo does annoy her, but she puts up with it because it's Jooheon.

Changkyun (I.M): When Changkyun first entered into the No.Mercy competition, all the boys were rude and closed off. They were all stressed and exhausted beyond their limit and they had just lost a close friend to the competition. However, Jane was able to see that Changkyun was just as uncomfortable as the rest of the boys and surprised herself but standing right up and giving him a warm hug, welcoming him. She didn't say anything to the other boys, but glared at each of them before grabbing Changkyun's hand and heading back to the dorm with him. They became instant best friends. Changkyun is the one person that Jane really opens up too and let's her walls down. In turn, Changkyun makes sure that there is always the space between them for her to stay that comfortable. Changkyun looks at Jane like his little sister; he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her if he could help it and he wouldn't think twice about throwing a punch or two at someone for messing with her. He is forever grateful for her for how she stood up for him during No.Mercy, and he has made it his life mission to repay her for that. These two are constantly all over each other, hugging, holding hands, etc. Him and Jooheon are the only two that she is comfortable with constant skin ship.

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