Double Date

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Jane and Seulki have a double date

"Jimin! They're going to be here in a few minutes!" Jane called out into the apartment. Her and Seulki had planned this double date months ago. Her and the rest of them finally had enough down time to actually make it happen. Jane wasn't kitchen savvy, but she could improvise.

They had ordered sushi from a gourmet restaurant and Jane had done the honors of making all the side dishes for it. She was frantically running around the kitchen, making sure everything was perfect. Jimin entered and smiled at her, wrapping his arms around her waist and stopping her in her tracks.

He trailed soft kisses along the side of her neck. "Stop! I have to set the table still and get the food rea—" Jimin silenced her rambling with a chaste kiss. "YunJae-ah, everything is fine. It's perfect already." She sighed, leaning against his chest and he hummed into her hair. "They're our friends, baby. Why are you freaking out?"

She sighed, turning to face him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I just—I don't have many friends and I want this to be perfect. I don't want to mess this up." Jimin smiled adoringly at her, cupping her cheek with his hand. "It's fine, love. I'll put the food out and you set the table, okay?" She nodded and they got to work.

A few minutes later, the beeping of the keypad was heard and Seulki had made her entrance. "We're here, bitches! And I got alcohol!" She waved the expensive bottle of champagne in the air as Hyungwon snorted. "We're here for dinner, jagiya. It's not a club." Seulki rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "You just don't know how to have fun, Wonnie."

"Jane-ah!" Seulki skipped over to her dark-haired friend and wrapped her arms around her. Jane smiled as Jimin stood behind her with a smile. "Hello, dear. How many glasses have you had already?" Seulki huffed, shaking her finger in Jane's face. "Only like 4." Jane laughed, taking the alcohol from Seulki. "Guess I need to catch up then."

Two hours later the food had been finished with good conversation and Jane and Seulki we're boarding the line between tipsy and drunk. Seulki collapsed on their couch. "Jeez, Chim. You're going to need a new one. This leather stuff is just not that comfortable." She rubbed her hand on the leather couch with a crinkle in her nose.

Jane collapsed next to her, bottle of champagne in her hand. They had opted for just drinking out of the bottle an hour ago. It was only them two drinking anyways. Jimin snorted, rolling his eyes. "We've been a little busy. Sorry that a couch wasn't high on my priority list. Besides! You don't even live here."

Seulki jutted out her bottom lip and then turned to Hyungwon. "Wonnie, he's being mean to be again." Jimin only rolled his eyes as Hyungwon laughed, sitting down next to her. "I think you've both had enough for today." He tried reaching for the bottle from Jane but she glared at him and whipped it away before he could touch it.

"Hyungwon, you know better than to touch my alcohol." He gulped because he very well knew. The last time he had tried to cut her off it had ended up with an array of items being thrown at him along with some curse words. He was pretty sure it was the only time he had ever seen Jane genuinely angry.

"Baby, I think it's been enough." Jane took a gulp from the bottle, handing it to Seulki while she glared daggers at Jimin. "Park Jimin. If I want to drink, I'm going to drink." Jimin only sighed, knowing that this double date had taken a drastic turn and was turning into girls night.

"Let's just go to mine, Jane-ah. They're being mean!" Seulki slurred a bit and that's when Hyungwon had to put his foot down. He was the tallest of all of them. While he knew Jimin wouldn't try to reach for it, he knew the girls would but fail. He swiped the bottle right after Seulki took another gulp and stood up with it in the air.

"Yah! What is this?! You're supposed to love me!" Seulki said angrily, trying to reach for the bottle. Hyungwon clicked his tongue, shaking his head. "It's because he loves you that he took it away, S." Jimin chided and she flipped him off. "Stay out of my relationship, Jimin!"

Both boys groaned and Jane hopped off the couch trying to quite literally climb Hyungwon. "What are you doing you absolute buffoon?!" Hyungwon could not believe that she was really trying to climb him like he was a tree. "That's mine! Seulki brought it for me! Well—for us!"

Jimin clapped his hands, grabbing Jane by her waist and pulling her off of his friend. "For all of us, love. But you two have had all of it." Jane crossed her arms, pouting and Seulki was sulking on the other end of the couch. Hyungwon went and hid the bottle, coming back and pressing a kiss to Seulki's temple.

"I want chicken!" Seulki shouted and Jane happily agreed that chicken was the best thing right now. "You two literally ate more than half the sushi and you're still hungry?!" Jimin was in shock and Hyungwon only shrugged, pulling his phone out. He was used to this. Every time Changkyun and Jane had their drinking nights at the dorm it always ended with them wrestling and someone else ordering them chicken.

"Extra spicy?" Hyungwon asked and Jane nodded profusely with a large smile. "You know me so well, Wonnie." He only snorted and Jimin shook his head. "I can't believe you're encouraging this." Hyungwon only shrugged again, placing the order and shoving his phone back in his pocket. "They'll eat the chicken and then pass out, promise."

Sure enough, both girls devoured the chicken like they hadn't eaten in months and then were happily sleeping on the sofa, arms wrapped around each other. The two boys were exhausted. "This is the first time I've ever seen Jane actually drunk. She's much more. . .livelier." Jimin said. Hyungwon let out a chuckle, picking Seulki up bridal style.

"You should have been there when we first debuted. Her and Changkyun were always drinking. Our dorm could've probably been a bar." Jimin only shook his head, picking his girlfriend up. "I say we leave them to sleep at Seulki's and wait till the hangover wears off." Hyungwon nodded, agreeing instantly.

"We'll come have our ownchicken."

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