The Guest

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Jane is dragged to a birthday party

"Jane-ah!" Changkyun groaned, spreading his body out and rolling on top of her. "Get off me you lump of lard." She hissed, pushing him off and glaring at him. "Kihyun hyung said we have to go." Jane rolled her eyes, shrugging her shoulders and turning back to her drawing. "Then go. I don't want to. You all know I hate parties." Changkyun groaned again. "I'm gonna tell." Jane scoffed, narrowing her eyes. "Are you 5?"

Changkyun jumped up, sprinting out of the room and Jane rolled her eyes again, turning back to her drawing. A few minutes later her sketchpad was ripped out of her hands and she looked up to see a very annoyed looking Kihyun. She would be lying if she said she didn't feel small at the moment; Kihyun scolded and got annoyed with them easily, but to be truly annoyed with one of them was rare. "You're going. Get up and get ready. We leave in an hour." He turned around, walking back out the door before her turned back around. "And don't make me come back in here."

Jane visibly gulped and slowly stood up, grabbing clothes and changing and moving to the bathroom to do her hair and makeup. She finished quickly, throwing her black hair in a loose braid and allowing her bangs to hang naturally across her forehead. Her black skinny jeans were paired with a plain black tank top and her favorite leather jacket. She parted her dark red lips, sighing again. "You look cute." She jumped, turning around to see Hyunwoo leaning against the door frame.

"Shit, oppa! You scared me." Hyunwoo narrowed his eyes and sheepishly apologized for her language. "It's time to go." She followed him out the door and to the car where the rest of her family was waiting, impatiently. "It took you long enough! Let's go!" Wonho yelled and Jane rolled her eyes, stepping in and sitting next to him and Jooheon. "Whose party is this anyway?" She huffed and Kihyun narrowed his eyes. "Yoongi's. His birthday is soon but they won't be able to celebrate, and they invited some close friends to celebrate for him." Jane groaned again, slumping down in her seat. "I'm not his close friend." She muttered.

Jooheon elbowed her, a silent look telling her to shut up. Kihyun narrowed his eyes. "Can't you be social for once? Jesus Christ, YunJae. All you do is sit in the dorm. It's really depressing and infuriating sometimes." Shownu cleared his throat, throwing a look to Kihyun in the rearview mirror and he shut up, looking out the window. If he thought that was going to get Jane to like this any better, that wasn't the way. She didn't show it outwardly, but his words hurt a little. Wonho seemed to notice her change in mood and gave her hand a small squeeze, smiling slightly.

She tried to return it but she knew any idiot with eyes could see that Kihyun's words hurt. They pulled up to the place and Jane plastered a smile on her face. She marched out of the car, Wonho hot on her heels and eventually he linked their arms together as they walked in. "Just a few hours, baby. We can even sneak away later." He winked and Jane smiled, nodding her head. They walked in and Jane already felt uncomfortable. She couldn't believe someone had this many close friends.

She had grabbed a drink of whatever fruity alcoholic drink was being served and pushed herself into a corner, hoping to be able to hide here the rest of the time. She sipped her drink, people watching and keeping tabs on her boys. She was lost in her mission on trying to guess who Changkyun and Jooheon would try to bring home with them she didn't notice the pink-haired boy that stepped up next to her. "You look like you're living for this." She jumped at the voice, looking to her side and then quickly averting her gaze. "Jimin sunbae, you scared me." She mumbled.

He chuckled, and Jane couldn't help but love how smooth it sounded. "Why is a pretty thing like you hiding away in a corner?" He winked and she blushed, shrugging her shoulders. "Large social gatherings just aren't really my thing." She said, looking around at the packed room. Jimin's eyes lit up, grabbing her wrist and dragging her behind him. "Jimin! What are yo—" She was cut off by his smirk over his shoulder. "Trust me, you'll like it." She felt her cheeks heat up and if she wasn't so focused on not making herself look a fool in front of him, she probably would have tripped over her own feet.

Jimin dragged her up some stairs and opened a door, pulling Jane in with him and shutting it. "What is this?" She asked, timidly, looking around. Jimin smiled as her eyes lit up as they landed on the large TV screen and gaming console. "Can I really play?!" She asked, eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree and Jimin laughed, throwing his head back. Jane gulped as she took in his figure. He was attractive, there was no denying that. He had soft eyes and his lips were plump and his smile seemed to make her knees wobble. She shook her head as he looked back at her, a bright smile on his face. "Only if you think you can beat me." He winked and then both of them bolted over the couch, picking up the controllers and starting a game. Jimin was terrible, but Jane wasn't sure if he was letting her win or if he really just was that terrible.

She laughed, leaning back on the couch. "Thanks for this. It is definitely much more my style." Jimin smiled, shrugging his shoulders. "It's no problem. Yoongi hyung will probably be up here soon too. He also doesn't like big crowds." Jane smiled, asking if he wanted to play another round. "Fine but if I win, you owe me a meal. A grand, fine dining one." Jimin chuckled, agreeing. "But if I win, you'll just have to find out." He smirked and Jane rolled her eyes, shaking on it. "Deal." All of a sudden, Jimin was like a gaming god, beating her in only a few minutes. Jane looked at him with her mouth hung open.

"You totally played me. That's not fair." Jimin smirked, shrugging his shoulders. "That wasn't part of the rules." Jane scoffed, pouting and folding her arms over her chest. "Fine. What do you want?" Jimin smirked, leaning over and Jane held her breath as his face was only inches away from hers. He leaned forward, lips brushing her ear and she felt the goosebumps. "You," he murmured and a second later Jane felt his lips on hers and she had wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening it. She heard a ring and the two jumped apart, both of their faces a deep red. "H-hello?!" She stuttered and an angry Kihyun was on the other end.

"YunJae! I swear to god if you called a taxi to take you home." She sighed. "I'm just in the bathroom, oppa. Jeez. I'm coming out now." She hung up, Jimin looking at her and awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "Next time?" He asked, hope filling his eyes. Jane walked up to him, pressing their bodies together and she loved the way he tensed at her touch. "Next time, Park Jimin," she said as sexily as she could.

"You owe me a 5-course meal." She kissed the corner of his mouth and spun on her heels, practically sprinting out of the room, leaving a very flustered Jimin smiling stupidly as he watched her leave.

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