Black Out

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When Jane first started feeling ill

She was hot; hotter than normal. And it wasn't because of her outfit. Jane hadn't been feeling the best for a few weeks now, but she had brushed it off. Nothing that a little rest couldn't fix, right?

"On in two minutes! Make your way to the stage!" She heard their manager shout. She sighed, standing up. A wave of dizziness hit her and she instinctively reached out, grabbing on to the closest thing to help steady herself.

"You alright?" It was Changkyun's arm she had grabbed on too. She looked at him, confused for a moment before slowly nodding her head. "Ye—yeah. I'm good." She let go of his arm, walking off to follow behind Jooheon.

Changkyun furrowed his brow but had no time to ask her again if she was really okay. It was time to go on stage. He kept his eyes trained on her, noticing that she looked a little paler than normal and that her hands were shaking slightly.

She rubbed her temples, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She had a pounding headache that she was pretty sure was going to be a full-blown migraine in the matter of minutes. "Manager-nim!" She said hurriedly, eyes scanning the staff with them.

Their manager stepped up. "What's wrong, Jane-ssi?" He asked and she held her hand out. "I need headache medicine, please." He frowned but grabbed the small bottle of pills out of his pocket and handed her two. "You've been needing these a lot lately."

She she shrugged, taking the bottle of water from his outstretched hand and downing the small pills. "It's just all the noise, I'm fine." She said, turning back towards the stage. Kihyun gave her a worried look but she pretended not to see it.

Finally, they were on stage, performing their hearts out. Jane's feet felt really light; it almost felt like she was floating on clouds. Her head was fuzzy and her vision was getting spotty. She panicked a little, knowing what this feeling was.

However, she was not going to allow herself to pass out in front of Monbebe's. She held out until they finished the set, breathing heavily as they stood on the lift. Jane's vision tunneled and all the noise around her disappeared.

The lights went out and she felt the lift going down and that was the last thing she remembered. She had fainted into Minhyuk. Thankfully, he caught her before she could fall and hit her head, but he was worried.

"I need help!" He yelled as the lift steadied and immediately there was staff members surrounding them asking what happened. "She dropped like a rock! I don't know what happened! Just help her!" He snapped and the staff picked her up, rushing her back to the waiting room.

Jane came too a few minutes later, ice bags around her head, neck and on her stomach. She groaned, covering her eyes with her arm. It was far too bright in this room right now and her head was pounding as if someone had a jackhammer to her skull.

"Where is she?" She heard Shownu's deep voice and a few seconds later she felt his presence kneeling beside her. "Hey, baby," he said softly, but not soft enough. She winced at the pain in her head. "Not good," she croaked out, throat feeling really dry.

"Here, sit up and drink this. I'll help you." He sat her up, one hand support her back while the other guided a bottle of water to her lips. "Thank you," she murmured, laying back down and covering her eyes again. "Can you shut the lights off?" She asked and Shownu quirked a brow.

"What happened?" He asked quietly and she shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't been feeling good, but this is new. I don't even remember anything after getting on the lif—OH GOD!" She shot up, causing Shownu to jump a little.

"The concert! We have to finish the concert!" She stood up, feeling the wave of dizziness wash over her again which only caused a searing pain to shoot through her head. She stumbled, but Shownu caught her, steadying her and looking at her worriedly.

"We finished already, love." She looked at him with wide eyes. Well, as wide as she could make them right now. "I was passed out. . .for the whole thing?" She asked, sitting back down. Shownu sighed, sitting next to her and patting her knee.

"We need to take you to see a doctor. It's not okay that you've felt this way for weeks." She shook her head. The doctor could wait, but not this world tour. She could handle it. "I'm fine, really. I just—I need sleep. Just rest and I'll be good as new."

Shownu bit his lip. He wasn't sure if she was saying that to convince him or herself, but either way it wasn't working for either party. "WHERE'S MY BABY?!" Wonho screamed as he burst into the room. Jane winced, the noise making another sharp pain shoot through her skull.

"Yah! Quieter!" Shownu scolded and Wonho smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. Are you okay? Do you need anything? Are we going to the doctor? Wait—no—we're going. C'mon. I'll go with you." He grabbed her wrist, attempting to pull her up but she pulled her hand out of his grasp.

"I'm not going, I'll be fine. I just need sleep." She heard Minhyuk snort, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. "You literally just fell on me not even a half hour ago like a ton of bricks, but yeah, sleep will help." She narrowed her eyes, regretting it when the action made her head pound.

She laid back on the couch, covering her eyes. "Please. I just want to go to the hotel and sleep. My head hurts." Shownu sighed, looking around at the rest of the members who all looked just as worried as he did.

"Alright, fine. But one of us is staying in your room tonight. Just in case." Jane didn't have the energy to argue and to be honest, she wanted someone too stay with her. She didn't know what was going on and she was scared.

Shownu helped her to her feet and Wonho assisted in helping her out to the van waiting for them. Minhyuk's brown eyes followed the trio out, lips turned down into a frown. "We'll take her to the doctor, soon as we get back." Changkyun said, gently nudging him out the door.

Minhyuk sighed, wrapping his arm around Changkyun's shoulders. "I'll call and make an appointment right now."

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