JTCOM: Changkyun (I.M)

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Jane taking care of members

Jane would be the first one to tell anyone that she isn't the most cuddliest person in the world. Nor does she enjoy skin ship that much. She also would be the first to admit that except for a select few, it was a rare occurrence when she'd shoe any type of skin ship to anyone, her members included.

She's aware that her reputation amongst the fans is being one with resting bitch face; the "cold" one. Some fans have even gone as far to say that she doesn't care for her members at all and is just plays nice to save face. Jane never let it bother her though. Behind closed doors, she knew her members knew how much she cared for them.

They were her family, her brothers. She loved them with all the love she had in her. She took care of them silently, always observing. She'd noticed when one of them wasn't feeling their best, notice when one of them was struggling either physically or mentally. She was quiet, but observant. And she would do whatever she could to support and be there for her brothers, no matter the cost.

Being dropped in on a survival show that was already heightened because of the loss of their friend was something no one would ever want. But that's exactly what Changkyun had gotten. He was dropped in the middle of their somber dinner with nothing more than a short introduction and then left to fend for himself.

Sure, Jane wasn't the happiest about it either, but she had enough common sense to know that it wasn't what I.M had asked for nor was it his choice solely. Unfortunately, she couldn't believe that the rest of her friends didn't have that same common sense. Refusing to look at him or glare at him over their face masks. Some of them refusing to downright speak to him.

She wasn't having that and that's what led her to grabbing his hand, calling the others out on their childish behavior and taking I.M back to the dorm. Thus starting the best friendship she'd ever had. The first few weeks were rough for him and she knew that. He still felt like he wasn't welcomed and if she was being honest, he probably wasn't yet.

He'd been walking on eggshells, only speaking to Jane when he wanted but the others when they spoke to him first. Usually, just to chide or scold him. But Jane had caught I.M crying too many times alone at the company building for her to bite her tongue anymore. Though she knew that he didn't want her saying anything to the others, she was going to have too.

But first, she needed to stop him from crying. Surprisingly to her, skin ship with I.M came easy and didn't make her feel like she wanted to crawl out of her skin. She was constantly touching him whether it be flicking his forehead, latching on to his arm, laying on him when she was tired or just because she wanted to, she had no issues with it.

So, when she walked in the practice room and practically pounced on him with a hug as big as her small would allow, he was fine with burying his face into her shoulder and just sobbing it out. And that's how it went for a few weeks until Jane had told everyone off and they started treating him like a real human being.

When Jane was going through a rough patch dealing with some stuff from her past, I.M was there to repay all those times she comforted him. He never left her side, always held her hand or threw an arm over her shoulders. And she welcomed the affection. Snuggling into his side, rarely crying, but clutching to his waist as if he was the only person keeping her from drowning.

And when it came to rough times with their group, Jane was by his side. Making sure he wasn't overworking himself, bringing him food and water. Shoving him in the bathroom to shower. Having sleepovers in his room so that he wouldn't feel alone with his thoughts. She was there as his constant companion and for a while, the fans thought they were dating.

Then there were the times when nothing was wrong, neither of them needing comfort or assurances. They just wanted to be in each other's company. Playing pranks on the other members, joking around at the park or the beach. I.M was not shy to help her with her "pranks" on the company as well. Even reading together during late schedules or curled up on the couch sleeping and offering warmth while they waited to go home.

They just simply wanted to be near each other because they get each other. They're soulmates, in every sense of the word. Maybe not romantically, but definitely friendly. Because for Jane, I.M was her best friend, her go-to and the one person who she'd side with in an instant if he needed her too (and she has).

For Jane, Im Changkyun was truly the only person she'd think she'd never been able to get through any of this without.

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