No.Mercy: New Kid

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K.Will adds a new trainee and the others are less than enthused

Jane sighed as she ate her food. She was surprised she had made it this far, but she was grateful. However, yesterday's elimination had been hard on everyone and not having Minkyun at the table with them laughing and eating was heartbreaking. Jane hadn't been too close with the vocalist, but the times they did talk or were in the same group, he was always positive and making everyone laugh. She knew Hyunwoo was taking it the hardest; he was deemed leader of their group just for being the oldest. He felt like it was his fault.

Jane observed the others as they ate, blocking out most of what K.Will was saying. She didn't particularly care for him if she was being honest. After all, he was one of the ones that told her she was being allowed on the show just to boost ratings. However her full attention was on him when she heard him say that this was something he thinks everyone will experience at some point in their career. She was confused and so were the others; she could tell by their expressions. "I came to realize we don't have enough rappers." Jane saw some of the trainees look down at their empty plates of food.

Her hands started trembling. Does that mean her time was up? Get rid of another vocalist? It would most definitely be her. She was prepping her goodbye's to the others. Jooheon noticed her hands trembling and silently grabbed one of hers, rubbing small circles with the pad of his thumb. K.Will's voice broke through Jane's impending panic. "We're going to be adding another trainee." Everyone's mouths dropped open, including Jane's. She didn't understand. They literally just lost someone yesterday; they were still grieving the loss of their two friends before him too. She couldn't help but feel angry, but at the producers, not at the new trainee coming in. It wasn't his fault. He didn't ask for this.

However, Jane knew she stood alone on that one when she saw the expressions on her friends faces. They were royally pissed off. Most of them had pulled their sweaters over their faces or put their masks back on to try and hide their expressions. Jooheon and GunHee looked the most pissed out of all of them. It was obviously going to be another rapper brought in since they were short on rappers and their direct competition. Jooheon had dropped Jane's hand and was now sitting back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest and a hard glare on the table in front of him.

Jane was feeling angry too, but for the right reasons. It wasn't fair to them or this new trainee to be put in this situation. It wasn't fair for the production team to decide this without even considering their feelings first. But what did she expect to be honest? It was a reality show and the more drama, the higher the ratings. "I'll bring him in."

"Now?" Jane's gaze snapped to Yoonho's irritated voice. Her friends attitudes before they had even met the trainee were starting to annoy her and he gaze was slowly fixing into a glare at everyone around the table. She thought they were better than that. Of course, she understood where they were coming from, she had the same feelings and emotions as they did, but she felt she was directing them at the right people while her fellow trainees were only focused on the "threat" coming in. K.Will left and came back with a tall, brown-haired boy sheepishly following behind him, eyes trained on the ground. "Introduce yourself to the others." K.Will said.

"I'm I.M, 20 years old and a rapper. It's nice to meet you." No one responded to him, all their hard glares fixed on the table or the floor. Jane was getting angrier by the second. K.Will offered I.M a seat and then proceeded to leave. Jane had to hold back a scoff as she wasn't surprised he was going to leave the new boy to fend for himself. She heard Minhyuk cough, "I feel sick." Her gaze snapped to him as he turned his head the opposite way of I.M. Kihyun spoke up, trying to remain neutral but anyone could tell he was angry. "You have to understand why we can't welcome you right now." I.M nodded, not saying much, feeling the awkwardness.

Jane had had enough. If her so called friends were going to act like children, she was going to treat them that way. She stood up, marching over to I.M and fixing her hard glare on to Minhyuk. "Move." Minhyuk opened his mouth to say something but Hyunwoo smacked his leg, nodding his head towards Jane's now empty seat. Minhyuk grumbled but got up and moved and Jane sat right next to I.M. "My name is Baek YunJae, but you can call me Jane." I.M's eyes went wide, surprised that anyone was even willing to be in his presence.

"I-Im Changkyun. But you can call me I.M." He said shyly and Jane smiled, meeting his brown eyes. "I wish you luck on this show and please don't hesitate to ask me if you need anything." The others were now fixing shocked and angry glares on Jane. They were feeling betrayed, but Jane didn't care. Her father would kill her if he knew she was bullying someone or ostracizing someone for no good reason. It wasn't in her nature and she thought it wasn't in her friends either. She went around the table, calling out everyone's name and introducing them. Now the pair had the glares fixed on both of them and Jane was starting to get uncomfortable. She had enough. She stood up, grabbing I.M's wrist and pulling him with her.

"We're going back to the dorm to rest. I hope you'll all have grown up by the time you're back." She said, turning around and marching off to the car with a very confused Changkyun behind her. The others looked at her in shock, not used to her being demanding or talking so much. Jane let out a breath she didn't know she was holding when they entered the van and drove away from the restaurant. "T-thank you." Changkyun stuttered quietly. Jane quirked her eyebrow. "For what?" Changkyun shrugged, looking out the window. "I know it's not easy, having me here. But thank you. For giving me a chance."

Jane's face softened and she almost pulled him into a hug, but refrained, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. "Any decent human being would. It's not your fault you were placed in this situation." The rest of the car ride was silent and when they reached the dorm, Jane was ready to just lay in bed and pass out. However, Changkyun noticed her face fall when they entered a bedroom and she stared at an empty bunk. "He didn't even say goodbye." Changkyun awkwardly put his arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry." Jane shook her head, sighing. "It's probably for the best. Anyways, your bunk is right here." She pointed to the one underneath. "And I'll be right across from you."

Changkyun unpacked his things in comfortable silence. "Changkyun?" He jumped at the sound of Jane's voice. She'd been so quiet that he'd forgotten she was there. He turned, facing her and hummed in response. "I really meant it. When I said I'm here if you need anything. Don't feel like you're alone. I promise I'll do my best to help." He smiled, leaning against the dresser. "Thanks, Jane. I appreciate it. Same goes to you. You're the only female I noticed so, you probably feel the same as I do right now some times." Jane nodded, agreeing.

She clapped her hands, jumping up from her bed. "I hereby declare the day that Baek YunJae and Im Changkyun became best friends." She held out her pinky and Changkyun laughed, linking his with hers. "Happy friendiversary!" Jane let out a laugh, pushing him on to his bed. "Sleep now. We'll have a long day tomorrow and I'm sure you're tired."

That night Jane fell asleep without a heavy heart and Changkyun fell asleep not feeling like he was completely alone like he thought he would be and grateful for his now, new best friend.

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