JTCOM: Hoseok (Wonho)

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Jane taking care of the members

Jane would be the first one to tell anyone that she isn't the most cuddliest person in the world. Nor does she enjoy skin ship that much. She also would be the first to admit that except for a select few, it was a rare occurrence when she'd shoe any type of skin ship to anyone, her members included.

She's aware that her reputation amongst the fans is being one with resting bitch face; the "cold" one. Some fans have even gone as far to say that she doesn't care for her members at all and is just plays nice to save face. Jane never let it bother her though. Behind closed doors, she knew her members knew how much she cared for them.

They were her family, her brothers. She loved them with all the love she had in her. She took care of them silently, always observing. She'd noticed when one of them wasn't feeling their best, notice when one of them was struggling either physically or mentally. She was quiet, but observant. And she would do whatever she could to support and be there for her brothers, no matter the cost.

Wonho knew that his body image was what brought them a lot of fans in the beginning. Starship had practically syphoned him into being this big, macho man. "It's for the good of the group," their manager would say.

While Jane, and the rest couldn't really disagree, she hated the fact that they were making him feel that his looks were the only thing he had going for him. He was an amazing dancer and singing and an even better producer.

He had a heart of gold, caring for everyone around him deeply. There was nothing he wouldn't do for his friends, his members or his family. It also wasn't a secret that Wonho didn't have the best immune system. He was constantly getting sick and not feeling well. And even on these days, he was practically dragged to the gym to work out by their staff.

Until Jane had enough it; going off on a staff member and telling them if they were stupid enough to believe that anyone in his condition at the time could even lift ten pounds, they needed to find another job and fast because she wasn't allowing it. She'll never forget the relief that washed over Wonho's face when he didn't have to go to the gym that day.

When his shoulder dislocated during their concert, he kept going. And while anyone could see that his arm was just laying limply at his side, Jane couldn't help the awe she felt that he showed no pain; at least until the lights went out. She was by his side the whole time as staff put it back into place.

She brought him ice, coffee, his favorite snack. He had done so much for them and she was going to repay him. And the next day, he was feeling better but Jane ran around making sure that he didn't do anything to put extra stress on his shoulder. "Damage control," she had told him and he had only laughed in response. But he allowed her to continue, liking the feeling of being taken care of.

She always made sure to keep an extra bottle of vitamins and supplements in her bag or her luggage. She made sure that she always had the best of the best on her so, when he wasn't feeling good, she was his nurse. Making sure he took all the vitamins. She's not great at cooking, but she'd pick him up health foods from the store or his favorite take-out when she felt like he needed to splurge a little.

When his past had come to light in the media, she knew he was struggling greatly with it even if he put on a brave face. His smile wasn't as bright, the light didn't reach his eyes and sometimes he didn't even smile at all. She hated seeing him that way and secretly, she had tried finding the girl that thought it was okay to accuse her brother of such things.

And she had tried her best to get Starship to be more heavy on the hate coming towards them, mostly him. The hate comments were ridiculous and while there were millions of fans defending them and him, there always seemed to be just a handful more of those that wanted nothing but to bash his image.

She did what she could to make him know that he wasn't alone. She'd quietly sit by his side at the dorm while he watched TV or cooked food. She'd spend hours with him in the studio, neither really saying much or mentioning the elephant in the room. But she was there and all she needed to him to know was that she was there, whenever he needed her to be.

Going out alone wasn't an option for him. It wasn't mandated by the company, but by Jane herself. She'd tag along when he'd need to run to the store or when just going to the company. She even tagged along when he went to meet with the lawyer for the first time and while she wasn't allowed in for the meeting, she sat right outside and was glued to his side the minute he came out.

When he decided to part ways, Jane was shocked to say the least. He hadn't mentioned anything to her at least and she was standing outside with Monbebe's for hours, protesting against her own company for letting this happen. She refused to sit in the meeting everyone else was in about it because she didn't want to face the reality at that time.

She never stopped talking to him though and he never stopped talking to them. She'd talk to him on the phone at least once a day, just to ask how his day was going and how he was doing. If he needed her to bring groceries, take him to any appointments, if he just needed her to be there. He always said no.

And when she was in the hospital after her seizure, she was overwhelmed with emotions when he had walked in. They talked for hours and hours. He told her about signing to the small company under Starship and Jane was so happy for him. Maybe he couldn't come back, at least right now, but he'd still be there. Where she could see him every day again.

And she vowed to be his biggest supporter, for however long he decided that this is the path for him. And she kept her vow. She helped him decorate for his first Vlive on his own outside of Monsta X, she helped him pick a fandom name and made all his posters and signs. She even went over to help him decorate his new apartment, with he promise that she would be over every day to get away from Minhyuk's annoying presence.

He only smiled, nodding his in approval. She was his sister and he was her brother. And she was one of the best sister's she could ever ask for.

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