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Jane moves in

"Be careful with that! You'll break it!" Jane snapped as Minhyuk lazily pushed a particularly heavy box up the stairs. He rolled his eyes, doing his best to lift the thing. "I don't understand why we can't use the elevator." He muttered and Jane scoffed. "God forbid you get your steps in for the day." She picked up her box and struggled to move up the next few steps before turning to look at Minhyuk who was only smirking at her with his arms crossed.

"Shut up. Let's just get on the elevator." She moved towards the elevator as Minhyuk followed, pushing the box across the floor and laughing at her. "So much for getting steps in." He teased and she gently kicked his shin. "C'mon, I'll just leave this box here and help you carry that one." She leaned down, picking up one end of his box and he picked up the other.

They entered into the apartment that was littered with the few boxes she had and she sighed, laying over the top of the box. "God, I hate moving. Who let me do this?" She turned to Shownu who only shrugged. "You wanted too. I can't say no." She rolled her eyes as he smiled at her. Jimin laughed, shaking his head. "You're almost done." She narrowed her eyes at him.

"You haven't even touched a box, Park Jimin. I don't want to hear it." She turned around, heading down to grab the box she left in the elevator. "I don't know how you put up with that." Minhyuk said and Jimin chuckled, patting his shoulder. "The power of love, my friend." Minhyuk crinkled his nose. "Gross."

Finally, all the boxes had made their way into the apartment. Jane was currently sprawled on the couch and Hyungwon handed her a bottle of water and her pills. "Thanks," she said quietly and he smiled, ruffling her hair. "Jane-ah!" She groaned at Seulki's voice from the bedroom. "Go, before she makes it all girly and stuff." Hyungwon winked.

Jane walked to the bedroom. "Where do you want this?" She pointed to the dresser which Jane thought was fine where it was. "Can't you just like, put my clothes in it? Why does it need to be moved?" Seulki rolled her eyes, looking around the room. "Because I bought a new dresser. For your own stuff. You guys don't have to share everything."

Jane's eyes went wide. "You—what—YAH!" Seulki only smiled. "We won't need to share anything because I'm not wearing clothes when I'm here." Jane said, half-serious. Usually it got the boys to leave her alone or run away in disgust. Seulki only shrugged, finally seeming to pick the perfect spot. "At least I'll be prepared when I come over to see your boobs." Jane crossed her arms over her chest. "Choi Seulki!"

She shrugged again, moving to try and push the dresser to wherever she wanted it to go. "I'm sure they're nice. SHOWNU OPPA!" She yelled and while Jane was still trying to figure out how in all hell her and Seulki ever became friends, Shownu entered the room. "Yep!" She asked him to help her move the dresser and Shownu happily agreed. Jane had to admit it did make the room a little bigger and it would be nice to have her own dresser and not share drawers.

"Can you bring in the new one?" Shownu saluted her and a few minutes later him and Kihyun were carrying a smaller, brown dresser and putting it in the old ones spot. "I actually, like it." Jane said and Seulki snorted. "I know you. Did you expect pink or something?" Jane nodded and Seulki rolled her eyes. "Leave me be, you're no help here. I'll fix the room. We'll do the kitchen next!"

Once everything had been unpacked and put in place except for a few trinkets here and there, Kihyun and Jooheon offered to cook a meal for everyone. Jane laid back on the couch, Jimin's hand rested gently on her knee. She took a sip of her beer as Changkyun set up the gaming console he had bought as her housewarming present. "This is better than the one we have at the dorm. I think I'm going to move-in." He said.

Jane shook her head, a small smile on her face. "No thanks. I've lived with you for years. You smell and leave your underwear everywhere." Changkyun stuck his tongue at her and Hyungwon chuckled. "He's not that bad of a roommate." Jane snorted. "Except when you wake up to pee in the middle of the night and he's playing games naked." Changkyun's cheeks turned red as he whipped a controller at her. "YAH! That was one time!"

Jane expertly caught the controller, only smirking at him. She was going to miss her best friend, but she knew that he was only a phone call away. "Come eat!" She heard from the kitchen and everyone quickly made their way there. Jane, however, needed a moment to just breathe. She stepped out on to the balcony, just enjoying the light breeze.

"You alright?" Shownu said, leaning against the railing next to her. "I'm surprised you weren't the first one in the kitchen." She teased and he smiled. "I went first. I'm just fast." She chuckled, shaking her head and leaning into his side. "You didn't answer my question." He said quietly and she nodded. "I'm alright. Just feeling a little, bittersweet I guess." He hummed, wrapping and arm around her shoulders.

"We can always pack back up and go back. It's not too late." She laughed, nuzzling into his side more. "No thanks. One moving day is enough. Maybe tomorrow." She winked and he chuckled. "I really am going to miss seeing you every day." She looked up at him and patted his cheek. "You'll still see me every day, Hyunwoo. You can't get rid of me that easily." He smiled and then turned around and ran back in. "Wait! Don't move!"

She raised a brow but when he came back a few seconds later, his hands behind his back she groaned. "I said no presents." Shownu shrugged. "Changkyun-ie got you one." She snorted. "That's for him, not me. I don't even play games." Shownu sighed, shoving the small bag towards her. "Just shut up and open it." She did, eyes opening wide a little.

It was small black stuffed bear. It had a picture of all of them in the little locket around it's neck, Wonho included. Jane felt herself tear up a little. "Just a little something for when you're homesick." She sniffed, blinking her eyes a few times to get rid of the tears. "Thank you," she murmured, holding it close to her chest and leaning back into his side.

It was the perfect gift to make here for more like home.

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