The Argument Pt. 3

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Rare moment of Jane and Minhyuk loving each other

Jane silently left Nari's dorm early in the morning, going to a café for a few hours before deciding it was safe to return home. She had hoped everyone was at practice or doing some schedule. She knew she was going to hear it from their manager and from Shownu about not being at practice today, but she was okay with that, for now. She'd make up for it.

She quietly opened the door to the dorm, breathing a sigh of relief when she didn't see anyone's shoes littered by the door. She walked to the kitchen, filling a glass with water. "Welcome back, hooligan." She dropped the glass and it shattered on the floor. "Shit! Dammit, Minhyuk! Why would you do that?!" She scolded, turning around to grab the broom and some towels.

He chuckled, shaking his head and leaning against the door frame. "I don't why you're so surprised that I'm home in the house that I live in." She rolled her eyes, already feeling a headache coming on. She heard the chair slide up and Minhyuk's brown eyes watched her as she quickly cleaned up the broken glass. "Where were you?"

She sighed, throwing away the broken pieces and sliding into the chair next to him, slumping down. "I was with Nari." Minhyuk chuckled, placing his chin in his hand. "5 of us isn't enough for you? You needed 8 more boys?" He teased and Jane rolled her eyes, flicking his head. "Shut up, Min. I don't have the energy today." She laid her head on the table.

He frowned, staring at his youngest member. He's seen Jane in turmoil; just a few weeks she was plastered drunk. This was different though. This was affecting her more than when she got her diagnosis, when Wonho left. He sighed, standing up and rummaging through the medicine cabinet, coming back a few moments later with water and her pills. "Take these. I know you didn't last night."

She picked her head up, smiling slightly at him and taking the pills. "Thanks, oppa." She said quietly. Minhyuk sat down again, staring at her. "Tell me what happened." Jane groaned. She knew the question was coming and she knew Changkyun hadn't talked to anyone about it yet. "We just got in a fight, called each other some names. You know. The usual." She said and Minhyuk shook his head. "Did you forget the part where you broke his nose?"

Jane looked at him with wide eyes. "I—I didn't really break it? Did I?" Minhyuk smiled, placing his hand on top of hers and patting. "Nah. But you bruised him pretty good." She chuckled, shaking her head. "You still didn't tell me what happened." She sighed again, clenching her hand into a fist. Minhyuk gently unraveled it, urging her to go on.

"I—There's—I'm seeing someone." Minhyuk's eyes went wide and he practically leaped over the table. "Oh my god! And you didn't tell me?! Since when?! Who is it?! How did you meet?! Have you gone on any dates?! Oo, what about the bedr—" He was silenced by Jane clamping a hand over his mouth. "Please shut up." He nodded, excitement still in his eyes.

"It's Jimin." Minhyuk almost jumped out of his seat. "FROM AOA?! JANE-AH I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE INTO GIRLS!" Jane kicked his shin and she groaned. "Park Jimin you moron!" He sat down, some of the excitement from his eyes disappearing. "Well, that's pretty boring. But I don't understand what this has to do with Changkyun. It's not like he loves—WAIT DID HE SAY THAT HE LOVES YOU?!" He jumped again and Jane kicked him again.

"I swear to god, if you don't shut the hell up I'm not telling you anything." He smiled sheepishly, rubbing his shin. "Sorry!" She sighed, leaning back in her chair. "He saw me and Jimin. We were just dancing! I swear. But I was teasing him and he had tackled me to the floor and then Changkyun walked in and then I—I don't know. He was just so mad." Minhyuk hummed in response.

"Ah, I see." Jane looked at him with a quirked eyebrow. Minhyuk sighed, leaning forward. "He was worried about your image. And probably mad that you hadn't told any of us. By the way, why didn't you tell any of us?" Jane looked at him with wide eyes. "We still aren't sure what it even is yet. I wanted to be sure before we told the world. And how do you know that?" She asked and Minhyuk smirked.

"All knowing," he said, pointing to his head. Jane flicked his head again and he yelped, glaring at her. "Him and Wonho-hyung think alike, Jane-ah. They're so invested in making sure that nothing they or anyone does effects our group negatively. Let alone you in particular. He's closest with you out of any of us. I'm sure he feels protective. And even if he doesn't admit it, probably a little hurt that you didn't tell him."

"He called me a slut, Min." She felt the tears well up in her eyes and she scolded herself, looking up at the ceiling. She was so tired of crying. It seemed like that's all she's been doing the past few months. Minhyuk was shocked for a moment, never having truly seen Jane upset to the point where she cried. The last time he remembered her crying was when they were announced for No.Mercy. And when she was drunk a few weeks ago.

He moved his chair next to her, wrapping her in a hug. To his surprise, she didn't pull away or push back. She buried her face in his chest and sobbed. "He called me a slut. A whore. And I called him things too. And then I punched him and I swore at Hyungwon and I'm a mess. My whole life is a mess right now and every time it seems to get better, something goes wrong. Terribly wrong."

He rubbed her back soothingly, not saying anything in case she wanted to add anything. "I'm so tired, oppa. I'm so tired." She said after a few moments. Minhyuk tightened his hold around her, heart breaking. He had never heard her sound so broken. So vulnerable and so utterly hopeless. She easily lifted her small frame, and she clung to him like a leech, still crying.

He laid them down in his bed, continuing to hold her and kiss her forehead. "It'll be alright, baby. We'll fix it." He whispered over and over until she had finally cried herself to sleep. When he heard the front door open, his eyes darkened and he gently peeled himself away from her, tucking her under his covers and quietly leaving the room.

Im Changkyun was about to have a very rude awakening.

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