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Jane's struggling with the loss of her father

A/N: mentions of loss of a family and the grief and feelings associated. Don't read if this is triggering for you

Jane had spent that whole night just sobbing. Jooheon didn't leave her side for a second. He sat with her while she cried and held her. Sat next to her when she would curl in a ball on the bed and cry. He didn't say anything, only rubbing her back or rocking her back and forth. It was the only comfort he could give her right now.

She didn't remember much from the funeral. She was there, Jimin was there by her side, her members were there by her side. The little family her father had kept in contact with her there with her too. But it was all a blur to her. She didn't cry after that one night. She didn't feel like she had any tears left.

The others had tried to talk to her, letting her know that they were there when she needed them. Hyungwon sat in silence with her while she would stare blankly out the window. Shownu and Kihyun had told her time and time again to talk about it and not bottle it up. She hadn't spoken besides a few yes's or no's when she was asked a question. What could she say?

Her father was gone. Besides her members, her father was the one constant in her life. Always there when she needed him, always supporting her. Now she couldn't even pick up the phone to call him and just talk. He wasn't there to answer the phone anymore. Jimin had been as supportive as he could be. Staying with her at the hotel when they had gone for the funeral, holding her and reminding her that he was there to help through this.

She knew they were all there and she was grateful, but she just didn't know what to do. The only constant thought in her mind right now was that her father is gone. He's gone and he's not coming back. There wasn't going to be anymore home visits. There wasn't going to be anymore late night video calls or random presents showing up at her door. No more random messages of him telling her how proud he was and how much he missed her and was happy for her.

"Baby," Jimin said quietly as they sat in their shared bed. She was exhausted. Physically and mentally. "I've talked to your members and we think it's best if you stay at the dorms with them for a while." She looked at him with no emotion and he sighed, kissing her forehead. "I have a lot of schedules coming up. I won't be able to be home a lot and you shouldn't be alone right now."

She agreed with him silently. She didn't want to be alone right now. As much as she wished that he could cancel all his schedules, she knew that wasn't right of her to ask and that he couldn't. "I'm tired," was all she said. Jimin wrapped his arms around her, laying them down. "Just sleep, angel. Tomorrow I'll bring you over there and some of your things for now. I'll come by and see you every day. I promise."

So, she slept. The next morning, as promised, Jimin had driven her over to the dorm and stayed with her for a while before he needed to leave. "I love you," he murmured before he left and Jane could only offer him a weak smile. He left and she was alone now. She brought her knees up to her chest and let out a shaky breath. All she wanted to do right now was call her dad. But she couldn't. Not anymore.

She heard the door to the dorm open and close but she made no move to get off the couch. "Hey, you," she turned her head towards the familiar voice and her eyes welled up with tears. "Oppa!" She cried out, throwing herself into Wonho's arms. He held her, patting her head and letting her cry it out. "I'm here, YunJae. I'm here. It's okay. You're going to be okay."

After an hour of crying, she felt even more exhausted than she had earlier. "Where's your medicine?" Wonho asked, getting up and she shrugged. "Not sure. I'm sure Jimin left in my bag or something." A few minutes later, Wonho was handing her the pills with a glass of water. "I know you're hurting, but you still need to take care of yourself." She didn't say anything, silently taking her medicine before laying her head down on his lap and closing her eyes.

"He's gone, Wonho. He's gone." She said quietly, a few tears falling from her eyes. He only ran his fingers through her hair, smiling sadly at her. "I know, baby. But you're still here. You still have a lot of life left. He wouldn't want you to stay this way." She didn't say anything, letting the exhaustion take over and falling asleep.

When Shownu returned home, he sighed at the sight of Jane asleep on Wonho's lap. Wonho gently removed himself, standing next to his leader. "This isn't going to be easy." Shownu only hummed, eyes on a sleeping Jane. "I know." Was all he said and Wonho sighed. "I have to go, but I'll be back when I can. Let me know if she needs anything."

Shownu hugged him and saw him out. He sighed before turning around and going to sit next to Jane on the couch. It was going to be rough and it wasn't going to be easy. The only thing they could do right now was stay by her side so she knew she wasn't alone in this.

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