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Jane's lupus seems to worsen

Jane sat down on the couch in the green room, breathing heavy. They were finishing up their last week of promotions and it's been rough. They had danced harder than ever this time, even Changkyun had fallen over as soon as the cameras cut.

She was feeling out of it. Staring off into space and getting confused on little things. She kept grinding her teeth which is something she never did and she was feeling a little dizzy. She had taken her medicine before they left so she wasn't sure what was going on.

"Yah! Jane!" She jumped at the sound of Kihyun's voice. "I've been trying to get your attention for 5 minutes. Are you alright?" She nodded, confused that she hadn't heard him. "Y-yeah. I'm fine. What's up?" She shook her head a little but it didn't help the fogginess that was clouding her head.

"I asked if you were feeling okay. You were barely catching your breath when we finished." She raised an eyebrow at him, confused yet again. "I'm okay now. I can breathe fine." He hummed, narrowing his eyes slightly. Hyungwon and Minhyuk exchanged a glance with one another but didn't say anything.

"Why are you just sitting there? Go change so we can go home." Minhyuk whined and Jane narrowed her eyes. "R-right. Change. I'll go do that." It was now Kihyun and Hyungwon's turn to share a glance with each other. "Are you sure you're okay?" Hyungwon asked, moving towards her.

She stood up, ready to assure him she was fine and then she blacked out. "JANE!" Hyungwon screamed, catching her before her head could hit the ground. Her eyes were rolled back and her muscles were tensing up. Her jaw was clenched. Her body was shaking a little.

"Shownu!" Minhyuk called as Kihyun ran to get the medical staff. Hyungwon knew enough to know she hadn't fainted. A few seconds later medical staff were surrounding her and paramedics were rushing in, lifting her on a stretcher.

"What's going on?! Is she okay!? Where are you taking her?!" Shownu's voice was bellowing over everyone. He was scared and worried. "Meet us at the hospital, we're taking her there now." She still hadn't gotten back up, but her body wasn't shaking anymore.

"Like hell. I'm going in that damn ambulance with her." Changkyun said, stepping next to the stretcher and grabbing the side. He narrowed his eyes to dare anyone to challenge him and their manager sighed. "Go. Be good. We'll meet you there." Changkyun didn't let go of her hand the whole way there.

It was quiet and tense in her hospital room. She still hadn't woken up and the doctor had informed them she'd had a seizure. He said he'd given her something to keep her asleep through the night and not to expect her to wake up anytime soon. None of them were moving until her eyes had opened.

Her regular doctor came in, greeting the boys with a bright smile. "I wish we could smile back, doc." Shownu said, voice tired and stressed as he shook his hand. "That's alright. She's going to be fine. It's just part of her lupus. It seems that it's progressed a little."

Changkyun gritted his teeth and everyone stopped. "Does that—is she going to die?" Minhyuk asked quietly. Jooheon shot him a glare but he ignored it, eyes trained on the doctor. The doctor chuckled lightly, shaking his head.

"Not at all Minhyuk-ssi. We'll have to add another medicine in to what she already takes, but this is quite normal with patients that have this condition. As long as it doesn't last 5 minutes or more, she'll be fine. This new medicine should prevent them from happening at all."

It was still tense. Changkyun had his eyes trained on Jane, hands still interlocked with hers and he was squeezing it. Minhyuk and Jooheon were sitting quietly, staring at the floor. Shownu looked like he was at a loss and Kihyun was silently comforting him rubbing his hand up and down his back, but the worry on his face was louder than anyone else's. Hyungwon was just standing there, feeling weak.

"Boys," her doctor said, commanding their attention and they all faced him. "She really is going to be okay. She needs to take it easy. I don't think finishing out this week would be good. Her brain needs to rest and recuperate. She's in no danger of dying. We just need to be more careful and she needs to come for regular check-ups."

Shownu nodded, running his hand over his face and standing up, shaking the doctor's hand again. "Thank you." The doctor smiled softly, patting his shoulder. "She'll be okay, Hyunwoo." He left them with that and they all collapsed back into their seats, Minhyuk tugging Hyungwon's wrist and making him sit down.

"Why did no one tell us it could get this bad?" Kihyun asked and Shownu shrugged. "Maybe they didn't know. Or think it was going to happen." Jooheon was quiet, staring at Jane and Changkyun who was gripping her hand for dear life. "She looks sick." He said quietly and everyone's gaze landed on her.

She still had the makeup on from their stage earlier, but she did look sick. She was deathly pale, almost translucent. Her black hair had fallen out of its style and was sticking up in some places. And she looked really small, as if she hadn't eaten in months.

"She'll be okay. The doctor said she'll be fine so she's fine." Minhyuk said, looking pointedly into everyone's eyes. They all slowly nodded and finally, they were able to relax just a little. "Changkyun, let go of her hand before she loses it due to blood loss." Minhyuk chided and he mumbled a quiet sorry letting go and folding his hands together.

When their manager came in a little later to round them up and take them back to the dorm, it was quickly pushed aside as Changkyun shot him a deathly glare. None of them were going anywhere until she woke up and was back with them.

And if that meant sitting in the hospital all night, that's what they were going to do.

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