Monsta X Ray: Escape Room Mafia Pt. 1

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Monsta X does their first escape room

Jane shoved Minhyuk as he poured the last of his water over his head, most of it landing on her. "Yah! Lee Minhyuk!" She yelled and the others laughed. "Oh lighten up, Jane. It's all in good fun." He said with a teasing smile and Jane narrowed her eyes, forcing a smile on to her face. "Wait until the cameras are gone." She whispered and Minhyuk shivered a little. They went back, changing into what Jane thought were the ugliest green jumpsuits the staff could have picked. "Couldn't we have done black?" She groaned, zipping up the jacket. "God forbid you have some color in your life," Minhyuk said, putting his green jacket on. "Lighten up, YunJae." Jane was ready to tackle him to the floor.

They all came out, entering into a room and looking around. Jane stayed towards the closed door, feeling a little claustrophobic. The room was quite small and with 7 very large men in there, it felt even smaller. Wonho noticed her discomfort, moving by her and grabbing her hand. "It's fine, Jane-ah. Let's just look around." She took a deep breath, following him further into the room. They heard someone say hello and Jooheon picked up the hair dryer, causing everyone to laugh. Finally Jane found the walkie and the staff explained the rules. "It's an escape room!" Jane said excitedly, no longer caring about the small room.

Jane was looking through everything to find the jewelry box the staff had mentioned but instead found a number on the back of a photo frame. She ignored Kihyun arguing with Minhyuk that Nike was the goddess of victory and continued to look around, making mental note of the number. She turned and saw Shownu standing by the door with a box in his hand. "Yah! Where did you find that?!" She asked, ripping it out of his hands and causing the others to turn their attention to them. "It's four numbers." She said. Wonho piped up, taking the box from Jane and sitting down. "It's our debut date!" He said, entering in the numbers.

"No way they would make it that easy," Changkyun scoffed, continuing to look until there was a click and the box opened! Everyone cheered and Jane laughed because she knew the staff wasn't going to be happy they had solved it so quickly. They filed out, Jane happy to have some breathing room and she followed Jooheon into the next room. "DDR?" Minhyuk asked, raising an eyebrow. Jane was confused too. The rest of the boys entered the room, Changkyun mindlessly closing the door behind him. "Yah! Why'd you close the door?!" Kihyun yelled and Jane elbowed him in his ribs. "It's locked now, you pabo!" She whined. "Let's just play! We have to get an A. How hard can it be?" Hyungwon stated.

Unfortunately, it was a lot harder than they thought. Jooheon couldn't do it. Hyungwon seemed way too stiff when he was up there, Kihyun was way too awkward. "Jane-ah! You're one of the lead dancers, you should be able to do this with no problem." Minhyuk said and Jane nodded, "I'll give it a shot." She stepped up, choosing some random song. However, it was nothing even closely related to actual dancing. The arrows were not to the beat of the music and Jane failed miserably. "I can't believe I had faith in you," Minhyuk said and Jane glared at him. Changkyun stepped up doing well at first then he just gave up and started dancing however he pleased.

"Wonho, oppa! You can do it!" Jane said, pushing him forward. He picked the carrot song and everyone sang along as he danced. When the song ended, Jane was clinging to Changkyun's arm like a burr and Jooheon was clinging to Jooheon's leg like a koala. When the A popped up on the screen everyone cheered. The staff instructed them to put on blindfold and Jane placed one over her eyes, hearing the door open and Jooheon being taking out. Kihyun was next as Minhyuk had so boldly declared he could no longer feel his feet on his butt. Jane was tapped and she stood up, taking the staff's hand and was led to a room. After a few minutes she heard the staff say to take off the blindfolds and she looked around, confused as to why she was sitting alone in a bathroom.

When Jane learned that to get out they had to share an embarrassing story about someone else, she immediately raised her hand, an evil smile on her face. "Room 8!" She heard the staff say over the walkie. She heard the others come over the radio, asking who was in room 8 and how they could betray them so easily. Jane snickered, staring into the camera. "When I first joined Starship as a trainee, Shownu-oppa was really awkward with me. He used to literally step around me or press himself against the wall when I would be passing him by and every time I spoke to him his cheeks would turn cherry red." She laughed at the memory and the staff announced that Shownu's story had been revealed and Jane heard her door unlock.

Jane walked into the room filled with lockers, a few of them labeled 1-8. She pressed her thumb against one and jumped a little as it opened. She smiled a little as she saw that they were going to play the mafia game. She frowned when she saw she was only a citizen, but she decided to make the best of it and mess with her members heads. Kihyun walked in and Jane hid her papers behind her back, smiling sweetly. Kihyun looked at her questioningly and opened his locker, smirking as he, too, hid his papers behind his back.

"What are you?" He asked and Jane smiled brighter, swaying back and forth on her feet. "Citizen." She said and Kihyun rolled his eyes. "No way. You have the look of a gangster. All dark and dreary." He teased and Jane narrowed her eyes. "I'm joking, baby. I'm the police." Jane scoffed, "sure you are, oppa." Kihyun widened his eyes in disbelief. "Do you really think I'd lie to you?!" And Jane shrugged her shoulders. They entered the room to continue on with their show and Minhyuk already went up and said that Changkyun was the mafia. Jane rolled her eyes. Things have gotten significantly better since No.Mercy but sometimes she felt they just picked on him because of it.

However, when during the middle of the game Jooheon yelled at Changkyun for not going up to answer questions, Jane was steaming. "Yah! You're not going up there either, Joohoney! Don't yell at him like that." She ran up to the camera and very loudly exclaimed that Jooheon was the mafia, just out of spite. The others laughed and Jooheon grumbled to himself. "It's just for fun, Jane." He muttered and she shrugged her shoulders as they settled in for some sleep.

"Tell me that when you're dead." She teased, pulling the eye mask over her and laying down.

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