Monsta X Ray: Analysis

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How Jane spent her free time and Monsta X learns some surprising things about each other

Jane and Changkyun were on the same wavelength. "We get to do whatever we want for two hours?" She asked in disbelief, hesitating to move from her spot. There was no way. "We don't have to tell manager where we're going?" Changkyun asked again, also hesitant to leave. After being reassured by the staff for the thousandth time that it was their reward for working so hard, Changkyun and Jane took off, practically sprinting out the door and to the street. Jane and Changkyun hailed a taxi and Jane made her way to the bus stop.

"You don't want to ride with me?" Changkyun asked, nervous about her taking the bus by herself. Jane rolled her eyes. "It's completely the opposite direction of where you're going, Changkyun. I'll be fine. I took the bus for years before I was a trainee." Changkyun rolled his eyes. "How do you even know where I'm going?" Jane snorted looking at him as if to say really? "Im Changkyun. We're best friends. You really don't think I know you're just going to hole away at your studio with some less than healthy food?" She crossed her arms, raising her eyebrow as Changkyun looked sheepishly at the ground.

"Okay, okay. I'll see you after your dance practice!" He yelled, quickly getting into the car and closing the door and Jane smiled. He knew where she was going too. She sat down at the bus stop, feeling awkward with carrying a camera around and she was a little uncomfortable by the gazes she was getting from the other people on the street. She tried to ignore it, talking quietly into the camera and breathing a sigh of relief when the bus finally pulled up. She was grateful it was mostly empty, sitting down and getting off three stops later. It was her old dance studio, the one she started out at.

She smiled, opening the doors and greeting the staff who were more than happy to see her. She walked into one of the practice rooms, setting the camera down so it would still get a good angle of her and putting her playlist on shuffle. She danced effortlessly without taking a break and before she knew it, her two hours to herself were up and she was wiping her sweat off, thanking the staff and heading off to where she was supposed to meet the rest of the members. They stood outside and Jane was freezing; she hopes they would be able to go somewhere warm for the last half of the episode and her wish was granted as they started making their way inside a building.

They were met with a psychologist and were informed that he had been watching the show from the beginning and analyzing each of them in each episode to determine their personalities.

Jane took a deep breath; being analyzed was not something that she really liked, especially when she wasn't aware of it. He started with Shownu and Jane felt tears well up in her eyes when he said that Shownu was very stressed. Everyone hummed in agreement, including Shownu. "It's because he's the leader and the leader has more responsibility." The psychologist said. Jane looked at Shownu who was listening intently, but his eyes trained on the table in front of him. "He has his own schedules on top of ours. I always hear him coming in later than us." Minhyuk pointed out and everyone nodded in agreement. Jane was going to do her best to try and ease some of her leader's stress.

She laughed at Changkyun's analysis, believing the psychologist was spot on with his analysis. When Wonho's came around, Jane found herself scooting her chair closer to him and gripping his hand tight. He squeezed hers back gently, letting some tears fall down his face. "What's wrong?" Minhyuk asked, handing him some tissues and Wonho just shook his head. "You feel lonely and seeing you with the kids you wish for someone to take care of you as well." Wonho nodded, agreeing. Jane frowned and made yet another promise to take better care of not just Wonho, but all her members. She never wanted any of them to feel lonely.

Her grip tightened around Wonho's hand as the psychologist finally called on her. She was feeling very uncomfortable and Wonho adjusted his posture to hide her as much as he could. "YunJae is really quiet and reserved," he started and she nodded in agreement along with the others. "She can be bluntly honest most of the time, but it's out of love. Like Kihyun, she wouldn't do it unless she cared about you a great deal." Jane nodded again and the others hummed in agreement. "However when you went off on your free time today, I noticed you were one of the only members that didn't comment about how you missed the others." Jane's breath got caught in her throat.

"I don't mean that in a bad way, I'm sure she missed you, she just doesn't vocalize her feelings often." Jane didn't say anything, but squeezed Wonho's hand tighter. "You take care of the others around you. For example, when I was talking about Hyunwoo, you were staring at him with determination as if you wanted to take some of his burdens away. You moved closer to Wonho and offered him comfort. You do it in your own way." Jane was wide eyed, not even realizing herself she had done these things. "But you feel the loneliest out of all your members, even when you're with them." Jane cleared her throat. He must have done background checks or something because there was no way he could know that just by watching her on a screen.

"You take care of your members and the people you care about in your own way, but you never ask for that care in return. You don't vocalize your opinions and go with the flow, and that's okay, but it makes you feel unheard and like you're on the backburner." She didn't say anything, her grip on Wonho's hand now turned into a death grip. She wanted him to stop. Thankfully he did and Wonho wrapped his arm around her, helping her up and over to the food. She was grateful no one had brought up anything about what was said about them.

They were eating and Jane teared up a little at the letter Jooheon had written for her. "Read us something from it!" Kihyun said and Jane smiled, taking a breath. "Baek YunJae, you're quiet and sometimes scary but your beautiful inside and out and I'm glad to be a member with you." The others oohed and ahhed and Jooheon was smiling proudly. They ended the episode, piling into the van to go home. "Hey," Changkyun nudged her shoulder. She looked up at him with sleepy eyes. "You're never alone, okay? You have 7 of us here for you. And we'd love to hear your opinions more." Jane smiled softly, leaning her head on his arm and closing her eyes.

"I know. Monsta X is my family. You all are my family now."

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