JTCOM: Kihyun

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Jane taking care of members

Jane would be the first one to tell anyone that she isn't the most cuddliest person in the world. Nor does she enjoy skin ship that much. She also would be the first to admit that except for a select few, it was a rare occurrence when she'd shoe any type of skin ship to anyone, her members included.

She's aware that her reputation amongst the fans is being one with resting bitch face; the "cold" one. Some fans have even gone as far to say that she doesn't care for her members at all and is just plays nice to save face. Jane never let it bother her though. Behind closed doors, she knew her members knew how much she cared for them.

They were her family, her brothers. She loved them with all the love she had in her. She took care of them silently, always observing. She'd noticed when one of them wasn't feeling their best, notice when one of them was struggling either physically or mentally. She was quiet, but observant. And she would do whatever she could to support and be there for her brothers, no matter the cost.

It was no secret to the members and fans that Kihyun was obsessive about his weight. He had told a fan how he was overweight when he was younger and how he overcame it just to make the fan feel better about her struggles with her body image. Though he didn't go into much detail, Jane knew.

He'd told her before on one of their rare drunken nights. He was teased and bullied relentlessly for his weight and how he looked. He was careful about what he ate, what he put in his body. Constantly checking calorie counts. He'd cook the members wonderful food, but would only eat salads or a healthy meal himself.

Jane absolutely hated that he still struggled a little with his body image. He was handsome, barely a flaw on his skin (according to her). He was talented in many areas; singing, cooking, dancing, producing, cleaning, etc. Every girl's ideal type. And she'd wished that he saw that. She unconsciously took on the job of making sure he could see that.

Taking him out to eat whatever he wanted and scolding him when he would pick something too healthy. Jane didn't care much about body image; she just loved food and she wasn't going to sit and eat a leaf. Eventually, Kihyun slowly stopped caring. Eating whatever Jane brought him or whatever he cooked for everyone else that night.

Though Jane really hated the gym and working out, she'd go with him. Though she spent most of her time very, very slowly walking on a treadmill while Kihyun bounced around from machine to machine, he was happy to have her company. Sure, he could go with Shownu or Wonho, but they already had the muscle and their regime was a little too much for him to handle. At least with Jane he could go at his own pace and do the things he wanted to do.

When everyone's "favorite" media company, Dispatch released articles slandering his personality, Jane was there. She was livid when she first read the articles. Someone that he had apparently went to school with disclosed that he liked to beat on girls, that he was a thug, a bully, etc. Jane was even more livid when Starship didn't take any action.

She knew Kihyun was doing his best to ignore it all and just focus on their work, but she could see it was affecting him. Unfortunately, Kihyun was a man that held a lot of pride. And this was something that was not only destroying his pride, but attacking his character. He never spoke about it, not even to the members but Jane could see the stress taking over.

He was barely sleeping, going through the days and motions like he was a robot. He didn't speak much, which was unnatural for him. As much as Jane wanted to march right into Dispatch and wring the neck of the sleazy columnist that wrote the articles, she knew she couldn't. So, she opted for other things.

She knew he wouldn't bring it up or talk about it and she wasn't going to force him too. But she sure as hell knew who he was as a person and a thug did not fit that. She planned small charity events for the group to go to. Made donations to different causes under Kihyun's name. Spoke about him in interviews and with others in high regard, making sure that no one would believe those ridiculous articles.

While she herself wasn't sure of the truth behind them (if there even was any) she didn't care. Even if Kihyun may have been a little mean when he was a child, he wasn't now. He'd grown and learned from it. He was the most caring that she saw. Doting on his members even if he was scolding them for something else.

He cleaned their dorm, did their laundry. Always made sure they had a hot meal to eat at the end of the night whether that be he cooked or ordered them take-out. He made sure they all woke up on time to get to schedules. Helped them get ready before going on stage or on interviews or variety shows. And while he didn't know it (it was his secret) he was always the last one to sleep, usually. Walking around to everyone's rooms and making sure they were comfortable and in dream land.

Jane had only caught him because she had returned home late one night from the studio and Kihyun hadn't heard her walk in. She didn't mention it, just kept a warm smile on her face as she watched him quietly go from room to room. An extra pillow for Shownu for his back. And extra blanket for Minhyuk and Hyungwon because they got cold easily. An extra body pillow for Changkyun because they all knew he liked to cuddle something when he was sleeping. Earplugs for Jooheon because he was a light sleeper.

She had quietly slipped into her room, pretending to be asleep when he came in. He placed a glass of water and a plate of sweets on her bedside table and she couldn't help but smile. She always woke up at some point craving something sweet to eat or with an extremely dry mouth.

This was her Kihyun, their Kihyun. He took care of them, loved them and treated them like his own family. And when he went to sleep for the night, Jane made sure to sneak in and bring him the heating pad and pain killers. His neck and back had been hurting and she wanted him to know that one of them noticed and was there to help him.

When she woke up the next morning, earlier than she wanted too and surprisingly before Kihyun, he had taken the pain killers and had the heating pad under his neck, loosening the tension in his muscles.

He was sleeping with a comfortable smile on his face.

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