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Choreographer/dancer Jane makes an appearance

"Monsta X!" Kwanghee and Eunhyuk called out. The group—minus Shownu—made their way on the set clapping and smiling. Out of all the variety shows they've been on, Jane truly enjoyed Weekly Idol. Especially after they changed hosts.

It was just a place for to relax and have fun and be able to poke fun at not only her members, but the hosts to. She was actually good friends with Kwanghee and Eunhyuk to everyone's surprise. Plus, it made her feel as if they had just debuted again and she loved that feeling.

They may not have a huge following in Korea, but they were still one of the top groups. Besides, GOT7, she couldn't remember the last time any of the more popular older groups had come on the show. She was glad they could keep coming back and having fun.

They blew through the first few segments quicker than normal. Jane absolutely loved watching the videos that fans had sent in. She especially liked that video that the Monbebe had edited to have her dancing next to them and as a group. It was cute and creative.

"Finally!" Kwanghee said to the camera, "The part of the show that everyone loves, random play dance!"

As Eunhyuk went on to explain about their chances and warnings and such, Jane readied herself. She was the lead dancer for a reason. Now that Shownu wasn't here, her and Hyungwon had to take on the task of making up for his absence during the dances.

"Music, start!" Eunhyuk called out and the first song came on. It was Gambler so it didn't take much for them to rush to their spots and start dancing. However, they started to play some of their older songs and then the group started falling apart.

Jane's body was like a computer; even if her brain couldn't quite remember the moves, her body could. She easily was transitioning from one song to the next without issue. The others. . .not so much.

It seemed they had all forgotten almost all the moves and were just doing what they thought was right. Kihyun tried to copy Jane but gave up after only a few seconds and did something that seemed slightly cohesive.

However, the music stopped and it was considered a fail. Jane narrowed her eyes at ll her members. "Get it together! You can't forget this stuff!" They all gulped a little, uneasy smile on their faces.

Jane was in no way a scary being to them, even when she was mad. But when choreographer and dancer Jane came out, she was ruthless. A few times during practices she would get on them about every little detail, down to the movement of their fingers. It led for lots of arguments and a lot of annoyance before the boys adjusted and got used to it.

Dance was Jane's thing and she was really good at it. It might be annoying to hear her nag them like a mom, but they knew she knew what she was talking about and that it would come out looking amazing once they got it down. It always did.

The music started again and it was better. It took a couple seconds but they were in sync and dancing. Then they sped the music up and everyone lost it, excluding Jane. It was considered a fail again as Kwanghee and Eunhyuk teased them before they had their last chance.

"Really? Can't you take this a little more seriously?" Jane hissed at everyone. It only caused the two hosts to laugh at her seriousness and the others just smile at her. Again, the music started and again, it was a mess.

As soon as Changkyun had fallen to the floor during Alligator, Jane had enough. She stood in front of him and tried to block him as much as possible, but he only pushed her forward teasingly and continued on. In the end, they didn't win the random dance challenge.

Once the show had ended and they were back in the green room getting ready to leave, Jane was scolding them all. "How could you all forget everything?" She asked and they only shrugged.

"It's just a show, babo. You don't need to take it so serious," Minhyuk commented and she scowled at him. "But literally everything?!" She asked again and they all only gulped.

"Tomorrow, we're going to practice so many damn songs they'll be engrained into your brain."

They all groaned. "We're not even promoting those songs anymore!" Jooheon whined and Jane only clicked her tongue as she slipped her jacket on. "Maybe we will. I'm sure Shownu is going to love hearing about this."

"You wouldn't," Hyungwon said with wide eyes and she only smirked at them.

"Oh, I am. And we'll both run practice tomorrow." With that, she left the room to go to the car.

Minhyuk groaned and leaned on Changkyun. "We're not going to have legs after tomorrow. Or hands. Or fingers. Or toes. Or arms." Changkyun only hummed in agreement.

"I think getting a mysterious illness is perfect for this situation," Jooheon muttered and Kihyun agreed.

"I'll start it off and then you all continue it," he said and they all looked determined.

Dancer Jane was to scary tothem to deal with for a whole day

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