Honey Day

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Jane and Jooheon spend the day together

"Whatcha doing?" Jane plopped on the couch and sipped from her banana milk. Jooheon was in the middle of playing a video game and barely glanced her way. "What does it look like I'm doing?" The sarcastic response almost made Jane get up and unplug the console.

"Wanna hang out?" She asked and Jooheon shrugged. "I suppose I can clear my schedule for the day." Jane hummed and waited patiently for him to finish the round of whatever game it was that he was playing.

"If you hit A and then down it'll do a special move," she commented. Jooheon huffed. "What do you even know about video games?" Jane raised a brow and Jooheon rolled his eyes, listening to her and hitting the buttons. It was indeed a special move that knocked his opponent out right away.

"How did you know that?!" He exclaimed and she only shrugged. "You seem to forget that the literally the only time Minhyuk and I aren't picking fights with each other is when we're playing video games. Kihyun calls it his peaceful time."

Jooheon chuckled at that and shut the game off. "What'd you wanna do today?" Jane shrugged again, drinking more of her banana milk. "Whatever you want to do. I'm game for anything." Raising his brows, a grin came over his face. Jane gave him a deadpanned look, already regretting her choice of words.

"Be ready to leave in fifteen minutes! Lemme get manager." He skipped away and Jane sighed. Fifteen minutes later she was ready and being pushed into the awaiting car by an overly excited Jooheon. "Where are we even going?" She asked.

"It's Honey day!" Jooheon yelled out with a grin. "We're going to Lotte World. Then lunch and maybe we'll go back again and then dinner." Jane groaned and sunk down in the seat. "I can't do roller coasters, Jooheon!"

"I'll be there, you'll be fine. You said you were down for anything." Jane only groaned and made a mental note that next time, she wasn't going to be down for anything. An hour later the three of them pulled up to the fantasy world. Jane felt a little uncomfortable with how many people were there.

"I didn't know there'd be so many people here on a Wednesday," she muttered under her breath. Jooheon smiled at her, grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze. "It's fine. You can just hide behind me." He puffed his chest out and that made Jane smile behind her mask. "Deal. Where to first?"

The two spent a few hours riding different rides and eating the junk food. She was not at all happy when Jooheon took them on the spinning cups right after they had downed a few corndogs and come cotton candy. They made it through however, though Jooheon looked worse for wear.

"M-maybe that wasn't such a good idea," he groaned as he collapsed on a bench and placed his hand over his stomach. Jane laughed and sat down next to him, handing him her water bottle. "Probably not. But it was fun. This was fun. Except for that one roller coaster. I never want to do that again."

Jooheon let out a hearty laugh and pulled the photos he had bought out of his pocket from the ride. His hands were in the air with a large smile on his face, enjoying himself like any normal person.

YunJae, however, had the most terrified look he'd ever seen on her face and was slouched down as small as she could make herself in the seat of the cart. "This is going to be on the front of the Christmas card," Jooheon teased.

"Yah!" Jooheon only put the pictures back in his pocket. "Lunch?" He asked and Jane nodded, standing up. Their manager seemed relieved to be leaving the child-like venue. They pulled up to a small local restaurant. "They have really good Korean beef here. Me and Changkyun-ie came here a few times."

Jane trusted him and the trio made their way inside and to a table. Jooheon wasn't lying, it was really good food and decently priced. Jane enjoyed every minute of it. "Thanks for putting up with roller coasters and spinning cups today," Jooheon said. Jane smiled and shook her head.

"I had fun, actually. It was nice. Just us two. We don't get to do that a lot." Jooheon hummed and kicked her shin under the table. She glared at him as he grinned. "How're you doing?" He asked and Jane shrugged. "Better. Much better. I'm still sad sometimes, but I'm okay. Every day is different."

"Good, I'm glad," Jooheon smiled at her. "What about you?" Jooheon shrugged. "The same. I miss Shownu hyung. And I wish this pandemic stuff would end so that we can have some more schedules."

"We're going to be on Idol Radio in a few days, that's something," Jane said and Jooheon shrugged. "That's true. But I miss concerts and fan meets. I want to see the fans again. It seems like every time we get really close to it, we get more restrictions added on."

"I know. But we'll get there. Slowly. It came out of no where. Can't clean it up overnight. How about we do a live on the way home?" She glanced at their manager who nodded his head. "That'd be fine. I'm sure the fans would appreciate it."

They paid and left, Jooheon already excited for the Vlive to come. "Thanks again, for today," he said before he started it, "It was nice to get out." Jane hummed in response and nudged his shoulder. They started the live and waited a few minutes for the fans to join.

"Monbebe! Look at our YunJae-ah!" He held up the photo from the roller coaster.


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