I'll Miss You

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Hyungwon and Jane spend an odd day together

Jane snuggled further into the fur blanket on the couch. Today had been a particularly hard day for her health. She was in a lot of pain and extremely tired. She groaned as she stretched one of her legs out. Shownu had been so kind to let her take the day today, which was odd for him. Usually, she was able to tough it out and get through the work day, but she figured she must look pretty bad if those were the first words out of his mouth this morning.

"You sound like a rusty machine." She offered a less than enthusiastic glare at Hyungwon who sat down next to her and pulled her legs of his lap, massaging her shins and calves. "How're you feeling?" She closed her eyes, scrunching up her face. "Like I jumped out of plan and hit the ground at 50 miles an hour. And like I haven't slept in months."

"You look like you haven't slept in months." She rolled her eyes and he chuckled, patting her knee. "Did you take your medicine?" She nodded her head. He sighed, leaning is head back against the couch. "What's wrong with you?" She asked and he shrugged. "It's gonna be weird not having to take care of you anymore." She snorted.

"Please. You hardly noticed me. Jooheon and Minhyuk are more of a handful than me." He laughed, shaking his head. "I can't even argue there. But this is kind of what Kihyun was talking about the other day. Are you sure you'll be okay? Even if no body is there? You can barely get up to get food."

She smiled at him, lightly nudging his leg with her foot. "I'll be fine, oppa. Really. I already promised I would call if it got bad and I was alone." He let out another sigh and nodded. "What's really going on?" She pushed herself up a bit, ignoring the soreness in her back and wrists. "Seulki and I sort of fought."

She just hummed, not really surprised. "I mean, I'm not surprised." He looked at her with narrowed eyes and she just shrugged. "I mean, c'mon, Wonnie! She's not the easiest person to get along with." He lightly smacked her leg and she yelped. "Yah! That's your friend!"

She let out a breath and nodded. "She is my friend. That's why I can say that." Hyungwon shook his head and Jane patted his arm. "Tell me what happened." So, he did. Explaining everything that had happened between him and Seulki. How he was hesitant about moving in. How he was worried that Seulki would somehow throwing Jane and Jimin moving in, in his face.

How she hadn't talked to him in over a week because of this despite him trying to reach out. Jane blew her bangs off her forehead. "I'll never understand the patience you have for people." She muttered and he chuckled, closing his eyes. He could go for a nap right now too. "They're valid reasons on both parts, oppa. But honestly, as stubborn as Seulki can be, she wouldn't go as low as to throw us moving out in your face."

Hyungwon sighed, humming in agreement. He pulled his head up to look at her. "What am I going to do when you're gone? Who am I going to gossip with about all these things?" Jane scoffed, laying back down in her burrow hole she had spent the morning creating with her blanket. "Please. Minhyuk and Kihyun love to gossip like old ladies."

Hyungwon scrunched up his nose. "Yeah, but they never give an actual advice on stuff like this." Jane let out a small laugh, closing her eyes. "Neither do I." He shrugged, laying his head back down. "You do more than you think you do." She didn't say anything, already feeling herself drifting off. "I really will miss you." Hyungwon said.

She groaned, sitting up again. "You all act like I'm moving to a different country. His apartment is literally 20 minutes away. And besides, once promotions and schedules pick up, I'll be here most of the time." Hyungwon let out a chuckle and patted her knee. "I know. But I'll still miss you."

She sighed again, mustering up the last of her energy to move herself beside him and give him a hug. He hugged her back, kissing the top of her head before she pulled away with a grimace on her face. "Gross. Don't kiss me." Hyungwon raised his eyebrows. "You let Jimin kiss you and I've known you longer!" She didn't say anything, snuggling back into her blanket.

"I'm going to sleep. Leave me alone."

"I'm going to sleep too. Move over."


"I'm older than you. Move."

She sat up, glaring at him as he just offered her a smug smile. She mumbled to herself as she moved over and he easily slipped in between he back of the couch and her. "You're warm." He said lazily and she scoffed again. "I've been under this blanket since Shownu carried me out here this morning. It's comfy."

"I know, that's why I'm going under it too."


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