Jane Taking Care of Members: Hyunwoo (Shownu)

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Jane taking care of her members

Jane would be the first one to tell anyone that she isn't the most cuddliest person in the world. Nor does she enjoy skin ship that much. She also would be the first to admit that except for a select few, it was a rare occurrence when she'd shoe any type of skin ship to anyone, her members included.

She's aware that her reputation amongst the fans is being one with resting bitch face; the "cold" one. Some fans have even gone as far to say that she doesn't care for her members at all and is just plays nice to save face. Jane never let it bother her though. Behind closed doors, she knew her members knew how much she cared for them.

They were her family, her brothers. She loved them with all the love she had in her. She took care of them silently, always observing. She'd noticed when one of them wasn't feeling their best, notice when one of them was struggling either physically or mentally. She was quiet, but observant. And she would do whatever she could to support and be there for her brothers, no matter the cost.

Shownu was able to get the first taste of just how much she cared during No.Mercy. He was stressed, tired, run down and exhausted. Physically he was there but mentally? He was drained. He could barely think straight.

Jane knew he was already stressed with being a trainee for so long. He had confided in her about his previous company and that he hated how he acted just before he left. He had told her how worried he was about not being able to debut. He was getting older, after all.

Shownu and Jane got along quite well because they were both quiet but somehow knew what the other needed or was thinking with just a glance. And the first thing Jane saw on that morning before practice was the deep, purple (almost black) bags under his eyes. She knew he stayed late the night before to get their dance down in order to be able to show everyone today.

How late? She wasn't sure but judging by the bags under his eyes, she'd be surprised if he even returned to the dorm last night. She quietly slipped out while waiting for the other members of her group to show up. One good thing about Starship was that they had a coffee stand on the first floor. No need to run to a store or coffee shop.

She ordered coffee for everyone. It took up her whole monthly allowance and some of what her dad had sent her a few weeks ago, but she couldn't just walk in with coffee for one person and not the rest of them. She had some common sense. And the last thing she needed was for the trainees to fight each other over a cup of coffee.

She did however add extra expresso shots to Shownu's drink, making sure to put extra sugar in it as well. She knew he liked it black usually, but he was in desperate need of caffeine to make it through practice today. She entered back in the practice room, thanking her side job of waitressing at night for her sense of balance.

The others practically knocked her over for coffee but Jane held tight, making sure everyone got theirs. Shownu walked up offering her a tired smile and she handed him his. His eyes widened a little. "It's so big?" He said, holding up his cup that was almost as large as his face.

Jane shrugged, offering him a coy smile. "You look like you could use it." She said simply, spinning on her heels and moving towards the others to start stretching. Shownu was happy and while he was pretty positive there was enough expresso in the drink to give him a heart attack, it did allow him to wake up enough to make it through the gureling day of practice.

Starship had allotted a room for Jane to use during No.Mercy promotions. She was the only female with what felt like a million boys. However, she had forced Shownu to use her room for the night so he could sleep comfortably without interruptions from the other trainees.

Shownu had told her it was fine, that he didn't mind but she wasn't taking no for an answer and promised that a night on the pull-out couch wouldn't harm her. Shownu had the best sleep he had since the show started.

In present time, Jane had found ways to sneak into the hospital to see Shownu after his eye surgery. While he had scolded her, she didn't care, sneaking in almost everyday and hiding when a nurse would come to check on him.

They didn't talk much, but they never really did. She'd sit and read her books, play games with him or they'd just enjoy the silence while watching the hospital TV. Shownu appreciated the company and would never admit it out loud, but he was happy that she cared enough to not care if she got in trouble for keeping him company.

She'd bring his favorite take-out food, explaining that the hospital food was no good for her leader. He deserved the best of the best and she was there to offer that to him. And how could he say no to food?

It was her own way of caring for him and it never went unnoticed by Shownu. He kept tabs on all the little things she did for him, making sure to repay her in the future, when she would need him to be there for her.

He was more than grateful for Jane and would not be thankful for whatever higher power there was that allowed her to pass all of No.Mercy and debut with them.

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