JTCOM: Jooheon (Joohoney)

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Jane taking care of members

Jane would be the first one to tell anyone that she isn't the most cuddliest person in the world. Nor does she enjoy skin ship that much. She also would be the first to admit that except for a select few, it was a rare occurrence when she'd shoe any type of skin ship to anyone, her members included.

She's aware that her reputation amongst the fans is being one with resting bitch face; the "cold" one. Some fans have even gone as far to say that she doesn't care for her members at all and is just plays nice to save face. Jane never let it bother her though. Behind closed doors, she knew her members knew how much she cared for them.

They were her family, her brothers. She loved them with all the love she had in her. She took care of them silently, always observing. She'd noticed when one of them wasn't feeling their best, notice when one of them was struggling either physically or mentally. She was quiet, but observant. And she would do whatever she could to support and be there for her brothers, no matter the cost.

Jooheon was loud, bubbly, happy and extroverted. The complete and total opposite of Jane. How they ever grew so close or even became friends is a mystery to everyone, including them. But Jane can figure it probably started when she noticed the light in Jooheon's eyes was dimmer than it normally was.

She was always polite to him and greeted him. They had talked a few times before that point but nothing serious. For her, he was much to outgoing and loud and if she was being honest at the point in their lives, it intimated her a little bit. So, she kept her distance. But they were all struggling so much mentally already, especially with the addition of a new rookie, she wanted to make sure that he was truly going to make it through this.

"I want to talk to you," she said one day, barging into the studio. He had jumped, looking at her with wide eyes. Probably the widest she'd ever seen them go. She hadn't meant to be abrupt, but she had paced outside the door for at least an hour before she just said fuck it and ran in. "Sorry—I—are you okay?" He looked at her with a raised brow and then shook his head.

He told her of how he was struggling with the idea of debuting, how tired he was starting to feel and nervous. After all, they had just added in another rapper. He was also angry at himself for being angry at the new member even though they all knew it wasn't his fault and that he didn't ask to be thrown into this; at least not this way.

He missed his family; his mom, brother, niece, and sister. He hadn't seen them in so long and video calls just weren't cutting it anymore. He didn't think he was good enough to debut or make it through the next round and had been contemplating if he should just drop off the show completely and pick a different career path.

Jane bit her lip listening to the boy tell her all these things and she did the only thing she could think of in that moment. She hugged him. He tensed a little because everyone was aware hugging and physical touch wasn't something that Jane often showed or did. But he relaxed a few seconds later and hugged her back. It was really all he needed; just to vent it out. From that point, they were basically conjoined at the hip and she had no issues cuddling up next to him, much to the shock of others.

When he had to take a leave of absence because his anxiety was getting worse, she was the one that let him know it was fine for him to think of himself. Reminded him that he should be thinking of himself. "Sure, fans are great and all, but you can't have fans if you can't be on stage." She had told him and it had worked. Not entirely, but it lifted some of his guilt.

She stayed by his side, even when they were in another country promoting their new album. She'd text and call him every day, despite the time difference. He'd scold her for staying up so late and not resting, but deep down he was truly grateful to hear from her every day. He was open and honest with all his members, but with Jane he felt like he could show her all the ugly parts.

She made sure that he picked up his meds, made sure that he was taking them when he was supposed to. When they returned back to Korea, she was by his side all the time. She needed to see for herself that he was doing better and managing himself well. Taking care of himself like he should have been doing for years now.

Only when she was satisfied that he was did she give him some space. But she still texts him every day, even if they've seen each other. She wants him to remember she's there and if he needs her to pick him up because it's getting bad, she's in the next taxi zooming to him.

When he was nervous about going back on stage after so many months off, Jane was there to hold his hand and tell him to 'suck it up' and pulled him out on stage. Though the smile never left her face as she saw him fall in love with this job all over again.

His smile lit up the room like the sun and she'd make sure that even in their next life, he'd never lose that.

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