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Jane is being whiney

Jane sat in the makeup chair with a scowl on her face. The makeup artist kept sighing and telling her to smile or close and eye every few seconds. Jane would listen but as soon as she was done applying whatever it was, she would go back to her scowl and furrow her brows.

"Are you really still pouting?" Minhyuk asked with a roll of his eyes. Jane only flicked him off and didn't say anything. Dressed in a one-piece white jumper with a white jacket and silver lining and buttons, she looked a little different.

She wasn't really one to wear brighter colors. Usually, their concepts were a little dark or edgy and she was dressed in darker colored outfits. But for this music video for their new album, she was told that she was going to be the rival boss and therefore, was dressed in white.

But that wasn't why she was pouting. She didn't mind the change in color of clothing or being a little lighter. She was pouting because she didn't want to be the rival boss. She wanted to be on the team like the rest of the boys. Not seen as some betrayer.

"I swear to god," Minhyuk muttered and Jane glared at him. "I just don't get why I have to be the bad guy!"

"We're literally all bad guys," Minhyuk groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. Ever since Jane was told her role was switched, she had been whining about it.

"It's just a music video, YunJae," Kihyun said from her other side and she huffed. "Just a music video where I betray my team!"

Kihyun rolled his eyes at her dramatics. "It's the storyline! I don't know how many times I have to tell you that!" Minhyuk groaned again and Jane crossed her arms and sunk down in her chair. Storyline or not, she didn't like it.

"We could have hired some old dude to do it. I don't get why I have to be the betrayer," she mumbled. Kihyun smirked a little and shook his head, squeezing her shoulder gently.

"While it's cute to see you get annoyed over a character, you need to suck it up because we're starting to film in five minutes."

"I just don't see how it goes with the storyline!" Jane threw her hands up and Minhyuk groaned again, sinking all the way off his seat and sliding on to the floor. The stylist snapped at him to get up before he wrinkled the suit but Jane was quick to send her a sharp glare and she apologized for her tone.

"You infiltrated our gang and tried to pull a fast one on us but unfortunately for your character, Shownu found out and we mess you up," Kihyun explained once again.

Jane went back to pouting. She knew it made sense, she just wanted to pout. Not only did she have to dress in white now—not that it really bothered her that much—she was also going to be portrayed as two-faced.

She knew it was just a stupid music video, like Kihyun said. But she got enough hate as it is just for being a girl in an all boy group. This would just be something else the anti's would jump on, fake or not.

"Let's go," Kihyun said, pushing her off her chair. She huffed again and blew her bangs out of her eyes before walking towards the set. She managed to make it through the first few hours and play pretend like she was supposed to, but the more the director yelled cut and kept telling her she needed to seem a little more menacing was starting to annoy her.

After calling for a short break to fix some of the lighting, Jooheon and Changkyun made their way over to the pouting girl.

"I think if you'd fix your face we'd be done quicker," Jooheon teased and Jane glared at him. "Seriously, you're being such a baby. This isn't even real," Changkyun reasoned.

She mumbled something that neither boy could understand and they leaned in closer. "I just want to be part of the team and get away with everyone. But I'll be dead! How is that going to translate to the next comeback?!"

Jooheon chuckled at her and Changkyun snorted. "Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Or maybe this is how we tell you that you're being kicked out of the group."

"YAH!" She yelled at the laughing boys. Shownu came to her side, lightly smacking the two younger members on the back of their heads. "Stop teasing her," he said and they only pretended to agree. She knew as soon as Shownu walked away that they'd start up again.

"Shownu! Can I like, not die? I can escape with you!" Jane whined up at him and he only grinned at her and patted the top of her head carefully. He didn't want to ruin her hair. "Nah. I kinda like it this way," he said playfully.

"You like me dead?!" She screeched out and he only shrugged. "Just for music video purposes, you're the bad guy." She narrowed her eyes and the director called for them all to get back to their places.

"C'mon my little walking dead girl, next scene I get to blow you up."

"Yah!" She yelled. Shownu only smiled brightly as he walked back to his spot. Getting ready to finish his next scene, Jane plotted her own master plan.

How she was going to blow up the dorm when they got home.

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