The Argument Pt. 5

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Jane and Changkyun finally talk

"I'm sorry I broke your nose." Jane said and Changkyun scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Don't flatter yourself. You're not that strong." Jane bit her bottom lip, willing the urge to retort back with a snarky comment. They weren't at that point yet. She sighed, leaning her head against the wall.

"Can I ask why you were so mad at me?" She said quietly. Changkyun didn't answer right away. He looked everywhere but at Jane. He finally brought himself to look at her and he felt his heart clench a little. She did look tired. Exhausted. And while most of that was probably because of her illness, he knew the other rest of it was because of their fight.

"You didn't tell me." He said simply and Jane met his eyes. She felt guilty at the hurt that was swirling in his eyes, no matter how much he was trying to hide it. She sighed again and scolded herself. She was sighing to much these days. "I told you, Changkyun. I didn't tell you because we're not even sure what it is yet!" She didn't mean to raise her voice.

Changkyun narrowed his eyes, shaking his head. "Does it really matter? I'm your best friend, dammit!" She flinched a little at the octave his voice rose and took a deep breath, trying to keep her annoyance at bay. "I get that, Changkyun, I do. But I didn't want to say anything if it's nothing." Changkyun scoffed, leaning back on his hands.

He let a bitter laugh out. "Whether it turns to nothing or not, do we not deserve to know?" She raised her brow. "Do you not think we've had enough of people keeping things from us these past few months? We're supposed to be a family. We don't keep secrets. Look at how that ended up." Jane froze. She hadn't realized that this ran much deeper than just Changkyun walking in on her and Jimin.

She sighed, scooting forward a little. "That wasn't my intention, Changkyun. I just wanted to be sure about it first." Changkyun shook his head. "You can shove your excuses up your ass, YunJae. I'm not buying them." She gritted her teeth, understanding where he was coming from but wishing he would understand where she was coming from.

"Changkyun, all I can say is I'm sorry." Changkyun sighed, rolling his eyes. "You can be sorry. But I'm not, YunJae. I'm sorry for calling you out of your name, I shouldn't have done that. But I have every right to be mad and hurt." Jane didn't say anything, looking down at her feet. What else could she say?

He was right. He had every reason to be upset, hell, they all did. She should have told them about her and Jimin. She thought she was doing the right thing to wait. But Changkyun was right. What if they did get caught going out one day? Then they'd have yet another scandal to their name. "You're right." She mumbled.

Changkyun stood up, brushing his back side off. "I need time, YunJae. I'm still pissed and hurt. And I have every right to be." She nodded. "I understand." Changkyun went to walk away before Jane called out in a weak voice. "At least I straightened your nose out." She joked and Changkyun shook his head. "Not funny." He walked in, leaving her sitting there staring at her feet.

Jane hated herself right now. If this was just how Changkyun was feeling, then how are the others feeling? She knew Minhyuk was indifferent and she was grateful. But what about Hyungwon? Kihyun? Shownu? Jooheon? Did they all think the same that Changkyun did? Not to mention she hadn't taken her medicine on time and while Minhyuk had her take it when she got home, it was off schedule and she wasn't feeling all that great.

She laid back on the cement, closing her eyes. The sun was hurting her eyes, even with them closed but she was too sore and tired to move. She felt weak and heavy at the same time. "What're you doing down there?" She peeked her eye open to see Shownu staring down at her, crooked smile on his face.

She jumped up, wrapping her arms around his waist. "I'm so sorry, oppa. I'm so sorry." She said, a few tears falling down her face. Shownu's mouth opened in a perfect 'o' in surprise. Jane rarely showed any skin ship with anyone but Changkyun and occasionally Jooheon. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around her, patting her head awkwardly. "I'm not mad, Jane-ah." He said.

"Let's go in. You look pale." He said, pulling away and scratching the back of his neck. She nodded, following behind him. "I'll just carry you. Get on." He said after noticing how slow she was moving. She smiled, gratefully, and latched on to his back. "None of us are mad, you know." He said as he walked them down the stairs.

"But we are a little hurt. We wish you would've just told us. Maybe we can talk to everyone later?" He suggested and Jane half-shrugged. "I'll talk to everyone, oppa. You don't have too. But Changkyun just wants some space for right now." He hummed in response, placing her down in front of the door. "He'll get over it, just give it time." He said as he opened the door.

Jane sighed, walking in behind him. He was right; Changkyun would get over it, eventually. She hoped. But she would be here until that happened, just like he would be in any other situation.

He is her best friend after all.

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