[24]- Helmeted

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It had been nearly a week since the outburst, and for the most part conversation and interaction had stayed to a minimum- He hadn't even gone to school lately. Although, since then, Xisuma had started to notice faint little scars in his face, similar to Ex's.

Whenever he woke up, he'd find himself waking up with hope and delight that he would have scars just like Ex had said he would- He also hoped that he'd have scars like Ex had.

The moment he woke up and throughout the day he would periodically check for more. And every day when he periodically checked he would notice the faint scars began to worsen as more and more appear in a magic-like manner.

Light clinks and clacks of silverware clinked and clacked as his breakfast was being eaten by parent one and parent number two was doing something on the phone.

Xisuma ignored them both, slightly disappointed that he couldn't ask them for orange juice, but too stubborn to cave. He brought back some crayons to the coffee table and walked back into the bathroom, checking for scars.

And sure as day, they were there. Across the bridge of his nose, from his eye down to mid-cheek, on his jaw, forehead, and temples. Some of them were lighter and some were more obvious. Some were nasty and colorful while others were just a plain line or indent.

Freak. Said a little voice on his head.

He shook his head. No, he wasn't a freak! He was like Ex!

Freak. Freaky freak. Said the voice again, but this time it seemed to go a little further than inside of his head.

"I'm not a freak.." He mumbled back.

"Yes-" you kind of a- "re."

He turned around, but came to face nothing.

Freaky dumb scars- "Nobody will like those scars-" And you'll continue having no friends- "But you don't have any now do you-"

"I have friends! Ex and Keralis and Scar!" He pouted, yelling to the wall.

But- "Would Keralis and Scar-" Like those scars?

He thought a moment. Would they..? He turned back around, only to nearly slam into Ex. Ex just looked at him through his helmet. "Would they?"

"I.. I don't kn-" He paused. "Were you the voice calling me a freak?"

"I was just throwing around possibilities." Ex replied, soundlessly hopping up onto the counter.

Xisuma slowly nodded. That made.. sense..

"So?" Ex brought up again, "Aren't you worried Keralis and Scar are going to think you're a freak? I mean, I don't mind, but would they?"

Xisuma thought a moment- Would they? On one hand, he had matching scars with Ex.. On the other hand, they wouldn't understand the importance of Ex.. But they were his friends, and friends weren't supposed to judge other friends.. But were they actually friends..?

Ex smiled, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and chin on palm. "What if they.." He trailed off a moment to 'think'. "What if they didn't like you anymore? Or thought you were weird? Hated the scars?"

Xisuma thought even more. "I don't know.."

Ex nodded and made a very judgmental 'hm' sound. Xisuma just stood there and looked at his feet. "Do you.. do you like them..? I have more.."

Ex thought a moment and nodded. "I do-"

"And you're really cool so the others will too!"



"You don't know that for a fact." Ex made direct eye contact with him- And despite the helmet over his face, his cold, heartless eyes still sent chills down Xisuma's spine.

Xisuma looked down, hiding beneath the other's gaze. "But.. but.."

"But, but, but what?" Ex mocked.

Xisuma stood silent.

"Thought so," Ex said. "Now, do you want to take that chance? The chance of them leaving you? Because it's not a secret that they're only your friends out of pity."

Xisuma looked up, shocked. Ex just smiled. "Oops-! Did you not know that? Oh wow, I'm sorry."

An adult would hear the sarcasm, but Xisuma wasn't an adult. He was a helpless child in a bad situation- He was also innocent and pure, not yet having been revealed to nature and one of the many pains it brought, including sarcasm.

"I.." He started tearing up a little. "I thought they liked me.."

"Well, they don't. I'm the only one who does."

"But.. I thought we were friends.. and Joe too..!"

"Joe only likes you because he has to."

"But Joe likes everyone-!"

"Exactly." Said Ex with such confidence and casualty that it made Xisuma feel even dumber to question it.

A moment or few of silence passed before he asked; "So.. so they don't like me..?"

"Nope." Ex hopped down and paced the small room. "But maybe if you hid the scars, they wouldn't think of you as such a creep, and maybe not hate you as much."

X drew back. Hate was a really strong word. A really really strong word too! "They hate me..?!"

Ex nodded. "Yeah." He hopped down and lifted off his helmet, white hair falling in front of his face as he pretended to check out his scars in the mirror. "Aw man, such a nice thing this helmet does for me, keeping my scars hidden and all."

Xisuma just stood there quietly, arms holding himself as a small idea was planted and watered in the back of his mind.

"Anyways," Ex commented, "Have fun figuring out whatever your mess is." He slipped his helmet on and said again; "I really do love how my helmet hides my scars."

Ex winked before disappearing from sight and leaving Xisuma to think through his tears.

He slowly walked back out, rubbing his eyes, picking up some crayons, and harshly drawing out his own helmet made with the colors of grey and purple.

Once it was finished, he picked it up and walked over to the kitchen table, setting it down.

"I need one this so the kids don't think I'm a freaky freak with a bunch of scars that only Ex likes."

Both his parents just looked confused as he walked off and retreated back to his room to play with some trains and cry more.


The very next day he found a helmet outside his door, colored purple and grey and ready for him to wear.

Neither one of his parents took the credit.


[Words: About: 1,145]

*Inhales* i cAnT sLeEp aND i'M nOt eVEn dRinKInG aNyThInG sUgAR- Anyways hello there friends!, five hours of sleep is the most I've gotten all week yet the author can't seem to do a chapter.. Anyways, here's (another) one-sitting thing. Ta-da!

Pretty close to the two-week mark, but we limboed under it, so  h a .  (I seriously neglect this book don't I?) Anyways, shorter and simpler, but details are important! Hope y'all enjoyed!


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