[10]- Icky Pill

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"Mama!" Xisuma burst in, "Gum!!"

His mom sighed and smiled. "Gum...?"

Xisuma nodded. "Yeah! I want some minty gum!" His mom laughed a little and handed it to him. "Alright, now go back with you father ok sweetheart?"

Xisuma nodded and went back to his father. "Dad!"


"I dunno." Xisuma shrugged. Then he sat down and looked around for Ex. It took a moment but he found him in the chair.


When his mom walked out crying, he knew something was wrong. Xisuma quickly walked over, but his dad beat him and looked at his mom.

"Is it...?"

His mom nodded and tightly hugged his dad. "They- They think so..."

Xisuma watched from his place as him mom cried for awhile onto his dad. He'd never seen his mom cry before.
The ride home was dead quiet. Even Ex stayed silent, bu he did wear a noticeably proud grin.

Once he got home, his parents quickly walked to their room to have an adult-conversation, leaving Xisuma nearly all by himself. Nearly. He looked up to where Ex normally was, but found that he wasn't there.

So completely. He was completely alone.

He looked around a moment, spotting the piece of paper on the counter. His mom was holding it earlier. Walking over and looking at it, he recognized two things: One being his name, and the others really long word he didn't recognize, but looked cool. It had a bunch of letters, the ones he recognized most were S and Z. He tried to pronounce it, but quickly gave up. He grabbed it and walked to his parents room- Maybe they'd tell him what it meant.

Gently pulling open the door, he saw his mom sitting at the foot of the bed, still crying, and his dad next to her tying to comfort her. Women, confusing creatures aren't they?

He looked at them for a moment, about to leave when his mom beckoned him over, a small, white bag sitting next to her that he hadn't noticed before. "Mommy...?

She weakly smiled. "C'mere Xisuma...."

He nodded and walked over, and she pulled a small, plastic bottle from the bag. "Remember Mrs. Avery? Yeah, well she said you needed to take one of these every night ok? Can you do that for me?"

Xisuma nodded. "Yeah, I can." He thought a moment. "Momma, why were you crying...?"

His mom sighed and shook her head. "It's nothing...." She mumbled.

Xisuma frowned and crawled over to her, sitting on her lap. "Momma..?" "Hm...?" Xisuma held out the white piece of paper, filled with big words. "What's-"

His mom took a single look at it before crying all over again, his father going back to comforting his wife. Xisuma took that as his time to leave.

After he was out of his room, he went back to his room, and sat there. Ex walked over from the corner and Xisuma ran up to hug him, only for the other to sidestep. "No." Ex said.

Xisuma frowned. "Why??"

Ex shrugged. "Because."

"Because why?" Xisuma argued.

Again, Ex shrugged again. "Because I said so. Now stop asking."

Xisuma looked down and shut up for a moment before mumbling a 'sorry.'

Ex shrugged and walked away into the corner he came from. Xisuma blinked and but he time his eyes opened Ex was gone.


Xisuma took the small and slim yellow oval. "It's tiny.."

His dad nodded a little and used more of a quieter tone. Xisuma could tell that he was also sad. "Yeah, but you gotta swallow it."

Xisuma looked at it again. "Is this the pill mommy was talking about?" His dad nodded. "Yeah."

Xisuma thought a moment. "What's it do?"

"Nothing." His dad said

"Get rid of me." Was what Ex, who leaning on the counter, said.

Xisuma frowned and looked at his dad. "Is it...?"

"Is it what?"

"Gonna..." Xisuma said quietly, "Gonna get rid of Ex..?"

His dad paused a moment. "Want me to be honest?" Xisuma nodded and his dad sighed. "No, it doesn't.. It helps with headaches."

"Oh ok!" Xisuma said, quickly taking the pill after lots of struggle.

His dad smiled exhaustedly. "G'night champ."

"Goodnight dad!" Xisuma smiled as he bounded off back towards his room.


[Words: About: 815]

First off! I'd like to apologize for the maaajor lack up updates and delay! School is just starting and it's all online because here it's everyone follows and copies one of the main schools (the ones in the state capital) and so I'm stuck online! It should all pick back up soon as I (finally) got over writers block and also got a keypad for my I-pad so uh (zOoM cLasS SnEakY tyPinG!) Also I meant to post this yesterday, last night, early this morning, but couldn't till now. Hope your guys enjoyed! Any guesses on Ex or anything?


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