[7]- Troublesome

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"Do it."


"Because it's funny."

"But it's glass!"

"Yeah. It'll shatter. Fun!"

"I don't think it's funny..."

"Friends trust friends Xisuma. Trust me."


"Trust. Me."

Ex gave Xisuma a look at the last part and X looked down. He didn't want to. He didn't have to. But it's something he could do..?

He looked up at the small bowl of crackers left for him. He looked back to Ex, who nodded and smiled.

He reached over, climbing into a chair because it was centered on the table, pulled his hand back.. and- "Wait. Kick it." Ex interrupted. Xisuma hesitantly nodded.

He pulled himself up, crawled onto the table, drew his leg back and-


The bowl went flying forward, hitting the wall and exploding into a million pieces, each one flying in different directions.

Xisuma looked at it while Ex laughed and cackled, patting his back. "Good job! How'd that feel?"

X shrugged. "I dunno...."

Ex frowned. "Well. Until it feels good, then you need some practice. Sound cool?"

Again, X shrugged. "Mom'll be mad though.."

Ex sighed and shook his head. "C'mon kid, you need to live a little," He looked around and revealed rows of sharp teeth as his lips curled into a vile smile before continuing, "So whad'ya say to those eggs in the fridge?"


His parents got home to a mess, with Xisuma in the middle. Literally.

He was playing with egg yolk on the floor- One of the many yolks, mind you- And there were bowl shards everywhere.

His dad stared. His mom decided to be a mom.

"Xisuma! What happened?!"

He smiled a little but drew back, still feeling partly guilty, but also remembering Ex's' challenge. He remembered his words exactly.

'Try to see how red you can get them.'

He looked up and gave the challenge a whirl.

"I made a mess?"

His mom looked and motioned to the chaos. "What is all this for though?!"

He shrugged. "I felt like it..?"

His mom was reddish by now. Not to much, but just a little. She went to say something, but her husband grabbed her arm and pulled her into another room, coming back out alone.

He looked at Xisuma.

"Why would you do this."

The kid shrugged and played with his yolk.

His dad walked over and pushed it aside, sitting in front of his kid. "Are you mad at us? Is that it?"

He shook his head. "No."

His father sighed, pushing his glasses back up again. "So why would you do this X. And don't say 'because' or 'sorry.' I want an answer."

The kid looked up to him. "Because I did. Sorry."

His dad took in a breath, and looked at him a long time. He spoke hesitantly, like he was trying to perfect his wording. "Did you do this on your own terms? Because you wanted?"

Xisuma thought awhile. "Does on your own terms mean because you wanted to? Like, you wanted to on your own?"

His dad nodded and he shook his head then nodded. "I didn't, but then after he convinced me to try it, I did. And then I kept doing it until I was able to say I felt good when he asked."

His dad nodded. "Alright. Go to your room. Thank you for being honest."

Xisuma nodded and went to his room.


This was how the next three days went. Ex convincing him to do stuff that his parents got mad about. Usually his dad talked to him instead his mom, who seemed to get easier and easier to anger.


"What are we supposed to do Dan?! He's acting out all the time!"


"No! First the eggs and bowl! Then drawing on the walls! And then! In his room! He tore up his pillows! And don't get me started on the forks and knives in the wall!"



Dan grabbed his wifes' shoulders and shook her lightly. "Calm down."

Karla nodded and looked up at him. "I just-... I just don't understand what has gotten into him... he's never acted out like this.. I'm worried.."

He nodded and hugged her for a moment. "I think we should go to a children's psychiatrist."

She looked up at him. "Are you saying our baby has issues!?"

He sighed. "Sweetheart, I'm not saying that. A psychiatrist is like a therapist. It's just that they can also prescribe meds too. They're also better-trained. It's just to make sure he's ok and there isn't anything going on that he don't speaking of."

She shook her head. "No. He's just acting out. It'll-"

"He says Ex has been telling him to do all of this. All of it."

She froze and looked up at him. "How do you know....?"

"Because," He said, rather quietly too, "He's always said something a certain way, or said it outright. Each time, it leads to Ex though."

She looked at him a few more minutes before quietly nodding and mumbling.


He nodded. "I understand it's difficult, but it's for him. Alright?"

She nodded. "When...?"

"I'm off in three days, so then?"

Karla still kept her eyes on ground. "Alright, in three days..."



[Words: About 960]

Hey guys! So first off! Oh my gosh! I was going to post this and noticed it was at ninety five views! I can't thank y'all enough for all of that! We've barely even started this thing! Thank you guys for all of that! And all the support! I love you guys so much! Second off! I had one person say a comment that made me get a chilly feeling just because I knew the answer but couldn't say. So yes, EX is imaginary but not in the way you'd think. I'll say that!


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