[11]- Missing

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He sadly flopped down onto the couch. Life sucked. He was lonely again. He frowned and looked over to his dad. "Daddy...! Ex isn't here!"

His dad tried to suppress a smile- But Xisuma saw it, he saw that smile good and well,- But he said nothing about it, and listened to his fathers' words.

"Maybe he doesn't wanna play."

"But Daddy! It's been three whole days!"

His dad shrugged. "Sorry bud, maybe he'll come back tomorrow."

Xisuma crossed his arms, pouting and stomped back to his room. Looking around, he just made out the spot his dad first made him eat the pill. He didn't like it. But he did remember the conversation.


Xisuma took the small and slim yellow oval. "It's tiny.."

His dad nodded a little and used more of a quieter. "Yeah, but you gotta swallow it."

Xisuma looked at it again. "Is this the pill mommy was talking about?" His dad nodded. "Yeah."

Xisuma thought a moment. "What's it do?"

"Nothing." His dad said

"Get rid of me." Was what Ex, who leaning on the counter, said.

Xisuma frowned and looked at his dad. "Is it...?"

"Is it what?"

"Gonna..." Xisuma said quietly, "Gonna get rid of Ex..?"

His dad paused a moment. "Want me to be honest?" Xisuma nodded as his dad sighed. "No, it doesn't.. It helps with headaches."

"Oh ok!" Xisuma said, quickly taking the pill after lots of struggle.

His dad smiled exhaustedly. "G'night champ."

"Goodnight dad!" Xisuma smiled as he bounded off back towards his room.


Now, after he had thought about it, maybe Ex was right.. Maybe the pill did get rid of him...

He frowned and hid under the pillow, only leaving his room to get a snack, lunch, another snack, some applesauce, orange juice, yet-again, another snack, some animal crackers, a juice box, and then dinner.

Dinner was good. His mom made limp noodles and balls of meat with red sauce and 'No-Vampire' bread!

The rest of the night wasn't bad- Just lonely. Although, his parents did seem to be relieved at his spontaneous complaints about not seeing Ex.

Finally, he just gave up and asked- Or said, rather say. "I know those pills got rid of Ex."

HIs parents exchanged looks and his mom shrugged, his dad sighing and going, "Maybe he just went away for awhile."

"No." X argued, "No he didn't. He said he wouldn't as long as I listened and didn't ask questions. I listened and I didn't ask.. much.."

His mom instantly perked up. "Much? As in you did ask even if it was very little?"

Xisuma nodded and his mom smiled. "That's why! He left because you asked."

Xisuma frowned and his father sighed again. "Sorry bud, but he may not come back."

"Never not ever?"

His dad nodded. "Never not ever. Sorry."

Xisuma frowned and got up, readying to walk to his room before his mom called out to stop him. "Xisuma wait! Your pill!"

He stopped a moment. "I haven't had headaches.."

"That's good hun!" His mom said.

"Uh, the pills are to help you calm down with the anger urges though." His dad butted in. Xisuma looked at them and saw his mom elbow his dad and quietly hiss. "That's not what I told him! You're supposed to say for the headaches!"

He ignored the bad word he heard from one of his parents.

His dad smiled. "Gotcha! I was uh... Pranking you! They're really for your headaches."

"No they aren't. They're for making Ex go. You lied." Stated Xisuma, very matter-of-factly.

His mom sighed. "It's-... it's for the best ok..? Please..?"

It wasn't for the best. Xisuma knew that. Ex was a good person. He made him not lonely. But, Xisuma wisely kept the thoughts to himself, allowing his mental picture of what Ex would do be his action.

He slowly nodded and mumbled. "..Fine.. I'll take it....."

He held his hand out to his parents, who both let out breaths neither knew they were holding. His dad quickly handed him the pill and his mom handed him water. He nodded and grumbled to the multiple praises of 'Thank you' and 'Your such a good kid.'

He nodded to the 'goodnights' of his parents as they walked away- Both in which to tired and relieved to notice something. One small itsy bitsy teensy weensy detail-of-a-something.

Xisuma had spit out the pill.


[Words: About: 920]

Again sorry for update delays! I've just been busy on a weird level of having-no-life-busy if y'all can relate? I dunno. Anyways! Hope you guys enjoyed and uh I feel like I should've done this IN A CHAPTER but hey I'm stupid and realized it because I have it all planned out and was like, 'Hmph. Welp I shoulda probably done that.. eh..'

So uh. Warnings for future chapters and the book in general!i

-Mental Illnesses
-Self-Harm (NOT to kill themselves but because of influence)
-Weapons used on people (only once but still)

Yeah about that last one uh... Yeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh.. Please don't go all mad or anything you guys but uh yeah there's that. I swear none of it is too bad (Not enough for the mature rating at least) Also I SWEAR the hermits WILL be introduced... eventually... But now that I'm thinking this book'll take a lot of build up so just bare with me.

Alright hope you enjoyed! Go back to your happy lives now children!


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