[21]- White(er) Walls (Pt. 2)

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Xisuma slowly opened his eyes, finally waking up due to the wonderful 'beeping' noises. He went to sat up, but winced at two things- One being the needle in his arm, and the other being the pains scattered on his ar-

"He's awake!" A nurse called, but it was rather useless as his mom was already firing questions at him. "Xisuma! Xisuma? Are you ok?! How're you feeling? W-"

"Ma'am.." The doctor stepped in, "Please give him some spa--"

"He's my son!"

"Yes, he is. But he also needs some space to wake up a bit." A look was shot to the man, but his mom sat back in her chair. "How're you feeling bud?" His dad, who had arrived at some unknown time asked.

"My arm hurts.."

His dad nodded. "Yeah, do you remember what happened?"

Xisuma shook his head slowly. "Kinda..? Ex made me poke my arm with a needle.."

His did gave him a look and the doctor made a 'tsk' sound. "Actually, it was a scalpel. Do you know what that is?"

Xisuma shook his head and the doctor showed him a small but sharp knife. "This is what you used on yourself. May I ask where you got it?"

"I didn't use that, I used a needle from the can..."

The doctor shook his head and motioned to Xisuma's arm, where something was noticed. Scars. And a good bunch of them, all with a small blackish string. Stitches. "A needle wouldn't have done that to a person, especially someone as young as you. I doubt a kid would be able to use a needle in that way."

Xisuma shook his head, tiring again. "I didn't..!"

The doctor nodded again. "You had a scalpel in your hand, everyone who was there saw it."

"Ex made me..!" Xisuma defended. "It was a needle..! Momma it was a needle!" He gave his mom a teary-eyed look, but she just shook her head. "The doctor is right hun, it was a scalpel. Maybe you're just not remembering it correct?"

Xisuma shook his head. "Ex made me.."

"I believe it," Said his mom with a pained look, "I believe it all too well..."

Xisuma nodded as his mom parted some of his hair from his eyes in a gentle manner. He quickly fell back asleep to the action, drifting in and out of a consciousness.

It took a few tries, but eventually Xisuma was able to stay awake and be flagged to be let go at the same time. This took about a day, but it happened. Slowly, that is. He ended up having to get his arm wrapped, and a person came in to explain to him that he had indeed used a scalpel- Which he still wasn't convinced on by the way.

But, right when his parents were about to bring him out, the doctor tapped his mothers should. She turned around. "Yes?"

He pulled her away and his dad stopped, waiting for his wife. The duo began a short conversation, only one part clear to Xisuma. That part was his female parent being told to bring her son back in four days.

Then, it ended and he found himself seated next to his mother in the backseat. Everything else was boring, and awkward, considering the silence of it all. And once he was home, the TV was turned on for him as both his parents went to the kitchen. And if you think he was let out of sight between those four days, then you thought wrong.

Because he wasn't.

Not for a single moment in those next ninety-six hours was he let out of sight.

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