[6]- Sandball

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He smiled a little, as he sat in the sandbox, Ex watching a few feet away.

He giggled a tad. "Ex?"


"Why d'ya wear a helmet?"

He shrugged and smiled a little. "Reasons."

He smiled. "Ok!"

Ex nodded and watched awhile, before Xisuma looked up at him. "Will you push me on the swings?"

"No." Was the quick response he got, Ex shaking his head.


He shrugged. "Reasons."

Xisuma went to say something else, but the same kid from a few days back came over. "Who're you talking to, freak?" X nervously smiled and sunk back a little. "A.. uh... a friend..?"

The kid laughed. "Your a stupid head. Nobody would want to be friends with you." Xisuma looked down as the kid laughed.

Ex walked over, going unnoticed by the kid, and whispered, "This is the kid messing with you, right?"

X nodded. "Mhm..."

"Hm." Ex looked at him, the sand, the kid, the sand, then back to him. "The sand. Use it."

Xisuma looked up to him. "How....?"

The kid laughed. "Making up friends!? Your so stupid!" Again, he took no note of Ex, who just stood there and looked at X. "Throw it at him."

X frowned. "That's not nice..."

The kid walked over, and despite being a year older than Xisuma, or seven to be precise, he seemed much more older than that. And bigger.

"What's not nice?" He said, in a mock tone, "Are you too scared you'll wet your little kid panties? Hmm?" He cracked some more.

Xs' hand curled into a small fist, out of fear and anger, but he noticed sand curled into his fist as well. He looked up to the kid, seeing Ex now standing behind him, mouthing, "Use it."

X looked at him, the sand, the kid, his hand, Ex, the sand, the kid, and his hand again.

Then he threw the sand.

The kid immediately stopped, and rubbed his eyes, whining and whimpering. "Owww! Why'd you do that?!" He winced in pain, rubbing the sand into instead of out of his eye. He quickly ran off to his mom, crying.

Ex smiled. "Good job." X looked at him. "I feel bad... it wasn't nice..."

"So?" Ex shrugged, "Doesn't it feel nice to make him feel how you felt?"

X thought a moment and slowly, half-nodded. "Sorta... not really... kinda...?"

Ex smiled, and went to say something before Xs' mom came over.

"X! Did you throw sand in that kids eyes?!"

X nodded. "Yeah."

His mom gave him a look. "Why??! Why would you do that." He looked down at the small bite in her tone. His mom never got mad, but when she did, he always felt bad.

"Uh because.. he was being mean.... and bullied me..?"

His mom sighed and pulled him up, so he was standing. "That's not how you deal with bullies Xisuma. You should've told me."

He nodded silently.

"C'mon, we're leaving."

He nodded and followed his mom out.

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