[14]- School

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He slammed his heels into the ground and gripped his bag all the while staying attached to and behind his parents legs.

"I don't wanna go!"

His mom sighed and picked him up. "You need to be in school Xisuma. And this is a school that would be good for you!"

Ex rolled his eyes and Xisuma looked at him before looking at his mom. "Why can't you see Ex?"

"Uhm.." His mom stopped a moment before giving him a slow and thought-out answer. "Because... your not like other kids. You special and unique in your own ways, and... Ex... Is one of the.. additions to that. Ok?"

He hesitantly nodded. "So I'm like Spider-Man?"

Laughing, his dad ruffled his hair a little. "Yeah, but better. You're like the Super-man-Spider-Man!" Xisuma smiled and laughed. "And your the evil clown!" His dad smiled. "Well you better go in that school or I'm gonna turn into that evil clown." His dad smiled than added much lower. "And I have kryptonite too."

Xisuma froze before he giggled and crawled down from his mother's hold. He looked at her. "Do I have ta go?"

Ex sighed and muttered something before looking at Xisuma, his voice drowning over his mothers. "Yes, yes you have to go Xisuma. Or I'm leaving."

The boy stood there two moments- Moment one with Ex in sight, and moment two with Ex way over at the entrance to the school. He made a single waving motion with his hand before walking in.

"Please will you go?" His mother asked. He only nodded in response and took her hand. "C'mon! Let's go!"

The building seemed nice enough, a dull yellow. There was a main building with two much smaller wings attached. A smiling man who was standing at the door walked over quickly, his voice gentle but older. "Hello! You must be our new student, Xisuma, right?"

Xisuma nodded and hid behind his mothers arm, looking at the man more closely. He had black hair with a few grey spots peeking out, a dark grey pair of pants, and a black tee. He seemed maybe in his thirties. He smiled at Xisuma and held out a hand, but the smaller still hid. The man sighed. "Since I know your name, what if I told you mine eh?"

Xisuma nodded and the old(ish/er) man chuckled. "Well, one of the kids gave me a nickname and it's kinda stuck, so I go by TFC here." He smiled and held out his hand again but Xisuma still hid.

He- TFC- went to say something but a younger kid, about ten years walked over with this calm aura about him. He had a simple blue shirt with an '@' symbol, dark blue jeans, glasses and brown hair. He squatted in front of Xisuma and smiled a little.

"Hey there, I'm Joe.." His tone was gentle and soft, welcoming almost.

Xisuma meekly nodded. "Ima Xisuma...."

Joe smiled. "Well it's sure nice to meet you Xisuma!"

"You look like a kid, but act like a parent?"

Joe lightly chuckled and TFC smiled. "He's a pretty mature boy and helps me out a lot."

Xisuma nodded and smiled nervously at Joe. "I'm Xisuma..."

Joe nodded again. "You said. Would you like to go inside with me?"

Xisuma looked at his mom. "Is Ex gonna be here and stay with me...?"

His mom sighed and smiled a little. "I think he would if you went to school yes."

Xisuma nodded. "He said that." He turned back and looked at Joe. "I'll go.."

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