[17]- Trick of the Eyes or Trick of the Mind

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It had been a week. A full week. A week since Joe had told him the medicine made Ex go.

Xisuma still missed him. He had Scar and Keralis and Ren and Grian, but he had no Ex. And it hurt.

It was like a small part of him was taken- Ex was his first real friend after all. And he told his parents that he and Ex would behave. He told the lady he had to see once a week. He also told Joe, Scar, and Keralis. The latter two had said they'd be his friends. Joe had said it was for the better and that Scar and Keralis would be his friends.

Xisuma pushed away the blankets, feeling hot in his Thomas the Train onesie.

He slowly sat up and looked at the edge of his bed. Ex had been right there when he was sick.. He sighed as he scooted into the spot and pretended that Ex was still there with him- He never came, not this night or the one prior, nor the ones of the past week, yet here he was, still trying, still hoping, that Ex would come back. He wouldn't care if he was mean or the same or nicer, he just wanted him back.


Xisuma looked around. His parents hadn't come in..

Was he just that desperate for Ex to come back? Yes, yes he was..

Still, he looked around again and scooted back against the wall like he first had when Ex came. He stared at the spot Ex would sit in - The one he was just in. The faint red glow of the clock in the corner was the only lighting in the room. He looked around again, and frowned. Ex still was-


He froze and smiled a little, recognizing the soft, chilly whisper of a voice. "Ex..?" He quietly asked. He slowly looked around again, but it was much harder this time. Where had that light gone..?! A small yawn escaped his lips and his eyes dropped shut a moment.


What..? It took the child a moment, but he remembered what he was doing. His eyes snapped open and he screamed, going to jump back but hitting the wall.

Ex laughed from his spot- The edge of the bed. He looked at Xisuma, the same sharp white teeth on full view as well as his red eyes.

Xisuma whimpered. "You scared me..!" Ex laughed again. "I always scare you."

Xisuma crossed his arms, but Ex frowned. "I heard that you made a friend." Xisuma slowly nodded and murmured. "A couple.."

"So.." Ex began, "Am I not your friend now?"

Xisuma thought a moment, but his parents both came into the room, both asking what happened.

Xisuma smiled a little and shook off his mom's hug. "Ex was right there!" He pointed to the spot Ex was just in, but his father knit his eyebrows together. "He was... on you lap?"

Xisuma shook his head. "No, he was on-" He looked down and let out a small 'oh.' He was the one on the edge of the bed. "He was right here...."

His mom gave his dad a look before picking up Xisuma. "How about you sleep in our bed tonight? We can watch a movie?"

Xisuma frowned but slowly nodded. "Ok...." Then, he quickly added. "Ex was there though!"

His dad nodded as he followed his mum down the hall. "I bet he was Xisuma, I bet he was."

Xisuma nodded and he rested his chin on his mother's shoulder. He knew Ex was there. He had to be there. H knew he wasn't imagining it, he was sure of that. His mom looked at him. "Sweet pea, does your head hurt?"

Xisuma thought a moment. Did it?

Slowly, he shook his head. Why did that question even matter though? His parents knew he would've said something if it did. "No, it doesn't.."


[Words: About: 745]

Ha! Reasonable post! Take that! So uh, there's a hint if you think about it at the end. Lemme know if ya caught it! (It's kinda a big give-away for the second thing he has, and part of the story!) Also we got to 500 views! Thank you all so much! I also have the next chapter completely planned and just have to turn some bullet points into sentences, so that should be out within a couple days! Hope y'all enjoyed!


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