[22]- Colored Walls (Pt. 3)

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It was fun. Really really fun. Albeit, it did hurt a bit in the beginning, but it was fun once the pain finally numbed away. Plus, Ex was happy, which meant he would stay. And if Ex stayed he wouldn't be lonely. Because he wasn't anything if he was lonely. He needed Ex. He needed him because- Because..

Xisuma thought a moment. Why did he need Ex? Couldn't he just make friends? He shook his head and looked at his hands. Would a friend want him to be hurt..? He thought a moment as certain words came back to him 'You'd be nothing without me.'

He couldn't have friends because Ex is the only person who liked him, right? So he needed Ex, right?


Ex laughed, clapping his hands. "Good, good! So good Xisuma!" He praised. Xisuma smiled, shaking his head clear of whatever thoughts were just occurring as he wiped a dollop of blood as it ran near his eye. "So I'm-"

Part of the wall started shaking as a voice yelled through. "Open up the door!" The wall-apparently-door began being pulled inwards. Xisuma smiled, leaning into the wall. "I'm.. I'm done..?"

Ex shook his head. "No, no you are not done. Just one more-"

"Open the door- Ugh! Jim help me!"

Ex glowered and pointed to the wall. "One more word to finish, ok? That's all I need from you."

"I feel funny."

"No you don't, finish the word. Now." He demanded. Xisuma just nodded, stumbling over his own feet a bit. "What do I put next..?"

"O." Ex instructed. Xisuma nodded and did as told. "U. Not the word, 'you,' but the letter." Xisuma nodded and did that too. Ex smiled as he took a step back. "T." Xisuma did and looked at Ex, who was looking at the written words. "You're done." He said.

Xisuma pointed to the wall containing dripping red words. "What's it say?" He asked. Ex pointed to the first word. "What's this?"

Xisuma squinted. "Let?"

"Good." The older moved his finger along. "This?"


"Good!" Ex pointed to the very last, most recent word. "And this?"


Ex nodded one last time, "And what's that spell?"

"Let.. Me.. Out?" Xisuma asked, emphasizing each word.

"Correct. Good job." Ex lifted off the helmet, hair falling down in his face. "What's that s'posed ta mean?" X asked.

"Don't worry, you've already done that."

Xisuma nodded, looking to Ex as more yelling came from behind the door. He pointed to a couple scars that hadn't been there before. "What're those?" He asked, ignoring the loud footsteps and pounds on the door. "Do you really want to know?" Ex asked. Xisuma nodded, intrigued."

"Well," Ex answered, "It's what you've done."

"It's a push, not a pull yOU MORONS!" The loudest voice so far said, throwing open the door and barging to Xisuma. Ex chuckled darkly as he disappeared to wherever he had come from. The person quickly grabbed Xisuma's wrists, who pulled them back. "What're you doing..!!"

"Just relax, ok kiddo? It'll be ok." Xisuma shook his head and stumbled a bit more. "Where's Ex?"

"He's gone, ok? Ok? Ok."

Xisuma nodded, looking around at the numerous people crowding around. "But.. but why're so many people here..?"

The guard-like person shook their heads again. "Because is that little stunt you pulled."

What stunt? He hadn't done anything. "What stunt?" He asked. "I didn't do anything.."

The guard motioned to the wall. "That little stunt. Now c'mon, your face is bleeding pretty bad." Xisuma giggled. "My face is tingly.."


The doctor from earlier pushed his way through, kneeling in front of Xisuma. "Hey, ignore him, look at me." He began dabbing over Xisumas' face with a cloth. "What happened? How're you feeling? Why did you do that?"

"Ex said so. My face feels tingly, like sand." Xisuma answered slowly began shifting his weight from foot to foot. The doctor nodded, yelling out things to some other nearby people. Xisuma looked around a bit in search of his mother- She wasn't there though..

The doctor looked back at Xisuma. "Lookin' for your mommy?" Xisuma nodded and yawned in response. "Mhm.. 'm tired 'n my face is tingly.." He went to rub his eyes, but the doctor pulled his hands down, dapping his face with another strong-smelling cloth- Although, he couldn't feel it all too well. The doctor smiled lightly. "How about we get her on the way to a room ok?"


"Yes," He motioned vaguely at Xisumas' face. "To fix some of that blood ok?"

"Is it gunna leave forever marks?"

The older gently dapped above Xs' eyebrow. "Maybe just right here and under your left eye. Both would be rather faint, so no worry, alright?" Xisuma nodded and smiled.

There's multiple.

They'll never go away.

Everyone's going to think you're a freak.

Nobody will like you.

"Am I gonna be a freak?" He asked. The doctor shook his head again. "No, no you're not. Why would you say that?"

Xisuma shrugged. "Just something muh' mind told me.."

The doctor nodded. "Well, your minds wrong. Okay? Now let's get your mum and find a room." Xisuma nodded, wrapping his arms around the doctor's neck. "Uhh.." He gave Xisuma a funny look. "What..?"

The guard laughed. "You wanna be carried?" Xisuma nodded and did a slow blink. "'M sweepy..!" The doctor still looked puzzled and tried to convince Xisuma to make the walk. He failed magnificently as the guard laughed again.

And as he was bobbing up and down at a gentle, soft rhythm, making his way down the hall at the labor of the doctor, things seemed to slow down in the distance as the space around him began to get darker. Slowly, he was lulled to sleep by the lack of anything, leaving a faint trail of blood in his wake.


[Words: About: 1,100]

So not bloody- Also I've come to realize we need a name for the doctor. (Unless I just forgot it?) Also I used the full two weeks! Apologies! My excuse; Motivation. Anyone have some sort of motivation tips or something??

Anyways, here's an update for chapter planning! There may be one or two more chapters, then it's going to transition over to the current season. So when that happens things may be wonky (I haven't been watching Hermitcraft as much.)I have the rest of the details planned out, (and after looking over them I realized I should probably get therapy.) So, uh, small details matter here! Hope you enjoyed this normal timed (at least for me) update!


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