[20]- White Walls (Pt. 1)

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He swung his legs in the seat, looking at his mom. "Why do I gotta be stabbed with a stick?" His mom laughed. "Xisuma it's just a blood sample. Nothing more I swear. You'll live."

"Old people die here all the time."

His mom went wide eyed and went to say something before he added;

"And babies. And kids."

His mom laughed but gave her son a look, fighting a smile. "Shhh! Don't say that aloud!!!"

Xisuma nodded, and mumbled, "But it's true.."

His mom laughed again, ignoring the look from the old lady across from them. "Shhh...!"

Xisuma nodded. "If I die it's your fault." His mom nodded. "If you die I'll take the credit. Ok??" Xisuma shook his head. "No Ex would want the credit. He likes dying."

His mom blinked and looked at him a moment. Xisuma just went back to swinging his legs happily. His mom said absolutely nothing until the point in which they got called back. She smiled, "C'mon.."

And, Xisuma followed. The halls smelt sterol. The place was filled with big and small rooms, some with big machines and opened doors and others shut tight. He looked at his mom. "I don't like this.."

HIs mom sighed, nodding to the nurse who led them to their room as she said the doctor would be right in. Xisuma looked at her. "It smells and I don't like it."

"Really? Well guess what the people who have to work here have to to."

"Uhm.." Xisuma thought a moment, what would Ex say..? After two thoughts he smiled. "They watch people die and be cut open."

HIs mom changed the subject quickly. "Ah no, no. They have to get multiple shots a year. More than you. Babies get more than you. So can you be a big boy and get a super small and easy-peasy needle?"

Xisuma crossed his arms. "Fine fine fine fine fine." He stuck his tongue out. "I'm not a baby." His mom nodded. "No, you're not."

The doctor walked in. He was an older man, and just looked rude in general. He was familiar though. "Hi." He said.

Xisuma didn't say anything as another doctor walked into the room. This one seemed nice, but he started talking to his mom. The other doctor smiled. "So I'll be having someone help me out today. Okay? I'm Dr. Better-than-everyone and that's Dr. Buttface. Clear?"

Xisuma giggled and nodded. His mom, who had been saying inaudible words to him smiled. "I swear it won't be long." She walked into the hall with the other doctor, and Xisuma could see them talking.

"Dr. Better-than-everyone?"


"Your scary.."

"Oh." He nodded. "Roll up your sleeve ok?"

Xisuma did as told. "Why?"

"Becuase," The scarier began, "You're getting a needle right?" Xisuma nodded.

The other doctor walked in and smiled. "Well I haven't seen anyone this eager." He motioned to his sleeve and began dabbing his arm with something smelly. "Have you ever done this before?" Xisuma shook his head. "No.."

The doctor nodded. "It doesn't hurt, I'll tell you that." He pointed to a poster with a bunch of letters. "Read those for me alright?"

Xisuma nodded and smiled, seeing the other doctor pointing to random letters. He read them out.

"B-U-T-T. Uhm.. D-U-M-M-Y." He squinted a bit, "And uhm.. I-A-M-S-T-U-P-I-D."

The doctor laughed and Xisuma kept reading out, to busy focusing to notice a small pinch in his arm.

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