[18]- Cleo

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Not even bothering to say goodbye to his parents- who on a side note were equally as happy as they were sad about that- He burst into the classroom, seeing TFC lightly chuckle at his energy. Xisuma still thought he was scary though, but thinking about that wasn't his current goal. Quickly spotting Joe, who was eyeing Tango and Grian, who were sending glances over to Impulse, who was shaking slightly but still having a conversation with Jevin, albeit quiet and forced, a conversation nonetheless. He was about the approach Joe, when he noticed something. The quiet girl, Cleo, had made eye contact with the latter. And he made it back.

Joe quietly walked over, and sat down about 3-4ish feet from her. Xisuma crept over and listened discreetly listened in. Joe used an extremely soft and almost timid tone with her.

"Hey there, Cleo."

She made a squeaking sound in return and shuffled a paper underneath her. Joe arched an eyebrow and tilted his head. "May I see?"

She shook her head, but with a trace of hesitance. Joe tried again. "Please, can I see?" He motioned to it again. She shook her head, again. He sighed and offered his hand out. "I'm sure it looks fantastic, Cleo. Extraordinary, in fact."

This brought a smile from the timid creature, who this time, reluctantly flipped it over and half-flicked it to him. He nodded and looked at it a moment. His eyes went wide as he looked over it before looking at her. "It's...." He paused a moment, seeming to try and find the word. The worry and panic in Cleos' face became more significant though, so much there were traces of tears in her eyes.

Joe nodded and smiled, snapping his fingers and getting out a flinch from her. "I know, it's... it's pulchritudinous!" Cleo tilted her head and Joe smiled. "It's truly an alluring piece of work! It just contains such a prepossessing and beguiling way of art! I... I think this is one of the best pieces I've seen!"

Cleo looked rather confused and just looked at Joe. A tear slid down her cheek and she sniffled. Quickly, Joe crawled over and hugged her. "Oh my, Cleo what's wrong??" He gave her a concerned look as she sniffled again, quietly mumbling in such a low town, it was by miracle that Xisuma could hear.

"I... big words... I-I don't get th-those.. I-.." She looked up at Joe with big, dawning eyes. He smiled. "Did you think I was mocking you?" She nodded slowly, and the fear came back. He smiled at her and set down the paper. "I wasn't mocking it Cleo, those were all words for things like lovely or beautiful, just on a grander scale." She nodded and made an 'oh' look. She pulled away and sat on her knees, scooting back a bit. Her voice remained deadly quiet and soft, putting the word 'whisper' in a run for it's money. "S-so di-did like i-it?"

Joe shook his head, but quickly smiled. "I loved it! Would it be ok to put it on the wa-" He stopped from being cut off with a shake of her head. He nodded. "What about your parents? We could show the-" She shook her head again. "They'd sho-show everyone... e-everyone would hate-hate it-t..."

Joe slowly nodded and Cleo peeked up at him. "If-... if you want you c-could have i-it.." Joe smiled and gave her a beaming look. "I'd be honored, but are you sure?" Cleo nodded and gingerly handed it to Joe, who took it from her and tucked it into his pocket. "I'm gonna put that on my wall with the rest, ok?" Cleo nodded and shrunk back a little. Joe smiled and quietly got up, finally taking notice of their silent watcher. He smiled and walked over. "Hey there!"

Xisuma smiled. "Hi! What was that about?" Joe shrugged and began leading the boy away. "Cleos' just.. more quiet. She has a harder time talking to people, that's all." Xisuma nodded, his childish brain quickly switching the topic. "I saw Ex!"

Joe nodded. "Oh? When?"

Xisuma smiled. "Last night! He was in my room, but then he wasn't when my parents came and I was where he was though! Like magic!" Slowly, Joe nodded and chuckled. "Like magic." Xisuma nodded. "I like you. A lot. Most uh... how ever old you are-"

"I'm eleven."

"-Eleven. Most one-one year old boys don't believe in magic."

Joe laughed. "Well I do." Xisuma smiled and looked at Joe. Joe tilted his head. "Yes?" Xisuma shrugged. "You look.. kickable..."

Joe laughed and gently pinched his cheek like a grandma. "Oh don' t tell me Grian got to you!" Xisuma smiled and laughed. "Nah-ah!" Joe nodded. "Good, good. Between you and me, we don't need more gremlins,"

Xisuma looked at hi. "What's that?" Joe shook his head. "You'll find out soon enough. Now, how about you get ready for nap time like the others, okay?"

Xisuma nodded and did as told, quickly finding a spot away from everyone else. Soon, everything went black and he found himself wake to the rumbling of the car. He quickly jumped up and looked around, before seeing his parents. "When'd I get here-" He paused, feeling the air thick with tension. Then he noticed something. Not only with is mom, but his dad also.

They were scowling.


[Words: About: 1,135]

So uh, just dodged a month update...! And with that I've come to realize- This book it seriously gonna take awhile. Because while I do have the literal thing planned out, I just can't find time/motivation (AKA just can't gain and will to do work) to write. And I'm sure you guys who've survived this far have come to realize- I'm either spamming out chapters or are in a grave.

So, I've come to a decision for YOU GUYS to finalize! One, being, [On hold] the book, and wait for me to finish out writing the chapters, so then once I'm done I can make a real posting schedule, (So while there is no updates at all, once it's done there will be a steady stream.) Two being just wait around and deal with once or twice a month updates that take slow time. So while this is real, consistent updates, they're very spaced out.

And I kinda want you guys, (the readers,) to decide! Soooooo, here!

<Option #1; Going on hold, waiting a (longish) while for author to finish the book, then take off-hold and get a steady schedule>

<Option #2; Keep book live, and deal with spread out once-to-twice a month updates, with chances of chapter-spam in-between>


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