[15]- The First Week

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It had gone.... somewhat decent/ok-ish? Xisuma hadn't seen Ex much in school, but he'd make an appearance a couple times a week still, so that was something. But he had talked to Scar and Keralis more-often though, so that was a plus!

And as it turns out, they were both very nice people. Scar was just really attached to his stuffie- Jellie as he called it- And Keralis just had a fear of a quacker quacker duck-duck. He'd also learned that the kid who walked funny was Jevin, and the two kids yelling at each other were Bdubs and Doc- Both of them got all grumpy-poopy-pants very quickly. Joe had told him that the quiet kid was Cleo. She never talked to anyone except Joe, and even then it was barely a half-word.

One of the kids, Tango, would be really hyper a lot. But his friend, Zed, or Zedaph, got nervous and had panic attacks a lot. And Impulse- He was also good friends with Zed and Tango- He would randomly go berserk about people, mainly Zed and Tango, being imposters.

Also, there was this one kid, Wels, who wore this weird and kinda hard clothing.

Xisuma was really only friends with Keralis and Scar though. They were both really nice, except when he tried to touch Scar's Jellie. That was scary. But otherwise? They were nice.

He did miss Ex though. He idolized him in a way- Kinda of like you'd idolize an older sibling or a parent. Xisuma looked up to Ex- Wanted to be like him in a way. And it wasn't too inarguable that this wasn't unreasonable. Ex was his first, and best friend after all! He was like a big brother to X. He was also really the only thing he had for an example- Besides his parents, of course. So it wasn't completely unpredictable or unreasonable that Xisuma would look up to Ex.

It was just unwanted, and also the exact thing that would bring him to his own death alongside misery and impending doom!

But maybe that wouldn't happen. His parents had mentioned going to another person who pried out all your inner secrets just to expose them to the world and make you shove medicine down your throat. A therapist.

He walked over to Joe, who was quietly talking to TFC (Who was still scary to Xisuma, mind you.) He gently tugged on Joe's hand. "Joe....?"

The older turned around and smiled at him. "Hello Xisuma!"

"Hi...? I have something I wanna say to you.."

"Oh? And what's that?"

"Ex.." Xisuma looked up at him and tugged his hand down further, making Joe crouch down. "What about Ex?" Xisuma looked up at TFC and stood quiet. The adult took the sign, smiled, bid a-do, and walked off.

"Well.." He began. "I-I... I don't want him to go bye-bye.. My parents made me swallow something that got rid of him.. But I sneaky'd around that and got to stop becuase the lady stopped and now I'm scared I'm gonna lose him becuase my mommy is getting me a new medicine thingy becuase I visited a lady who was gonna give me it yesterday..." He stopped and quietly looked up at Joe. The same Joe who always had the answers to everything- Even the answer that cat pee glowed in the dark!

"Oh.." He said. "Well, do you know why they may want to get rid of him?"

Xisuma shook his head. Joe nodded. "Has he done anything to make them mad?"

"Uhm.. he hasn't.."

"Has he made you do something to make them mad?"

Xisuma nodded. "He did a lot. Sometimes he does still.. But I don't mind.. I trust him.."

Joe nodded and made an 'mmm' sound. He pressed his lips together a moment before thinking. "Have you ever thought that they minded?"

Xisuma took his turn to think. He shook his head. "No..."

Joe smiled. "There's your answer then champ. Ex caused a lot of issues and they didn't like it. He was a bad role-model for you."

Xisuma nodded. "I don't want him to go."

"Maybe behave for your parents and tell him no when he makes you do bad stuff then?" Xisuma shook his head. "He goes if I say no or ask questions.."

Joe nodded. "Try making an agreement then. Would that work?"

Xisuma shrugged. "Mayyyybbbbeeeee? I'll try it, thank you Joe-joe!" He smiled and hugged Joe, who, of course, returned the hug. "Glad I could help Xisuma." Xisuma smiled and happily bounded off to talk to Scar and Keralis, but tripped over someone on the way.

He yelped as he fell down, and looked at what caused the mishap. It was a kid he'd seen around. "Hi.." The kid just looked at him before butting his head into Xisuma's hand and letting out a bark. Xisuma laughed and pulled his hand away. "Bark bark!"

The kid- Who, mind you, was on all fours- Tilted his head and smiled, letting his tongue hand out. "Bark?" Xisuma giggled and barked back.

This continued for a long while, just them going back and fourth. And we're not going to mention how relieved poor Joe was now that he had one less burden to watch over.

Finally, the other kid stopped, shook his head, smiled and sat back on his knees. "Sorry! I was a dog! I can become a dog! Dogs are cool. I like dogs. I am a dog."

Xisuma smiled. "Hi dog! I am a Xisuma!"

A dog laughed and giggled. "That's not my name! My name is Ren! Like... Like Ren!" A do- Ren, smiled. Xisuma smiled. "I wanna be a turtle. And a bee. And a piggy."

Ren smiled. "Well I'm a dog. Backwards that spells g-o-d. So I'm also god. I made earth."


Ren smiled and nodded. "I know!!"

The two began to talk a little more about animals until Xisuma's parents came. They quickly said bye, Xisuma making sure to give Ren an ear-scratch first before running to his parents and jumping into their arms. "I missed you! I love you! I made a friend! He's a dog!"

His mom laughed. "Uh huh. That's nice!"

Xisuma nodded as he walked with his parents to the car. His mom smiled a little as she moved a small brown bag with Xisuma's name on it out of the way. "What's that?" He asked. His mom smiled a teensy bit. "It's your new meds..!"


[Words: About: 1180]

I'd apologize for the delay but by now I'm sure that's normal and future-bid so uh, future apologies! Also it's late so this isn't spell/fact-checked at all so feel-free to play the critique and tell me everything I screwed up! :)

Question for the I-feel-like-it-right-now-day! What's the weirdest thing you've woken too? For me, it's between my butt being cold and my cat on my face and suffocating me! Anyways, hope you enjoyed!


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