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A week ago

"I am glad that the problems between us were solved, Mr Bang."

Mr Bang bowed and smiled, "I am glad too, your highness. I am really sorry that you had to come here from Soul to solve the stuff that was supposed to be solved by these idiots."

Namjoon chuckled and shook his head, "I am glad they did it. I couldn't have come here otherwise."

Mr Bang laughed, "You are really a remarkable man, your highness. I hoped you stayed here more."

Namjoon smiled, "I would love to. But someone is waiting for me at the capital. But I will surely come here again, to relax, of course."

"We would love to be your host." Mr Bang turned to his guard, "Make sure that his highness reaches to his hotel safely." The guard bowed and walked in front of Namjoon to guide him. Namjoon bowed to Mr Bang and left with his guards after the man.

After about fifteen minutes, Namjoon was in his room. He called Seokjin the moment he locked the door after him. "Hey, hyung! I miss you."

I miss you too. How is work going?

Namjoon hummed, "It is okay. I think I will leave the day after tomorrow."

Seokjin hummed back, "I will be waiting for you. I bought something for you. You should come back fast so I can give it to you."

Namjoon whines, "Hyung... Now I am curious. What did you buy?"

Seokjin giggled, "It is a secret. Now go to work and come back early."

Namjoon smiled to himself, "Hyung. What do you want from here?"

There was silence from the other side, "I- I don't know. I have never received presents." Seokjin laughed nervously.

Namjoon felt sad, but recovered quickly, "I will bring you something that would always remind you of me."

Seokjin chuckled, "Okay. I love you."

Namjoon smiled brightly, "I love you too." He cut the call and went to Sejin, "Hyung, I want to go to the market."

Sejin nodded and was about to arrange the security when Namjoon interrupted, "No. I want to go alone. Or maybe you can come with me. But only you."

Sejin's eyes went wide, "But your highness, the security-"

"It's an order." Namjoon smiled displaying his dimples and puppy eyes. Sejin sighed, shook his head but nodded anyway. Namjoon went to the room to get his mask and cap and came back, "Are my tickets for tomorrow ready?"

"Yes, your highness. Are you sure you don't want to tell the king about your arrival?" Sejin also wore his mask and a cap. He secured a gun on his back.

Namjoon nodded, "I want to surprise them. And Hoseok would get worried and increase the security if I told him. It's honestly suffocating."

Sejin chuckled as they stepped in the elevator, "It's for your own good, your highness."

Namjoon huffed, "I know."


The market was so huge that Namjoon's eyes went wide and he couldn't decide where to look. The market had all types of food and clothes and accessories and other things that Namjoon couldn't quite clearly make out. They walked forward and explored the market. Namjoon looked back and smiled at Sejin, "You can take whatever you like for your family. It's on me."

Sejin nodded and bowed. He didn't really speak in public where he didn't know how to address Namjoon because it was important to hide his identity. Namjoon looked around the stalls and found a very cute furry alpaca toy. His brain immediately supplied, It looks like Jin hyung. He chuckled and went to the stall, "What's the price?"

The lady told him the price and he bought it immediately. He also bought an Iron man like plush for Jungkook. He was gonna be surprised to find that here. He took a cute purse for Hoseok. Sejin took a teddy bear for his daughter and they exited the market. There was a growl in Namjoon's stomach. He looked at Sejin, "Can we eat somewhere here?"

Sejin shook his head, "No! We are going to the hotel and eating there. You have been out for too long and it is dangerous."

Namjoon huffed and sighed, "Okay, but can I go to the washroom. I really need to pee."

"Your highness."


"How can you say that so casually?" Sejin knitted his brows in disgust.

Namjoon was confused, "What? That I need to pee?"

Sejin groaned and rolled his eyes, "Fine. I will find one for you."

In a few minutes, they were at a restaurant and Namjoon was in the washroom. The washroom was just a small one. Enough for one person. Sejin waited for Namjoon in the restaurant and hummed to himself. When Namjoon didn't come out for a while, he knocked on the door. There was no answer. He knocked and panicked, "Shit." He broke the door and entered the bathroom.

It was empty.

"Your highness! Please don't joke with me." He shouted but didn't get the answer. "Damn it." He tried calling Namjoon but the phone wasn't ringing. He tracked the phone and followed the direction on his tracking app. He found the phone in the forest nearby. He gasped and shouted again, "Your highness!" There was no answer. "Kim Namjoon!"

But there was no answer.

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